I just had to share this bit of Easter sweetness...one of our little
grandsons and his new bunny... he named her Ruby.
Good thing his mommie had bunnies all her growing up years,
Ruby will get good care.
You have all been so sweet to me...it has truly melted my heart...
I just love each and every one of you!
So now I want to share a bit of sweetness but of a different kind, with you.
They are a mini-cupcake with a HUGE, good taste..you'll love them.
Combine in a bowl & set aside;
1/2 tsp.Baking Soda
1 tsp. Salt
1 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
2 1/4 Cups Flour
Mix together;
3 Eggs
1/4 Cup Clover Honey
1/2 Cup Light Brown Sugar
3/4 Cup White Sugar
3/4 Cup Unsalted Butter, softened.
2 tsp. Cinnamon
1 (40z.) jar of "pumpkin with pears" baby food
2 (4oz.) jars "applesauce & apricots" baby food
1/2 Cups ground pecans...
Slowly add the flour mixture, and mix til all ingds. are evenly mixed.
Fill mini baking cups (2"..non-foil) in a mini muffin pan.
Bake at 350* for 12 minutes...cool on a rack for 5-7 min.(in the fridge) frost
(makes 44 baby cakes)
Bake at 350* for 12 minutes...cool on a rack for 5-7 min.(in the fridge) frost
(makes 44 baby cakes)
OR...you can do normal size cupcakes....
The quickest way is to use a Cream Cheese frosting...add 1 tsp. of Almond Extract, mix it in and frost. Decorate for any season...they are mouth-watering!
And the baby he is holding is our Tiffany's little Caleb..aren't they sweet?!!
The little guy in the top picture is this same little baby here.
****I am re-posting here today...hope you won't mind.****
The little guy in the top picture is this same little baby here.
****I am re-posting here today...hope you won't mind.****

what would we do without our feet? Thank you God!

It comes from the blog... " Farmgirlfare".
He is owned by a friend(Cathy Brian) he looks just like the little Pygmy goat we had, whose name was Auggie..the lady that bought our house kept him because she had a herd of goats,
and Auggie had never been with goats before, so he loved it!
Milk..my favorite drink too, especially with cookies..
but I"ll have mine cold please!
If not...be sure to put it on the list of things to do before you die, it'll make you laugh out-loud!
I love it's little pink nose & ears...I just wanted to cuddle it!
the Mom's were leery of a stranger...as all good Mom's should be!
all together in "the nursery"...their Mommies were very protective
and wouldn't let us get too close.
We are surrounded by lots of farms here in Utah, love all the babies!

And boy is he ever! He thinks he still fits in my lap too!
I love Spring..even if we do get a lot of wind, because the rest of the year is wonderful. Long Summer/Fall is my favorite, then winter with it's holidays..the Sun shines most of the year
here, which is so great for my attitude!
One of the best things about Spring is the babies...they are everywhere!
Baby lamb's, calves, foals, even lamas, baby chickens, puppies, kittens, and the human kind too!
I've enjoyed watching them, holding them...worrying about them on those cold Spring nights! I don't know how these babies can take it..being born on cold nights with snow and freezing temperatures, trying to find the warmth of their Mommies and something warm to fill their little tummies.
How would you like to be born outside, in freezing weather..your all wet, cold and hungry? I don't know how they make it at all..a friends little foal didn't, it got sick and within 3 days it died.
I'm so glad that the Lord has allowed us to be the stewards over these wonderful creatures, I love to take care of mine. I can crawl into my warm bed on a cold winters eve and sleep well knowing that my animals are in their little beds, warm, fed, and safe.
I'm so glad that my Dad taught me to love animals and to take care of them. I believe he was a true horse whisperer long before there was such a term. I'm so thankful that God gave us animals to help us, to comfort us, to make us laugh..to know and feel of there love for us, even though sometimes we are not worthy of their love.
I hope you'll look around you and "See" God's beautiful creatures,
respect & love them and do for them what they cannot do for themselves.
I hope you'll enjoy Spring with it's Babies...
and try the Baby Cakes... they are addicting-ly good!
here, which is so great for my attitude!
One of the best things about Spring is the babies...they are everywhere!
Baby lamb's, calves, foals, even lamas, baby chickens, puppies, kittens, and the human kind too!
I've enjoyed watching them, holding them...worrying about them on those cold Spring nights! I don't know how these babies can take it..being born on cold nights with snow and freezing temperatures, trying to find the warmth of their Mommies and something warm to fill their little tummies.
