every Sunday night (or) Monday night for
"Family Home Evening"...we got the popcorn maker out and popped a HUGE bowl full.
We each had our own little bowl and everyone would dig in and the drink we loved with it was Orange Juice. We would all settle in and watch a movie together...by the time the movie was over, the wood stove had really warmed up the basement family room and everyone was ready to head off to bed.
to go with the popcorn.
Our kids always enjoyed this
and half the time the neighbor kids joined in too.
and half the time the neighbor kids joined in too.
in their homes for their families.
It just adds joy and excitement to
It just adds joy and excitement to
say; "Who wants popcorn?"
And the answer is always a chorus of "I DO! "
And the answer is always a chorus of "I DO! "
I love the way it air pops so light and fluffy!
fold it twice put it in the microwave for about 3 minutes til all popped!
there are zillions of ways to flavor popcorn.
Here are a few popcorn ideas for you...
(" Chocolate Malt ")....6 T. sugar..3 T. unsweetened cocoa..6 T. malted milk powder. This makes
15 T....Toss 5 T mixture with 1 bag popcorn (store the extra)
(" Apple Cinnamon ")....11/3 cups (2oz.) freeze-dried apples or apple chips...2 T. confectioners'
sugar...1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Makes 12 T. Toss mixture with 1 bag of popcorn.
(" Sweet Chili ")....3 T. confectioners' sugar...1/2 tsp. cinnamon...1 T chili powder,
1/4 tsp. salt...1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper or more to taste...1 1/2 tsp. paprika.
Makes 9 T...Toss about 21/2 T. mixture with one bag of popcorn.
(" Barbecue ")....3 3/4 smoked paprika...3 1/2 tsp. garlic powder...1 1/2 T onion powder
2 1/2 T. light brown sugar...1/4 tsp. salt...1 1/2 T. parsley flakes...Makes 12 T.
Toss 4 T mixture with 1 bag popcorn.
(" Bacon & Herb ")...1/4 cup grated Parmesan and 2 T. real bacon bits ground together...
1 1/2 tsp. parsley flakes..3/4 tsp. sugar..1/2 tsp. paprika.
Makes 10 T....Toss 5 T. mixture with 1 bag popcorn.
(" Butterscotch ")...8 butterscotch hard candies finely crushed...
Toss with 1 bag of popcorn.
(" Chocolate Malt ")....6 T. sugar..3 T. unsweetened cocoa..6 T. malted milk powder. This makes
15 T....Toss 5 T mixture with 1 bag popcorn (store the extra)
(" Apple Cinnamon ")....11/3 cups (2oz.) freeze-dried apples or apple chips...2 T. confectioners'
sugar...1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Makes 12 T. Toss mixture with 1 bag of popcorn.
(" Sweet Chili ")....3 T. confectioners' sugar...1/2 tsp. cinnamon...1 T chili powder,
1/4 tsp. salt...1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper or more to taste...1 1/2 tsp. paprika.
Makes 9 T...Toss about 21/2 T. mixture with one bag of popcorn.
(" Barbecue ")....3 3/4 smoked paprika...3 1/2 tsp. garlic powder...1 1/2 T onion powder
2 1/2 T. light brown sugar...1/4 tsp. salt...1 1/2 T. parsley flakes...Makes 12 T.
Toss 4 T mixture with 1 bag popcorn.
(" Bacon & Herb ")...1/4 cup grated Parmesan and 2 T. real bacon bits ground together...
1 1/2 tsp. parsley flakes..3/4 tsp. sugar..1/2 tsp. paprika.
Makes 10 T....Toss 5 T. mixture with 1 bag popcorn.
(" Butterscotch ")...8 butterscotch hard candies finely crushed...
Toss with 1 bag of popcorn.
My children grew up singing and now their children sing it too,
it's so fun at Spring time...
as well as at any time!
it's so fun at Spring time...
as well as at any time!

I looked out the window and what did I see?
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!
Spring had brought me such a nice surprise,
Blossoms popping right before my eyes.
I could take an armful and make a treat,
A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet.
It wasn't really so, but it seemed to be
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree....POP!
(Georgia W. Bello) 1957
I hope you are all out there enjoying Spring time...
~Sending each of you...All my love~
I looked out the window and what did I see?
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!
Spring had brought me such a nice surprise,
Blossoms popping right before my eyes.
I could take an armful and make a treat,
A popcorn ball that would smell so sweet.
