A replica of the bottle caps that were on the milk bottles of my husbands family dairy.

Cloe in the old fashioned farm swing~

Indian pictures...

Lunch outside at the old farm house,
thanks to my daughter Lindsey and hub Michael~

Babes to be bathed...little Ella~

Pictures to be colored...by Emry~

Some of our kids standing around watching their kids ride 4 wheelers~



~Natalie and Brody~

~2 year old Caleb~


~Caleb waiting his turn~

...and waiting...

Some of the older grand kids WAY UP on the mountain behind our house~

Our son in law Michael

Brickelle and Cougar

Ron and I and Ella...yes, I look like a ghost since surgery!

Time for dinner....Our kids each took a night to furnish dinner,
it was SO nice!

Yummy pizza!

Kelsey and Brickelle up in the tree~

We had 3 Birthdays to celebrate...

Kelsey's...Tiffany's and Brickell's....FUN

Little sisters Close and Emry...who says we can't make ends meet around here?!

The semi-teens chatting it up in the tree at sunset~

Our family bond fire pit just down the hill from our home.

Tiff keeping our little Zack warm~

We love to have bond fires and sit around and talk
and roast marshmallows and eat S'mores.

Cougar loves to love everyone!
Four days of fun...We sure had a house full of our kids and grand kids!
It was so much fun to just be together and visit and play.
Our kids each were in charge of a dinner and when they all left
they pitched in and cleaned the house too....
I was so grateful because I am still so tired .
Sorry about so many pictures but how do you choose?
Next post is a GIVE A WAY :D
What a beautiful family you have! That had to be so fun for all your kids and grandkids to spend 4 days with you! Hope you didn't over-do. You need to have a day of rest...hopefully today's the day!
No need to choose, they are all eye candy.Your joy and happiness pops through my computer. Now that all your beautiful children and grandchildren have left your cozy house, it's time to sit back with a nice hot cup of tea and recollect, recollect, recollect those 4 days of Family Fun & Love.
Have a great new week, Julie! xo
Hi Julie! I so enjoyed the family and all that was going on.Beautiful family, you can see it on all the faces how happy.You are so blessed, but I think you already know that ;)lol.
Your looking good Julie and Im glad to see your on the mend now.God Bless and have a Happy Sunday!
What wonderful memories! Love the firepit, good times!!
What a beautiful family, Julie.
I enjoyed all of the photos and am waiting for your next post to see more.
Hope you are feeling better day by day.
Hi Julie -Wow! I just love your blog. I am sick today so have been home resting and it was so much fun to take time to look at all your posts. You have an amazingly large family and they are all so cute. Your grandchildren are adorable, every one of them. I am expecting my first one in 3 weeks and let me tell you our family is so excited and anxious. I am in my 50's so a late bloomer as far as becoming a grandmother. The picture of the old swing brought me back to my grandmother's home in Manotick, Ont. Canada. I lived on the old wooden swing. We now own the property and will build on it when my husband retires. You look great in the photo. I went back in your blog to see what was happening with you and saw that it was surgery so my thoughts are with you and please get better soon. Your family sounds great to come out and cook and help out. Nice to have the tables turn, right. Have a great Sunday and will drop by again. Hugs, Deb
Family, family, and MORE family...nothing better! Especially when they do the dishes! Cute pictures! Looks like a wonderful time. Take it easy and feel better better soon!
Looks like you had a fabulous time!! So much fun to have a big family!! I am still watching my little Marky. Not sure what I'll do when I get more grandkids, he is wearing me out!! But I am loving it!
Great family photos!!!
What a beautiful family! Looks like you really had a great time.
Ladybug Creek
You don't choose. You show us all of them because they are all so lovely! I hope you feel better soon. You always look lovely but you are a little less vibrant...You family is lovely! Thank you for sharing them.
Wow! Those are some seriously cute kids!!!!!!! How fun!
I love the bottle cap. What a great treasure.
I loved seeing the teenagers sitting in the tree. I wonder what secrets they were telling....it was probably all about boys.
I don't think you look like a ghost. I think you look beautiful.
Oh Julie that looks like a wonderful 4 days!! Times like these are so special. Lots of photos because I agree how could you choose? So many cute children, grands and the babies! Take care and get some rest!
I've had allergies and been so slow this week, hoping next week will be better. Thanks for your visit!
Linda @ A La Carte
Oh you have a great family! loved all the pictures. Your house looks fun. A great place for everyone to meet!
Julie, What a beautiful family you have. So many precious children! And your land is breathtaking!
Dear Julie;
Such a fun post...thanks for sharing. I think you look wonderful..keep healing..I love the idea of having each family fix a dinner..We have a fire pit in the yard, too. The Easter/Conference weekend was wonderful.
Dear Julie