How would you like to be born outside, in freezing weather..your all wet, cold and hungry? I don't know how they make it at all..a friends little foal didn't, it got sick and within 3 days it died.
I'm so glad that the Lord has allowed us to be the stewards over these wonderful creatures, I love to take care of mine. I can crawl into my warm bed on a cold winters eve and sleep well knowing that my animals are in their little beds, warm, fed, and safe.
I'm so glad that my Dad taught me to love animals and to take care of them. I believe he was a true horse whisperer long before there was such a term. I'm so thankful that God gave us animals to help us, to comfort us, to make us laugh..to know and feel of there love for us, even though sometimes we are not worthy of their love.
I hope you'll look around you and "See" God's beautiful creatures,
respect & love them and do for them what they cannot do for themselves.
I hope you'll enjoy Spring with it's Babies...
and try the Baby Cakes... they are addicting-ly good!
I thought this was a great post! I love animals too...my family always had lots of animals. My mom actually has four dogs (all of which sleep on her bed! crazy!) and two cats (which don't sleep on the bed!). As I've gotten older I've learned to not take it so personal when other people don't like animals, but they SO don't know what they're missing!
I agree Court..the outside of an animal is good for the inside of man! AND..people who like animals, it's just easy for me to trust and like them! I think some people were gardners in heaven..I think I helped take care of animals and children!! LOL
I agree with Court, people who don't like animals are missing out on SO much!
Mom that picture of Cougar by the river is really pretty! It reminds me of that picture we had hanging in the basement when I was little. You should have that framed!
By the way, those pictures of the little black baby lambs remind me of Tucker and Ollie when we get them shaved. lol!
Cute pictures! I love babies too. I'm on facebook, I just joined maybe two weeks ago...so the whole thing is pretty new to me how do I find you?
Just love all the adorable babies you feature here. Hope this long post means you are feeling better. Those baby cakes sound awfully tempting.
Such cute baby pictures, and your husband is handsome (along with your sweet grandson!).
I love animals too, Julie! I too sleep soundly at night knowing our animals are safe and sound. I some how missed that you were having surgery! I hope each day finds you feeling stronger. I have been going through what you are feeling hormone drop) for 5 years now! It's no fun but I live with it and all that comes with it! I'll say a prayer that you are soon feeling like yourself again. Take care and rest! :0)
Enjoyed the post including the sweet pic!
Oh Julie,
I am your sister, far away, but in heart, we are... :-) WE truly love and care about the same things...as do many other women out here in Blogland. Reading your posts just confirms to us that we so love God, and all that HE gave to us to not only enjoy, but to take care of FOR HIM!!!! If we think about what we are doing any given day, and why, and WHO FOR...why it just makes it so much easier to do the right thing. Loving animals is easy for me and my soft heart...yes all those baby munchkins...precious. Glad to be a female, a mama, and a daughter of the Heavenly Father of all. So glad. Praying you are improving, Julie!!! Lovely and special Spring post. Thanks for all the great pictures. Wish I could see them all in person! :-) Hugs (soft ones) to you.
Julie, what a wonderful post! You are so right about Spring and the amazing power that the Almighty created when he made "Mother!" I too learned the lesson from parents and grandparents to love the Earth and all of her creatures and our responsibility to care for them. And you are so welcome to come to GrannyMountain for a visit anytime...Spring arrived yesterday with 70 degree temps!
Sweet post about sweet babies! The cupcake recipe looks yummy! Hope you'll have a restful wonderful Wednesday. . .
Hi Dear Julie! Talk about babies! I have loved your post! The human babies and the animal ones! Those little goats are so darling.
I was glad to see you've posted after your surgery. Bless your heart. I certainly understand this does take a lot out of you. I had to have mine abdominaly and ouch! I do remember feeling so weak and it's frustrating. Just hang on and take care of yourself and your spirits and energy will begin to come back!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
We had a bunny when the kids were young. When it was warmer in Mich...we had an outside cage. Someone let the bunny out....so he was gone....but he was cute.
Happy Easter!
I loved loved this post Julie,so glad your feeling some much better.The farm animals what can I say,I should of been born on a farm, lol.I so love all animals,my father as well taught me well.I never will forget the duck and chick we got (my brother and I)when I was about 7.I loved both of them so much.The duck grew up and tried to fly but couldnt lol.We had to give him away to a farmer, and chick ended up being a Rooster that cock a doodle do in our residentual area we lived in hahah.
