reduces stress, and induces sleep. It's invigorating, rejuvenating,
and has no unpleasant side effects. Hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug.

ingredients, it's non-polluting, environmentally friendly,
and 100 percent wholesome.
fun to give and receive, shows that you care, comes with it's own
wrapping, and, of course, is fully returnable.
inflation-proof, non-fattening, no monthly payments,
theft-proof, and nontaxable, now that makes me smile!
When we open our hearts and arms, we encourage others
to do the same thing.
you'd like to say? Are there any hugs you want to share?
Are you waiting and hoping someone else will ask first?
Obey that warm heart-ed impulse...
please don't wait.... Initiate!
please don't wait.... Initiate!
I just wanted to send each of you a BIG HUG...
You have helped me laugh and even shed a tear or two
because of the joy your love and kindness has brought to me.
You are each... beyond amazing...
What did I ever do before I knew you?!
Thank you for the "lift" you have given to me,
I love everyone of you, my sweet sisters and friends!
You have helped me laugh and even shed a tear or two
because of the joy your love and kindness has brought to me.
You are each... beyond amazing...
What did I ever do before I knew you?!
Thank you for the "lift" you have given to me,
I love everyone of you, my sweet sisters and friends!
Here's a hug back to you...
I try and hug my family every time I see them so they know how much I care....
hey sweet julie,...LOVE your in the middle of "nasty book work" at the store...when I come up for air, I shall swim your direction...for a hug...I need one...trying to smile...Rosie
Amen....good post!
I don't know what I did before blogging, seriously, I love it and love everyone I have met!
When you get time go to google images and look at rescuing hug!!
I printed it years ago and have it by my desk. You'll love it!
here is a "Hug" back to U! Keep healing -- can't wait to see what you will be doing in your yard this summer and love to see ya riding your horse once again!
Awww. lovin' the photos. I do love hugs... Holding those arms open and wrapping them around another being is just a warm fuzzy feeling of the intangible heart emotion of love. I too like to close my posts and comments with HUGS!! because it just means I am expressing a message that all who visit are dear to me. You are a dear. Hope you are feeling downright better today. Bet your new little chair is the cat's meow! Take care and take it slow! HUGS to you Julie.
:-) God bless!
Dear Julie
Thanks for reminding us of all the benefits of hugging....I agree, it is so healthy and a miracle drug!
Here is a hug back to you from me today....hope you are feeling much better...!
Aww...I loved this! xo!!
Hugs back to you my sweet friend!Glad your up and about more and feeling good.Happy Thursday!
You gave me a hug and I give you a smile in return !
BIG HUG from me!
Did you know, in France we don't hug our friends, we give kisses on the cheek..
I'm a big hugger and so is my southern family. So big Southern Hug to you!!!
That was so sweet! (((hugs))))
Hugging is GREAT! Mr Boo gives me a bear hug every day...I love them.So glad you are able to get out and enjoy your beautiful surroundings with your family Julie.
Bellaboo :0)
Glad your back!!!!! Hugs
HUGE HUG coming your way! I wish I was there in person to hug you! Isn't it amazing what this blogging world does. We have never met in person yet you are in my prayers every day to feel better and if you were right here I would feel like we were old friends!!
I am loving all the Hug pictures!
My teenage son told me the other day that you must have at least 9 hugs a day to be happy :D That made me laugh!
Here is a great big Blog {{{HUG}}} from me to you today!
Have a goodie :D
Great thoughts & pictures about hugging! Hugs do make you feel so much better!!!
Glad you can feel our hugs for you!
You're right, we all need 'em!
I love a hug...amazing the power of touch!
Thank you for all your sweet comments!
Sometimes when my hubby hugs me I do get that kinda dazed "drugged" look--tee heee! But seriously there is nothing like a hug to make you feel better.
If you were closer I'd HUG you!!
there are so much love in this post,
hugs are the best way for friendship hugs...
Happy Earth Day!
Hi Julie,
Here's a big hug for you my friend. From one healing gal to another, we can use all the hugs we can get!
What a sweet post Julie, sending a great big hug back at ya :-) Love all the cute pictures. Have a great day dear friend.
Aw sweet Julie I hope this means your feeling a lot better. I sure have missed you.
Love this post and what a sweetheart you are for doing it. Yes hugs are the best so heres a big one for you from me.
I love you too
NO I am not interested in Charles either...hahahahahaha
Hugs are GREAT! They do wonders for you at times. Sending many (((Hugs))) your way!
Here's a HUG back to you!
Sweet Post as always!
I love hugs so I'm happy to send one back to you. It is so nice to see you feeling well enough to post like you did yesterday & today. You must be starting to come back. Thanks for commenting today. What do I do about all the cat hair (and dog-hair too)? I have a vacuum cleaner on both floors and I seem to never leave a room without dusting something. I know I am a slave to my cats but I can't live without them.In the summer they spend most of their time in the backyard which I appreciate muchly. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x6
Hi Julie!
You always do such a lovely job posting about the things that truly matter in life!
Hugging those we love, showing them how much we care and helping them know and feel how tender love is... so very important and so necessary for LIFE!
Big HUGS back to you my dear ~ Maria
Here's a hug right back to you! :)
OH....Thanks for the hug. And here's one right back at ya!!!
I agree with your post. HUGS can change almost any mood, help with sadness...etc. etc. I wasn't raised with hugs. Therefore it was hard for me to give hugs. Years ago as a Young Women's leader I noticed that the YW liked to give me hugs. It was so uncomfortable to me. But I decided I'd better figure this hug business out. NOW....I'm a hugging fool.
Hope you are BACK to NORMAL in NO TIME!
