All over the state it blew, north of me there were gusts 75mph and more!
Poor little bear and just when he thought it was safe to come out of hibernation too!
It must have been real slick because there were cars going off the road.
And yes, I still believe..."Someday my Spring will come!" :)
a vintage apron and a couple of goodies to go with it.
I have about 12 of these vintage aprons and each one is different from the others.
I thought I'd start with this one, it's a cute little pink gingham,
with scalloped edges and pretty work all over the front.
It's different, delicate and cute. It even has a tiny mend at the waist,
that makes me think that it was used and loved by some dear lady.
I have about 12 of these vintage aprons and each one is different from the others.
I thought I'd start with this one, it's a cute little pink gingham,
with scalloped edges and pretty work all over the front.
It's different, delicate and cute. It even has a tiny mend at the waist,
that makes me think that it was used and loved by some dear lady.
"Dilettante Chocolate Covered Fruit Mix"...
and a pair of pink "Aloe-Infused Socks"...
to make your feet all soft and pretty for
those summer sandals!
This is a quick GIVE A WAY...
I will pick the winner by tomorrow (Friday) night...
I will announce the WINNER on Saturday!
(Thanks to all who entered)
You know me...All you have to do is...
Leave a comment!
Good luck...Sending all of you...
and a pair of pink "Aloe-Infused Socks"...
to make your feet all soft and pretty for
those summer sandals!
This is a quick GIVE A WAY...
I will pick the winner by tomorrow (Friday) night...
I will announce the WINNER on Saturday!
(Thanks to all who entered)
You know me...All you have to do is...
Leave a comment!
Good luck...Sending all of you...
76 comments: was windy here in AZ too but no snow this morning but it is cool our high is only suppose to be 73 today compared to 93 a couple of days ago! Crazy weather. I love the darling little apron and would love a change to win so please enter my name. Thanks
Oh my am I the first to leave a comment? I love the gingham!!! It is so sad to me that the articles of life get thrown away..when the woman who had them ..loved and used them dearly!!! Thank you for doing this.
Yes I would love this!!
Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Hi Julie, Hope you are feeling much better! I love your little giveaway. That apron is so cute. Please enter me in your drawing. Hugs, Linda
Oh my..I lost my train of thought when I saw the The mountains dusted in snow..breath taking!! What a vast and wonderful place to live!! Surrounded by God's creations..magnified!
Hugs Cindy
Good Morning Julie!
I know.... the snow ! I was buying flowers yesterday morning and by early afternoon, I was watching the snow come down in bucket fulls. It looks like you didn't get quite as much as we did. The trees were not happy with the weight of the snow.
Have the fruit trees started to blossom there yet?
Hope you have great day and that the roads clear up and are safe.
I think your wind is reaching us here in Wisconsin. But thankfully no snow is coming with it!
That apron is absolutely adorable.
goodness, snow? i heard our place in
crested butte got some too!
we have your wind here in . . .today.
don't think we will get your snow here,
though! 80 degrees!
what a perfectly darling apron. the only
thing sweeter than red check is pink check!
Hi Julie - leaving you a comment. What a cute apron! The sun is out here but it sure is windy! brrrr.
Hi Julie
Thanks for stopping by today. Your pictures are gorgeous, albeit you could do without the snow. You live in such a unique landscape. That is nice that the little cat you helped with the broken shoulder is doing well. Life is so hard for these little souls when they do not have a caring human in their life. This one you helped is very lucky to have found you. Well, since I am a baker I would love to win your apron. It is very cute. Hope you are feeling much better. Hugs, Deb
I think the snow started here in Cali is is moving eastward! That apron is precious!
Oh my son would love the snow! Althought when we went to the beach this weekend he did get into the water at 60 degrees! CRAZY! Hope you are feeling better!
What gorgeous scenery you have wow, imagine looking out every day to see those mountains !
Snow !! that made me smile.... it so easily have been me... again!
Have a great weekend
"WOW" snow again... Your right it will help green things up though.
I WANT to be entered into your sweet lovely giveaway... FOR SURE! enter me please! HUGS, LUVS, Jenn
I hope you are regaining your strength and feeling better each day.
I picked tulips which were covered in snow this morning for a bouquet for my snack bar!!! We are usually basking in lots of sunshine as you well know. What a cold spring we are enjoying.