Love the memories,and love those cute little cupcakes too.Honey and brown sugar yum they have to be good.Have a lovely Easter you and the family.The weather here is to be so nice 78 to 80 degrees.God Bless!
Your grandbabies are cutie pies! So are all the animal babies. So sorry about your friend's foal. It is always sad to lose a baby.
Spring and it's babies is a fun time and beautiful time. And busy! on a farm.
Enjoyed all the pictures.
Have a wonderful Easter.
Good Morning Julie!
I so love all the 'baby' pictures!
I do miss my two babes, but I grateful that they are serving missions, and preaching the gospel!
Oh..the little lambs..too cute!!
I just want to scoop them up in my arms and rub their little wooly, white foreheads!
We have been to the same 'rug factory' in Marysvale. Last time we were there, it was closed down. I heard that the owners decided to retire.
Hope you have a great day, and rest up plenty :)
Wow, girl! When you post, you don't fool around!! Loved it. Wish I baked. I'd be trying those baby cakes. My favorite photo is of your husband and grandson together. Too sweet. One day grandson will be so happy to have that!!
Sorry it's been a few day since I've been by. I'm trying to catch up on blogging now. ;)
Thanks for sharing those cute pics! Your grandchildren are beautiful! Cupcakes . . can't get enough of them, but this waistline of mine sure don't need them. Have a good afternoon!
Thanks for the recipe and the beautiful plctures!
Oooo, I love all of these "babies"! I noticed your comment on Lemonade Makin' Mama's blog and thought I'd come say "hello"! Love your blog! :)
Welcome back.....I hope you are feeling better. I love your post. I love animals. I love babies.........
Girlfriend what are you doing out of bed aren't you suppose to be laying down resting...I was just thinking about you and then I see that you posted this...it is a lovely post and I love all the baby pictures and cute Grandpa too...so handsome.
Now get back and bed we need you to take care of yourself...ok
Love you
Your post are always so sweet. I love those little toes... thanks for visiting.
Sweet pictures they make me smile thanks for that!!!
Animals are so sweet! I love how children treat animals too - they love them so much :D
All of your babies are so darling - love the picture with the 10 little toes and YES thank you God for our feet:D
Hope you have a Wonderful Easter With your Family!!
This is such a beautiful post. The little animals are so delightful. The little baby is just adorable. You are so fortunate to have all of this in your life. How wonderful. Happy Easter!!!
Good Morning, Julie! You have lots of cute babies in this sweet post! Sending wishes for a very Happy Easter!
Kindly, ldh
What a lovely post Julie! I enjoyed each and every picture and the words that went with them. You have a gift and I appreciate so much that you share it with us via your blog. Hope you are feeling better since your surgery. Sorry I didn't know at the time due to my bloggy vacation. Thank you for your kind words about our Skipper. We still and will always miss him but are comforted knowing that he is out of pain and that all things happen in God's timing.
Just wanted to come back and say I love the pic of your baby with the bunny. Oh so precious. Are you going to frame that one???
And I love the pic of Cougar too.
Reminds me so much of my Kobe in that setting.
Your husband is a handsome man, but you didn't need me to tell you that, now did you??!! :-)
Prayers this morning for you!
Hugs and keep on getting stronger!, but TAKE...IT...EASY!
Wonderful post, today Julie. Pictures to cherish for ever. Congratulations on the little little sweetie. Oooh, I must not look too long at this little cutie or else... No no 4 healthy little monkies is just great... ;o)
Wishing you a happy Easter weekend with your entire family! xo
Hi Julie! You poor thing! I hope you didn't tire yourself out too much trying to repost!
I'll tell you what I do. I open my blog and then open it again in another place. I use Firefox, so that's no problem. I go to the post I want to use again and copy it all - holding down my right left click on my laptop and then scrolling over everything. Then I go to my blog that I've opened, open the place to make a new post and then paste everything in the open window. Works like a charm. Then I can change my writing or what ever. I hope that helps some.
Now you rest and take care of yourself.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Awww... loved this baby post!
I wooried so much about Annie on those cold, cold winter nights! And they were in a warm barn.
You and I adore animals, don't we Julie! God, didn't put children in my life but he sure made sure I would be a steward of lots of animals!!!!! And I take it very seriously!
xo, misha
Oh Julie, so glad to see this happy post...perhaps you are feeling a tiny bit better? Prayers continue?
I need one of those babies. Preferable the human one.
My Granddaughter and I have been reading this book about baby animals and this just made me smile.
I will try this recipe. I saw it before but I was hesitant...the ingredients sounded so different!