Hugs are indeed miracle workers!! LOVED this cute post!! Thanks for sharing!!
Glad to see you're on the mend!!
This is one cute post...OK...I'm ready for my hug... cinderella has all her book work done, she sporting her new pink p.j's...yup, bunny slippers are in place...arms extended...ahhhh...thank you Julie dear, I feel much better...good night...Rosie
How lovely and so very true!
I am sending you a cyber hug from Down-under!
Best wishes,
I too am so glad you can feel our warm hugs and love because many are being sent to you with lots of prayer.
Julie, you are a blessing to so many and I am so glad you started to blog and share your heart with us.
Bigs (((HuGs))) for being you and best wishes for continued healing!
Hi Julie. Great post! Hugs to you from way down South!
Loved the post! Thanks for sharing that.
You keep getting better K?
Love ya!
hugs are a wonderful thing and they are free! Thank you for the well wishes on my marriage are very kind!
Thank you! I really needed a hug today! We all love you too. Thanks for making us all feel so welcome in your beautiful home and beautiful life. Mimi
I agree with you 100%! Thanks for saying it so beautifully!
Hugs and happy healing to you my friend!
What a wonderful post, Julie. Hugs are good ANYtime.!!
You have such a sweet spirit..I really love coming by to visit with you.
I hope your strength is coming back in full force. I know it will take a little while longer to be feeling normal again (whatever THAT is!! :)) will come!
xo bj
I loved all your "hugs". I'm glad that you are doing better and getting out. The photos in the previous post are beautiful. I love that you give glory to God too. Your love for Him shines through in all of your writing. You are a blessing to all of us!
I'm a real hugger Julie! I have ever been so! I cannot imagine a world without hugs, and I cannot imagine the blogger world without you in it!! You are a real treasure to each of us who love you so! we reap what we sow in life and it is obvious that you have sown a lot of love about, coz you're only getting back what you so richly deserve!! xxoo
I have to tell you, during the last 2 years of trials, there were a few times I could barely go on, and then I would go over to my daughters' home and her youngest daughter would grab her blanket and climb into my lap and just snuggle with me. That got me through so much, plain, old, simple snuggling and hugging from someone who loved me. No words, just hugs and snuggles. That is the first time in my life I realized just how much that meant, and how powerful it is....too bad everyone does not have someone to hug or snuggle.I hope you're getting lots of hugs and snuggles as you heal Julie~
Good Morning Julie!
Hugs are pretty terrific!! One can never have too many hugs!
Sure am glad that you are feeling the love and friendship that is being sent to you :)
Have a wonderful day, and I hope the sun shines and warms things up!
Hugs are required here at the Miller Homestead and man there are some really good ones that go around. I'm sure you have enjoyed the sticky peanut butter and jelly jug or the fabulous dirty child against a clean white shirt hug....all are wonderful!!!
I love to I am sending one right back to you sweet one. xoxoxo
What lovely thoughts and images, Julie...and OH, so important!
Here's a big hug for you from me...
Hope your day is beautiful in every way!
Love all the sweet pictures. Lots of hugs go around in our family. ♥
Loving your hugging photos. So true...each and every word of what you have written!
I agree, nothing like a good hug!
Hello, dear Julie,
I am sending a big hug your way, and thanking God for the miracle he performed in your life. Each day we are given on this beautiful Earth is a miracle from Him. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, sweet friend. Sending lots of love your way! Vicki
Hi Julie, lovely lovely words, as always. Loved reading your precious post today!
Sending many hugs your way for a great weekend, much rest & sunshine. XOXOXO
I hug everyone! People & animals!
Nothing like a hug with a dog, horse, or cat!
Hugs to you, Julie!
xo, misha
Hugs are a requirement in life ~ at least that's my opinion. :-)
I love this post!! It's no wonder that I love to hug my kids so much. :) Well done!
Love your vintage pics here. Lovely.
Julie, A hug right back at you! This is a squeezably wonderful post! I am a hugger, so I agree with everything you said!
Thanks for visiting me this evening- to answer the questions. No I don't take down my door baskets, I just water them on the door. And baby just wanted to be in the pictures that day. He is more like a dog than a cat. He follows me everywhere.
Blessings to you, friend!
Hoping you have a restful weekend...with family close on Rosie
Hi Julie, my family and I are such big huggers.
Sending you one tonight!
((((Hug))))) Thanks for being a blogging friend!
We are a big hugging family!
this is wonderful.
Hugs are the best. I love to hug.
Have a great weekend,
I wish my kids and grandkids were here right now for some hugs.
PS: Julie, hope you are healing up nicely. Continue to take it easy! We are suppose to have tornados today.
oh so precious Julie! you and I have a somekinda connection~ on our first date (forget about how long ago that was!!) my husband just hugged me at the door...when I looked puzzled he said...'hugs are more important than kisses' ...ohhhh you bet I was keeping him!!
I hug everybody whether they need it or not :)
Here's one for you (((HUGS))) sweet.
Sending one to you right now!
And I hope you're feeling good!
If hugging reduces stress I had better start hugging the world!!
Great Post......Hope you are mending well!!
and sending a big hub back to you...maybe we will be fortunate enough to someday see each other for a real life one!!
You must be feeling better, thinking about popcorn and all those good popcorn suggestions. You are so right about hugs, but who could say it better. Since my husband is away so much, I will go now and hug each one of my dogs and think of how blessed I am to have found you and your wisdom to help me in my life. You are right, blogging is amazing. I had no idea. -- Inger
Sending a hug back your way!
I work with a group of young people who love to hug so I get my hugs often! It truly is the best medicine!
You are so right! Hugs fix so many HUGE problems! So here's yet another hug for our friend Julie!
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