It wasn't really so, but it seemed to be
Popcorn popping on the apricot tree....POP!
(Georgia W. Bello) 1957
I hope you are all out there enjoying Spring time...
~Sending each of you...All my love~
Enjoyed your post and seeing the family photos and how you have added a few! LOL The first photo is so good of your family. For Christmas this past year my daughter Jaymee did popcorn baskets for people with microwave popcorn and different flavorings.
LOL. I just bought one of the hot air poppers today so I could have my popcorn with none of the calories.
You have a beautiful family!! :>) I love popcorn!!!
Hi Julie,
When i saw the popcorn I said to my dh lets have some tonight, and this is before I read your post. lol. What a beautiful family you have and I think it is wonderful that they carry this tradition on with their families. And that is why memories are so important to me.
What great recipes too. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for visiting me and as always leaving such a sweet comment.
hope you are enjoying your weekend.
I grew up in a popcorn loving family. All my dad had to do was imitate the sound of popcorn popping and we would all get excited and off we would run to help our mother make it. Someone might as well have said, "Party time!" We raised our sons to enjoy the excitement of popcorn as well. It's a healthy and inexpensive snack.
As my husband and I have grown older we actually enjoy sitting side by side on the couch with the same bowl we served popcorn in to the boys. We like to use the Stir-Crazy popper. We are probably on our fourth one. When each of the boys have married we made sure they had one to take to their new home.
Thanks for bringing back such a wonderful memory.
And thanks for visiting my blog so often!
Ladybug Creek
P.S. Wish I had bought stock in Orville Redenbocker! (Course in the early days we bought cheaper popcorn.)
Julie I love popcorn and watching a movie at home. Now we call it date night...lol. You have a lovely family!
Hey there Sweet Pea!
Love the primary song! We will have to give some of your popcorn add-ins a try one of these days.
I'm thinking that the chocolate malt sounds right up my alley :)
Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
I'm off to dig up a bit of nasty grass out of some of the flower beds... yipee.
I love popcorn too! We used to use and air popper, but eventually just went to the microwave kind.
I remember my dad cooking it in an old metal container that sat on top of the heater base. He put oil and colored corn in and we would love our popcorn with buttersalt.
I love the kettle corn sweetness too! Love your little ditty song! :-) Hugs to you! Hope you are feeling better and better.
Family pics are beautiful!
Oh yes, and air popcorn popper. We had a douple of those. Now we use the microwave.
I'm so glad that your healing and you had that nice picnic.
And what a nice daughter to clean and grocery shop.
Big Hugs
My MIL says that she won't go to the movies if she doesn't have enough money for pop corn too. Pop Corn just goes with kids and families, I think it's because it's so reasonably cheap and feeds a big crowd. I just a bought a 50lb bag from Sam's club last week. I hope that will last us a few years.
BTW, I love your big hair in that first picture. I had the same hair style, we could have passed for twins :)
Before I get to the popcorn I have to say, you have the most beautiful family!! You are incredibly blessed to have a large family. I love the top photo when you kids were little with those big smiles.
Popcorn - I hate to admit it but I can eat, at one sitting, an entire huge bowl all by myself. I know, once I start I can't stop till the bowl is gone. It's awful but I love popcorn. Plain, nix the butter.
What a big beautiful family you have !!
Movie and popcorn night was a staple here too,but my kids are grown and living out of town I miss those days a lot !
This is funny Julie. I just had a discussion with my husband about bringing chips into the house and how I end up eating them because I am home more during the week. I told him "No more. If you must have chips, eat them at work." He says, what about popcorn? I said "Popcorn is healthy, it stays.". I kid you not, I laughed when I saw your post. I LOVE POPCORN. We always had it for the kids on the weekends. I guess it's a family thing. Your family is lovely and boy, has it grown! I'm waiting on grand-baby #1. Hugs, Deb
Those are such creative ideas!!! They all sound tasty!
Oh Julie, we LOVE popcorn at our house too, and we USED to pop it for our kids on Sundays - - - and lots of other days too - - -
Also, back in the 80's days, I had hair VERY much like yours in the first picture AND I had a dress that same color of blue - - - I believe had we known each other then, we MAY have passed for twins - - - poor you. Hehehehehehe
BTW - - - about your comment comparing your grandson's and my grandson's personalities - - - if I REMEMBER correctly, and I'm pretty sure I do - - - you have a grandson that LOOKS a lot like mine too. Hmmmmmmmm - - - COULD we be long lost 80's twins????? :-)
We love popcorn around here too. Our favorite seasoning on it is the ranch flavored popcorn seasoning...YUM. Love the pictures of your family.♥
I had the same popcorn popper too! While out children grew we had our family nights on Friday's -- we watched a movie or played games and it was their choice to pick what we had for dinner that night! O how I miss those moments -- they were wonderful times!