But I'm gonna do it!
I have to go to the store today.
Can I pick anyting up for you while I'm there?
Take care of you!
Hugs and healing,
Jenny Matlock
Happy Easter dear Julie! Adore your grandchildren!
I'm so happy to catching up with your blog!
Much love: Evi
O my goodness -- love the new born's babies too -- they all are so awkward as they start out and one can't help but love them.. Nice to see your love of your life holding your sweet face grandson. All the Pictures are lovely!
What a lovely post for Easter with the sweetest,cutest animals.. and baby too! I could not imagine my life without animals around me.We've always had a pet of some kind from when we were very small.They give us so much and ask for nothing in return.
Will defo give those cakes a try!
Bellaboo :0)
Just love all your baby pics!! How delightful!!
Hope you are feeling better.....One thing I can say....."After 50 it's just patch, patch, patch!"
Have a Blessed Easter Weekend!!
I love all of your BEAUTIFUL BABIES!!! They are our treasures, both human and animal! We are so blessed with each and every one! Loved your post! Hugs, Coralie
One of my favorite things back in the days of making baby horses, was to sit in the barn and let them suck my fingers. It was really magical and probably how they learned to bite...
Hi Julie~ thanks for the heads up... because I didn't see a new post from you on my roll!
Those baby cakes look and sound delish! I will have to try them soon. All the pics. of the sweet baby animals and your grandsons are just precious. I couldn't imagine being born in the cold.. and being wet... and hungry. So thankful our human babies aren't born that way. Hopefully these sweet animals get enough warmth from their fur, and mamas. As always your posts are just so sweet. Hugs, Jenn
Oh, a post to melt my heart! You know I'm partial to the animal babies (love the human ones, too!). You are right, we are so blessed to share our lives with these sweet innocent creatures. They bring so much joy (and heartache at times, too) to our lives. I wouldn't be without them!
Hi there!
Hope your having a good first day of April! We are pretty boring around here...no April fools pranks. Although , my husband went to IFA and bought a huge bag of feriilizer and started spreading it on top of the snow... it was quite a sight :)
Oh Julie...I just loved reading this post and seeing your grandson with his bunny...we are planning to get two bunny rabbits when we build our new home.....our daughter wanted a bunny for so long. Thanks for the "Baby Cakes" recipe, I am going to try and make them ASAP. Your husband looks like a very sweet person.
I love the lambs, calves and of course mother hen with her little chick...
Thanks for sharing! Happy Easter to you and your family!
Ps. I have replied to your kind words on my blog.
ahh so sweet, I have seen quite a few new puppies over the last couple days, spring surely brings a gammat of little off spring! so sweet! I am a huge sucker for animals, but I have enough! lol! happy easter Julie!!!
Awww so many sweet babies and baby sweets, too! I can't wait until my Mister retires and we can get a bunch of animals! (I'd get them now, but I've chased too many cows in my younger days and know what kind of work that is...I'll wait 'til I have more help!) Hope you're feeling better!
what an adorable baby! those baby cakes look amazingly delish :) thank you for the visit and for the thoughtful words :)have a great day!
We had a bunny when I was growing up by the name of Fred. He was fun and although he was supposed to a dwarf variety, he was HUGE! And if you whistled he would come...LOL! And he used to chase the cat around our yard.
I so adore all your babies today...Ruby is one sweet bunny.Sending you hugs for a blessed Easter my friend. xoxox
Gotta love springtime!!
This post was just bursting with cuteness!!!
Love the seasons and all the babies. your babies are beautiful!
Love the bunny.Oh cute. I love white bunnies.
Hope you feel better very soon
Thank you for entering my give away :)
What a sweet post! I love all animals and the babies are just too CUTE!! That little white bunny is just too precious!
LOVE all the photos. My favorite part of Spring...babies.
Thanks for the recipe...looks interesting!
I love all your babies and the baby cakes look wonderful......the ten little toes are just perfect...Happy Easter to you and all your family.......Melinda
all of your babies are just the sweetest...i love the rabbit picture with your grandson...so sweet...My life is all about my grandbabies too...they are so precious.....
I didn't mind your reposting at all. This is a wonderful post.
Have a blessed and wonderful Easter with family.
O, and I have a grand spending the night and day with me. When she wakes up and gets ready to *do something*, we will make the Baby Cakes for our Easter tomorrow. :))
xo bj
Baby cakes, babies and babies. A wonderful post. I so love spring!!! Thanks for sharing your family and photos they all made me smile. Happy Spring!
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