I laughed as I read your great and funny truths! You share your great humor and warmth in all you write which brighten my day. I am so glad I found you!
Bless your heart and please keep sharing it.
Brrr.. sure looks chilly there! I would love to be entered into the giveaway the apron is adorable!
SNOW!!! GOOD GRIEF, I can't believe it. We, out here in West Texas, have a wind blowing from March thru May and sometimes into June. Always with dust!!
I so hope we don't get a spring hail....we have so many blossoms on our pecan tree...I hope to have a LOT!!
xo bj
Beautiful pictures......
The wind is blowing very hard here, too.
I am going out to mow the yard if I can stay on the mower/ha
Love the apron........
I don't think I could stand anymore snow! It's been a bit chilly here for a few days (40F!), but nothing like that! Although...we've had our tornado's...and that was not good!
The apron is a gem! And so are you for the giveaway!
Good morning, Julie! Love all the snowy photos--glad it's sunny here! Can't believe all the weather we're ALL still having--crazy!
Love that apron you're giving away--pink & gingham are two of my favorite words! I think having a bit of vintage mending on it makes it all the more perfect!
Stay warm & cozy today--hope it warms up soon!
You must be having the wind we had the last few days. We had gusts 40-50 mph! The mountains were getting 60-75 mph winds and lots of snow too!
The apron is nice. It reminds me of the ones my grandmother and Mom wore through the years.
Stop teasing me with pictures of the red rock and Boulder Mountain! We almost came down there for Spring Break, but knew it would still be a tad too cold. :) Hoping for a camping trip this summer!
What a sweet apron! I love it! :) I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Well how cute is that! Sorry about your weather. Spring is so unreliable. Praying some warmer temps to head your way soon. NO more SNOW!
Julie, I love your blog. I check it every time I get on to my blog. Thank you for sharing. Karen
Wow, Julie. I am scared of this constant snow if we move to Utah as we have been planning for years...someday. We have 8 of our 10 grandkids there and that is a big pull but seriously, the winters!
Jim is retiring on June who knows??? We will definitely stay here though until the real estate market improves. Do you think that can possibly happen in our life time? Right now it looks grim. Maybe we'll do a mission first??
Cute apron! How nice of you to do so many give-aways!
Take care, Bonnie
OH the apron is so delicate and lovely!!
Your snow photos are beautiful but I HAVE to say that I am SO GRATEFUL not to have any more snow here. We have sunshine and 60 degrees and I will NOT COMPLAIN!
Hope you are feeling better each and every day!
I'm at BYU right now for Women's Conference and it is snowing. . Love love love the apron
I am in the same boat as you -- I posted today of the white stuff we got. Since I've been make at my Dad's it's been awful weather - talke about wind -- yeah I know what you are going through. The dust was so bad could not see our mountain.. but this morning is a beautuful day even though it's cold..
*I am loving this apron -- you are a sweet dear friend to have give-a-ways.. Maybe I will do something like this down the road -- wink!
Have a woinderful warmer day!
Hi Julie!Well we had lots of wind yesterday and I myself thought later on that night we would get a bit of snow but I guess it went your
I love the little apron,I dont own one apron.My mother always wears one when she cooks but I never did.I have seen many online that are so adorable...This one is sweet with the checks,count me in please!~~
I am just shocked by your snow!!! I guess you were too. Isn't it almost May, for goodness sake? You and Tauna both, with your snow, oh my...
I have never heard of "Aloe-Infused Socks"??? That's a new one on me. That is a really cute little apron. Someone is going to be very happy!
Good luck to you all and have a great weekend!
Hi Julie
Wow - what a surprise to wake up to :-) Thank you for stopping by and leaving a nice comment - I've run out of photo space on my blog and will have to start a new one :-) Thank you for following along ♥
Oh my goodness, I adore that landscape, your sweet little in the corner is truly beautiful, these red rocks... the mountains, do you happen to have a white {wooden} fence? All of that is how we 'see' the US! Lovely images, Julie!
Now about the sweetness you are showing. That apron is heaven, I mean, Gingham! Pink!
Do enjoy your awesome giveaway. One lucky lady is about to receiving a gorgeous treasure!
Have a happy day! xx
It's amazing that you're still getting snow in April! Beautiful pictures!!!