Thank you so much for sharing all the lovely pictures of your family...I really enjoyed it! You look so pretty...not like a ghost at all....
Take it easy!
Never apologize for too many pictures!! Family, that's what life is all about...LOVE the photos.
Continue to take care!!
Hi Julie, what a wonderful family you have and it looks like everybody had such a good time. With family it's all good!
It looks like a wonderful weekend with all the gang together. It is so fun and important when all the siblings, inlaws and cousins can get together to play!
Love the dairy button too!
Beautiful moments spent with precious family!
Why would you ever choose? And who could with all those gorgeous baby dolls? And the nice looking grown-up, too? Looks like you all had a blast! You'll get over being tired too soon...and you'll wonder why you didn't milk the attention a little more! LOL
Going to your house is like going to camp! You have so much to do to entertain the kids and I bet they love every minute of it! You can just tell by the smiles on everyone's faces what a good time they're having...so much fun and so many good memories!
Although it sounds like you're doing better, take care and don't overdue it.
Your right, how could you chose, and i could squeeze those little ones they are adorable! And that Michael...a little to brave but acting so his age.
Glad you had so much help and some naps. Take it easy this week. and thanks for sharing your family with us.
Hi Dear Julie! Oh, what a lovely family you have and your little grands are adorable! I don't have any brothers or sisters but as a child wanted a big family like yours!
Thank you so much for popping in to see me and be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Great pictures!!!
It is so nice when the house is clean after everyone leaves...that's a good feeling! Now you can sit down and rest!!!
Every one of your children and grandchildren are so very attractive. What a treat to see your beautiful family. Glad they're taking good care of Mom!
What a beautiful family you have. And what inspirational blog posts, this and the one before it. I'm so glad I found your blog.
Your family looks so close. What a fun get together. That baby Ella is just adorable. I want to kiss her little cheeks.
Hope you are continuing to get stronger Julie. Have a great week girl.
Oh Julie thank goodness I did not miss coming by here and seeing these family pictures. I love this post and so glad you did not leave out pictures.
Your family and grandbabies are just to precious. I love how close you all are to each other. Beautiful family
It looks like you all had such a lovely time together!! :)
Oh, Julie, what fun you all had! The bonfire and making s'mores sounds wonderful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us. I also enjoyed your previous post about what true beauty really is. You said it all so perfectly, my friend! Have a terrific week! Love to you! Vicki
I love all the photos. The terrain around your house looks similar to the terrain in our area. You don't look like a ghost either, you look incredibly beautiful! What a good looking couple you two are!
I hope you're recovery is going well.
Oh what fun!!! You must feel so blessed to have had everyone around. I so love your great big happy adorable family. Thank you for sharing and hugs for a great week. xoxo
I love your beautiful home...you had me at the Rope Swing...I grew up on a dairy farm in the Okanogan, and we had a chestnut tree {very, very, old and wise} which had a wonderfully "creaky" swing...the rope has since rotted away...and the swing retired... I will always cherish those tender memories...thanks for the reminder... still smiling...Rosie
I love those pictures...So much fun, so much love. You don't look like a ghost, you are beautiful. You and your husband make such a great couple!
OHHHHH That was a SUPERBE party. You are the best Grand ma ever!
The pictures were wonderful! What a wonderful 4 days you had with your family. LUCKY YOU!
my goodness, do you have "room" for my silly comment!!!! you have a huge "fan" club... but I just wanted to say hello (again) and tell you how much I enjoyed your blog and BTW I think you look great after "just" having surgery!!! remember though, go easy, you still have a lot of healing going on there. all best wishes, and I love seeing that you have "popped in" to visit me......
What a wonderful time! I think my favotite pic is the baby wrapped in the towel. We have some of those pics...there's nothing like a baby fresh from a bath! :)
Good Morning Julie!
Wow! It looks like you guys had an absolute blast! Love the milk lid ! We used to buy our milk from a dairy when I was a kid, (in Provo)but, we didn't get it in any fancy milk jugs. Just recycled gallon mayo jars :) Leave 2 clean empty gallon jars and two dollars, and pick up two gallon jars full of milk. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... you have and adorable family. Such a blessing that they are so good to you guys and so much fun!
A couple of my really good friends came for a visit and went to the temple with me on Thur.
My one friend is deaf, and so I got to translate for her. So cool!
Have a great day.
Great photos! How fun to have everyone in the same place at the same time! It looks like spring is coming to your area of the state, can't wait for it to hit here!