Oh my GOODNESS!!! we must be "sole sisters".. popcorn is my absolute favorite!! (I did a blog on this too!!) WE have popcorn year round and our popper is the one that you add oil to and the little spinner thing in the bottom keeps the kernals moving!!! and on that note, think I might go and make some right now.... our apple trees are another three to four weeks out.. can't wait to see the orchards in bloom again... sounds like you are feeling well.. I am so happy.. I have been praying for you....
we have a little movie theatre in the
colorado town we love.
they put REAL butter on their popcorn.
i'll watch almost anything to get some
of their popcorn.
It 's my favorite song! Love it in French! You have a great idea for family home evening. Your pocorn flavors are so cool. Can i say it enough, no LOL
Your family is so beautiful. You are such a wonder woman.....Oh you rock and what a great example you are :)
Thank you for visiting me. I hope you are recovering quickly.
Oh Sweet Julie, I didn't think you could top the "hugging" post but this popcorn post has totally caught me with a goofy smile plastered on my face...When our kids were young and we were on a strict budget. Popcorn was definitely the treat of choice... and now...if I have had a busy day, one of my favorite ways to unwind is to go to the movies and have theater popcorn for supper... yum...Happy Saturday night...Rosie
Where there's popcorn, there's a party!
We lvoe it too!
I love popcorn.For a while I couldnt have any because of a wisdom tooth that needed pulled UGH!The bacon Herb sounds delish I shall try that.
I dont know what I was thinking I thought you had 6 children,you have eight?? wow big sweet and lovely family.Who is the littlest girl in that first pic right near your husband she is adorable.
God Bless and have a lovely Sunday!
Popcorn was always (and still is) our favorite for movie night. I loved my air popper. I always got a popcorn salt that added a nice flavor to it. I love looking back at old family pictures. It brings back nice memories and I enjoyed hearing yours! :0)
I loved all the family pics Julie~ You have a wonderful family, big like the one I grew up in. We always did the popcorn thing too and it became our Sunday night tradition. thanks for sharing and thanks for all your sweet visits.
What a fun post! You have a beautiful family and I especially liked the first photo with all the young children!
Hi Julie~
I loved getting to see family pics. old and new. Its wonderful to see such large beautiful familys. Its what its all about.
My hubs and I settled into a movie and some popcorn tonight.. w/ white cheddar sprinkle cheese on top. YUM!
My kids all adore the primary song... popcorn popping... its a fav. for sure.
HUGS, LUVS, jenn
hope you are feeling much better too!
I still love that song!! I loved seeing your family through the years. It's amazing isn't it, how quickly they grow up. It's gone in an instant. The older we get the more our lives are centered on family and all the important things that really count.
Loved your family photos Julie!! It is sweet to see how your family has grown through the years, both in size and number! Wow, what a beautiful legacy!! I love, Love, LOVE that primary song!! It is one of my favourites. I'll now be singing it all day in my head, thanks so much! (seriously!) I love popcorn, especially Orville Reddenbachers, which we can't get over here, boo hoo!!
I love the sequencing of photos, watching your family gorw. You had a great "big hair" do! It looked good on you. We ladies had our perms didn't we? I like popcorn but I have really never been a big popcorn junkie. It's a healthy snack choice.
You must be feeling better how are you doing?
Popcorn is such a treat!
What fun. I have never used one of those air poppers but have always wanted to buy one.
popcorn and movie night is a hit with my little family too....I loved your family pictures......
We loved popcorn popping from way back too. I was just telling my husband about the time we grew some popcorn when I was a girl. It didn't pop very well but it was so much fun to just grow it.
Remember the jiffy pop that you put on the stove?
Love your family pictures.
Have a great day.
Sweet post! Wishing you a wonderful new week, Julie, with a lot of blossoms joy, popcorn, sun & fun! xoxo
I love popcorn and we eat it quite frequently. I use the microwave kind and also love movie popcorn. If I am at Target, I buy a bag of theirs... it is good too! Now I better run, and pop some popcorn:) Have a blessed day!
Loved looking at your pictures...so fun! :) We use parmesan cheese and sometimes add cayenne to it too!