The apron is a sweet give-a-way. Thanks for throwing my name in the hat!! ;-)
AH, we had snow this morning too! Not as much as you did though. I still walked and it wasn't too bad at all. We are like you, we need the rain/snow! It all helps and doesn't last long at all this time of year.
So how are you feeling these days?
Are you ready to run yet? LOL
I would love a pink apron! And who could say no to CHOCOLATE covered fruit? :-D
Enjoy your day.
A HUGE WINDSTORM has hung around here too for the past two days!! What's going on with SPRING? Where is it? Angel barks and barks at the wind when it whistles around the windows. Poor thing, I guess she thinks it's a person. I'm glad you are feeling better. -- Inger
Julie, oh my goodness, I'm just catching up here! I'm so glad you're OK. I wish I could make you a big steak to get you some good iron in your blood. I sure hope you are taking it easy. Hang in there, friend!
We had snow here in N Utah this morning and I-80 was actually closed for a while because of an accident. I live on a ridgeline and I would bet that the winds were approaching 100 mph!
Where's spring?
I think I'm going to head down to St. George this weekend, I'm tired of the snow..
Wow, snow! It's been warmer and sunnier here but still a bit chilly, I must say I love the sun but am not looking forward to the heat of summer quite yet! Love the apron, vintage is the best =)
sounds great..can I be in? :)
annemolino at hotmail dot com
I just pulled out my summer dresses and you just got snow, how silly!! I hope you are staying warm..and that apron is just darling, aren;t these so much fun to cook in, I just love thinking of all the history behind them, etc. Hope you are doing well and mending better!
Thanks for visiting today. I can NOT believe you are still having snow... What's up with this???
It's almost May! Time to warm up out there...course you are close to the mountains...but goodness come SPRING!!
Loved the pics, and it made me grateful for the 39 degrees we had this morning, which is unusual actually...
Hoping you are feeling better and better and healing up strong.
Thanks for the precious giveaway opportunity...U R 2 Sweet!
Hope your doggies get warm!
Wow! Winter is not giving up easy this year. It looks so pretty though.
I hope you are staying warm and feeling good!!
Snow? Wow, I'm glad we don't have it. We do have high winds and storms are expected the next couple of days. Oh is still better than the 110+ heat we have in Texas during the summer.
Love your giveaway ~ I'd like to be included.
We are having real strong windy weather here in Oklahoma today... I think we're going to possibly get rain tomorrow.. We need it, that's for sure!
Your apron is sooo pretty! I would love to be entered in your giveaway for it! Thanks!
It was a surprise to see the snow this morning! Spring will stay one day, I'm sure of it.
Love the adorable apron. Oh, my it makes me happy to see it.
Love the pink vintage apron! Reminds me of my mom! Count me in.
Hi Miss Julie! Oh,I can't believe you got snow. I really do believe you-just surprised! :)
Oh, what a lovely apron! I would love it if you would enter my tiny name in your giveaway.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
SNOW???????????????? I am so sorry! Ya, I know the moisture is wonderful, but come on it's nearly May! I'm so hungry for warmth and sunlight!
I am so glad you took such beautiful pictures.
Keep feeling better.
Brrrrrrrrrrrr it looks cold there!! Its going to be 90 degrees in Myrtle Beach this weekend!!
It was a blizzard here yesterday and most of today.... now we have just a cold wind... Brrrr.
My son, his wife and little guy are on the way here to visit us from Utah. They should be here by tomorrow afternoon, so I pray that the roads are good for them.
Loved your pictures... you live in such a beautiful area.
What a fun giveaway! Count me in.
Julie, I just can't get enough of your mountains. The snow on them looks so beautiful. Even though you see then everyday, I bet you don't ever get tired of them!
What a lovely post.
Oh my goodness, you live in a beautiful area. Living in North Carolina I can't imagine seeing snow right now, but it sure looks pretty.
Love that sweet apron. What a lovely giveaway you have put together.
What a fun and cute give-a-way...reminds me of you.
Try to make sure the snow is all gone by th etime we come out in June. I will be sure to send our 90 degree weekend your direction. We are headed to the beach tomorrow evening!
Much love to you
I love aprons. They make me want to get busy in the kitchen. And I need all the help I can get in order to do that! Great giveaway, Julie.