Wow! Looks like a blast! I love the pics with the swings, it reminds me of my in-laws backyard except they live in the midwest so it's green instead of desert!
Hi Julie,
I enjoyed all your wonderful photos! It looks like everyone had a great time together. Thank you for sharing them. :)
I hope you have a lovely day!
NEVER too many photos!! Loved each and every one! A wonderful, family-filled weekend!
I enjoyed your family pictures so much. You have such a beautiful family..and you look just fine.
I hope you are feeling better.
Take care.
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL ETERNAL family you have. Tons of fun, memories, joy and love. I adore seeing it all. You look great after surgery. So glad you got lots of help with meals and clean up. Luv ya, hugs, Jenn
Some day I'm going to have a big fire pit for grandkids to sit around and talk and roast marshmallows. It looks like your bouncing back. Don't over do;)
Wow! What a lovely, lovely place to be. I've really enjoyed looking at the gorgeous pictures of all your grandchildren. I'm a teacher over in the UK and have three grown up children. Our eldest, our son and his wife are expecting our first grandchild net month. I am so excited. I'll be popping back again to say 'hi!' Ros
Sorry about the text Julie.I tried to make it larger but it didnt work.Thanks for the visit.
you have such an adorable family! full of very special and beautiful people, and you look lovely!
take things gently, hope you will be fully recoverd soon.
i'll include you in my prayers xxx
thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments on my blog xxx
Too many pictures? Never!!!! I would like to see more :)
What fun is right! And so happy you were waited on and cooked for!
Love your family! How blessed you are. I am an only child and sometimes it gets a little lonely!
Maybe one day i will hop a plane to
Have a great day! misha
It seems to me these 4 days were more like a family reunion. So cool to see kids busy having fun and what a busy time you must of had -- which I am sure you were delighted with every moment!
Happy to see you up and at-em -- you said you looked ghostly I was thinking on the lines of how well rested you looked - also -- you are beautiful by other photos I've seen!
How much fun was that?
Hi Julie!
Thankyou for all your lovely comments on my blog.How you find the time to reply to all the blogs I'll never know!I loved seeing all the pictures of your wonderful family.Those times when you can all be together...well they are the best arn't they?
Take care,and don't overdo it..it takes time to recover,and it can be frustrating when you want to get on and do things.
Have a lovely week.
Bellaboo :0)
Julie, never to many pictures! Love seeing your family and area. So nice that the kids cooked and cleaned. The grandkids are all adorable! We collect milk bottles. Will have to see if I have any from that dairy.
Take Care.
It really is the very best feeling in the world to have family around us huh! It's deep and full!
I very much enjoyed all the pictures. How are you feeling these days?
Enjoy your day.
WOW...what fun! Love the bond fire photos and they brought back so many memories of my childhood in MI!
What a great post with so much family fun....I love all the pictures.....
WONDERFUL pictures of your beautiful family! It looks like the oldest down to the youngest had a LOT of fun! I think a huge family would be so neat.♥
I love pictures! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful family with all of us.
I hope you're resting and taking good care of YOU.
Yes you do have wonderful fun! It looks like a grand time was had by all.
aaahhhh way to much fun. These pictures make me glad my ovaries are gone. If they weren't I'd be wanting a baby! It's bad enuf to want a dog. What a great time of family and love.
Good Morning!
The yucky weather is starting to clear out a bit here. I am hoping for sunny skies and warmth! The apple fritters are from Terrels in Mt. Pleasant. Spencer thinks that they are the best apple fritters on the planet :)
My husband is going to do a bit of investigating today on my dream house. I do wish that the housing market in Sanpete was better. We would have to sell our home in order for things to work out. That is of course ,if my dream house could even be for sale. There are a lot of family homes in this area, and they always stay in the family :(
Are you having a break from the temple; with it being closed for cleaning and all. It is good that you are having some extra time to mend and get your energy back!
oh that made me smile from start to finish! I've said it before...one beautiful family you have! You look soooo pretty!!
How wonderful it is to be surrounded by family. You look like you had such fun :)
What a beautiful family you have, Julie--and how wonderful to have them all together! You sincerely don't look old enough to have all those grand babies!
I think you look beautiful--even post-surgery! So glad you enjoyed your lovely time together...and that THEY cleaned up!
Have a wonderful day--get some rest!
What a LOVELY family blog!
Come visit me sometime.
Such fun pictures dear Julie! Sure you have an adorable super big family :-)
Hope your week is lovely so far!