Oh no...snow!!! I hope it warms up soon! :)
I can't beleive the snow! It is suppose to be 86 degrees here tomorrow!
The apron is darling! I love the fabric and the stitching is gorgeous! Such a wonderful giveaway!
Thanks for stopping by earlier!
We had wind and snow too. Enough already! Your little apron is adorable. Mimi
Look how beautiful your spring is! Beautiful! Hope you are feeling better Julie! Please add me to your wonderful giveaway! Sweet, sweet apron!
We have had wind too but not that high!! Your home area is beautiful...even with the snow!!
Snow? Crazy, but, it will help spring be so beautiful when it finally arrives and stays in your area. Michigan was cold, rainy and windy yesterday and will be in the low 80's today. You just never know-ha! I do not know you, but, do enjoy your blog. Hope your health continues to improve and you feel better and better each day. I had a hysterectomy last spring and it takes time to feel really great again. Thanks for the chance to win an apron. This pink vintage apron is gorgeous. Makes me smile just looking at it. Have a happy Friday. xo
Bless your heart! Snow when it's almost May! You're a better sport than I would be. LOL! The pink apron is just too cute! I've recently discovered just how practical aprons are.
My friends think it's funny, but I use arons every day! Great post and I would KILL for your views!
xoxo Pattie
What, a giveaway?? TOO fun and yes I'd love to enter! I just popped by to say hi because I miss blogging and I miss you and my blogger friends. I can't believe you all had snow yesterday! I had my a/c on here in St. Louis - although really I think it was only about 75. It was hot in my house though! Have a good weekend ~ ♥
What a sweet apron. It reminds me of my Grandma Rogers, she always wore an apron. Love it!
Snow!! Oh my gosh I've already had the AC on!
An apron giveaway each month is going to be fun! I love aprons and have quite a few of them only I usually forget to wear them unless I'm baking!
Hi Julie~
Of course I'd love to be entered in your giveaway for that a-dor-able apron..cute enough to hang on the wall! I also wanted to say that I have been going back and reading some of your posts...loved the great and funny truths (so true!) and seeing the pictures of your amazing family. You have been very blessed. I hope you have a wondefull day and a quick melt!
Snow??? Ugh!
The dog is a fan. It really is cute...but there is definately mixed feelings about it in Blogland!
We might get snow tonight...I hope not!!!
LOVE the apron...would L~O~V~E to win!! :)
Thanks for stopping by as always. :) Have a wonderful weekend...I will be waiting for you to tell me that I won! ;P
Wow, this is CRAZY...Hoping your weekend will bring lots of Sunshine to Welcome back the Spring...Enjoy your lovely family...Smile on Rosie
Hello, Julie,
My goodness, snow arrived again. I am sure it will give you needed moisture in the warmer months ahead. Every season moves on God's timetable, doesn't it? I love that sweet, sweet apron. Thank you for your generosity in having a giveaway. Enjoy your weekend, dear friend! Love and blessings~~Vicki
Sweet of you to host a giveaway and such a cute one too!
Kindly, ldh
Wow, snow! What a surprise that must have been! I hope your spring weather comes soon.
Thank you for having a giveaway! The apron is so sweet, and feminine.
Hope you are feeling better. Have a wonderful weekend! :)
We had frost the other morning, but not snow! It's beautiful on the rocks and mountains!
Don't know if I would ever be so lucky to win 2 of your drawings, but I'd love to try! :)
Oooh...this sweet apron makes me so happy my friend. Thanks for the chance to have it hanging in my kitchen..SNOW...what??? Now thats's May tomorrow! ?????
Oh my goodness all that snow! I was in the Smokey Mountains for a few days and it was lovely. Cute apron!
I've been so distracted with Piper away at training last week I missed your giveaway! Darn! I'll catch the next one. :) Have a great week.
Good day! I just had to leave a comment on your blog after arriving via "Goosepatch". I recognize your "bit of heaven". I grew just across the stateline in Dove Creek, the beautiful red rock area around Moab is very familiar to me. I carry wonderful memories of picnics on those rocks, sliding down them to the consternation of my Mother. I love to see the contrast of snow on the mountains with the red rock.
It has been more than 40 years since I went off to college and later married and moved to Oregon, but I do love that area in which you make your home.
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