Dear Julie and dear Harwards, I feel so happy to see the gathering you had, all the family together, and watching how baby Ella has grown and the new baby who has joined the family... I´m so moved for your beautiful family. And, sad at the same time for not being by you at the moment of your surgery... but happy to know that you are feeling well now. I have missed you all too.
Thank you so much Julie for all your encouraging words to my country and me, it meant so much to mee.
It´s always a great inspiration to breath in your words of faith... thanks so much for these.
Love and much hugs to you,
Maria Cecilia
Your family is so adorable some of those little girls look a lot like you. Pale or not you're still as cute as can be. The older we get the longer it takes to recover. Sad but true. You're so lucky to have a big place for the kids to come and have a fun time. Getting to know the cousins is the best. Mimi
Hi Julie
I love all your family photos. What a beautiful family you have been blessed with. Looks like it was so much fun. I love cougar, what a big cuddly bear! Your milk cap is precious too!
Hugs, Ann
Oh what a great time you had.Love the little ones on the 4 wheelers and the bon fire pics. What beautiful children and grandchildren you have Julie!And don't fool yourself,you look wonderful.
Family times are the best times, aren't they?
you have a beautiful family. what fun you all had! i love spending time with my family and making memories. you look great :) enjoy the rest of your day.
What a beautiful fun day!
And you look GORGEOUS.
julie, you look absolutely beautiful because your beauty comes from within.
the campfire and kiddos in the tree were my fav photos....
looks like your family took great care of you, i hope you are mending fast now. love seeing your big happy family, makes the world feel good and safe~
Dear Julie
I do hope that you are feeling better each day. What a big and beautiful family. Please don't apologize for to many photos,I love to look at pictures, can't wait for more.
I do have one question if you don't mind. I have looked at the house in the photo and I was wondering how far is that first set of cliffs, hills or mountains whatever you call them.
It is beautiful. I just have to keep looking at it each time I pop over.
Good day to you "Sweet Julie",
Hoping this note finds you recovering quickly {and not over doing it...which is soooo easy to do} sending H*A*P*P*Y* healing thoughts and prayers your way...smile on Rosie
What wonderful blessings you have in family, Julie. It is just a joy to read about such a large family and the gatherings. You are looking like you feel better!!!!!
I wanted you to know I have missed visiting, and am glad to be back. Loved- loved your post about deep beauty. Outstanding!
Thanks for visiting any time...
HI Julie, I hope you are recovering and feeling well. Your family is beautiful- you look like you guys always have such good times.
Greetings Julie,
WISHING you encouraging thoughts for this pretty weekend, and the week to come... HOPING for many moments of respite time, with family and friends... PRAYING that you may feel His Healing h*u*g*s and know that He will comfort you on every side...Smile on Rosie
P.S...my "PC Wiseman" has assured me that my site works, once again {if perhaps you might want to try a link of some kind...so sorry for any frustration...xoxo...}
Hey those are some cute kids! Especially baby Ella! She's adorable.
Now I did notice that there was a lack of helmet on the motorcycle rider... Maybe some judicious hints would fix that. Head injuries, no mater how skilled the rider is, can happen!
Ok I'm done... :)
Hi Julie! Thanks for popping in and I hope you're continueing to feel better.
Now you powder that pretty face of yours and come to my blog party on May 7th! It should be fun.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I am glad you didn't choose. What a fun memory making time with your wonderful family they will ALWAYS cherish. The smiles on their faces said it all.
You look wonderful following your surgery ... although the complete recovery takes time.
I am so glad everyone pitched in and helped so it wasn't a over load for you. At this point just watching the joy and Chaos can make you weak!
I can imagine the fun and tales told around the The family fire pit. Relations are cemented at times like those as heartsd come together. Loved it!
Take care my friend and a warm hug:)
Hi Julie! I hope things are ok,see you have been gone for a while.Sending good wishes your way, and hope all is ok.~~Becky
I LOVED looking at all the pictures or you big, and beautiful family!! Where you live looks like a piece of Heaven!!
Hi my names linsay. i just started following you. I've read some of your posts and you seem like a very dedicated strong woman. you remind me of my mother alot. i come from a family of 10. so my mom has 10 children, 19 grand children, and 3 great grandkids! so sorry to hear about your hospital issues. glad everythings ok now though. anyways just wanted to say hi and i enjoy reading your blog!
Hi Julie..
Nice to meet you!
Your blog is so beautiful!
I feel the same way as you..I am amazed at how Father God has led me to so many women of like-faith.
Its so good to be here!
Have a lovely weekend..
Deborah :)
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