Thanks for stopping over :) Have a great day!
From one popcorn lover to another, I loved this post! I remember my mom popping popcorn and making a big "pallet" on the floor with lots of blankets. We'd have a ball eating our popcorn and watching TV. We'd also love it because this was when we'd also get a soft drink! Such a treat!
Ok, I'm off to make popcorn now...
Me again~ Oh my.....I was just reading your older posts that I had missed out on. I am so sorry about your traumatic ordeal. So glad that you are doing better!
Thanks a bunch for sharing the great recipes for popcorn variations! Can't wait to try them out.
I always enjoy your family photos! The one of all the kids so young is adorable!
I didn't know you could use a paper bag and a microwave! I'm going to try that! Yum!
Hey, I love all your ideas for the flavored popcorn. And I love that first picture of your children when they were younger. Maybe it's because I love seeing Tiffany when she was young. It reminds me of our family, years ago. I can't believe all those years have gone by.
Julie, what a great family tradition! We love popcorn around here too and I am keeping your recipes for the toppings.
I love it when I meet someone online that is LDS and so many things are known and understood from the beginning. Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree is an old favorite, isn't it?
Hi Julie!
Your posts are like fabulous magazine articles!
Oh my ... popcorn is a MUST have in my house! Now I have to go make some... can't look at it and not want to smell it and munch on it!
One of my students made the chili flavored one for a recent party... Everyone devoured it! And, of course, I had to go home and make more for Chris to taste!
I hope you're doing better and that you have a wonderful week ahead!
*Blessings* Maria
Your family is adorable...and yes nothing beats a good bowl of popcorn and a movie...hugs my friend. xoxox
We love popcorn here too :) I bought an air popper when I wanted a low calorie snack but I didn't like the texture as much, so I still use the microwave butter loves kind and often by the low fat ones for me ;)
Hope you've had a lovely Sunday, thanks for stopping by again, it makes me smile when you do.
Hi Dear Julie! Oh, what wonderful photos of your beautiful family!
Now I must say, popcorn is one of my favorite foods! Yummy! What a sweet tradition to have with your family.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
POPCORN...one of my favorite treats. It's a staple for our family. I love the popcorn popped from a hot air popcorn best. However....I'm a bit lazy,so usually pop it in the microwave.
Have a great day.
I love popcorn too. When we have family movie night popcorn is a staple. Extra butter is a must too.
New England Candy Co.
OK I want to know how you could eat all that popcorn, have 8 kids and still be SO beautiful and skinny! You are gorgeous!!
I love your popcorn tradition and all the different varieties - thanks for all of the ideas!
I think popcorn can be a great family bonder as everyone always can use just one more bite!
Hope you are doing well Julie!!
Love the popcorn memories, Julie--"Popcorn Popping"--always a favorite!
Love all those recipes...we'll need to use some of those!
We always had popcorn on Sunday nights, too, when I was a girl...popcorn with tomato soup...we'd put handfuls in the soup and watch it shrivel up--then gobble it up and add more!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, my friend!
I love to hear my grandchildren singing that song. Never gets old. We love popcorn too. Had some tonight. My favorite way to eat it is with a bag of sugar babies. Put some popcorn in your mouth put a sugar baby in your mouth. Chew. Tastes like caramel corn. Mimi
Oh! Happy spring to you my darling. I hope you are enjoying all the beauty and the delicious scent of spring. Blossoms and popcorn are a delightful combination and paired with the sweet poem and I’m in love!! With you permission I copied the poem in my little pink rosy book to read and enjoy for years to come. You have a lovely family, the photos speak volume of the love you share and the pride you feel. God bless all of you and keep you all safe, healthy and happy.
Love & Hugs
We love popcorn and movie night also, we just snuggled up on Saturday night to watch 'Sherlock Holmes', the boys sure loved the action! (I prefer my 'girlie' movies ;-) I did not know you could microwave your own popcorn in a brown bag, I can't wait to try this! (no oil needed at all? Now that is light popcorn!) Our popper conked out on us and we have been doing it on the stove top or using microwave popcorn. Thanks also for all the great topping ideas/recipes. You have a beautiful family, you are blessed!
We love popcorn in our house too that I went and bought a commercial size vintage looking popcorn machine on wheels!
I love the smell of fresh popcorn!
Hugs, Ann
We love popcorn at our house too. It's one of the four major food groups I'm sure.
Hope you are feeling better and continuing to recover well.
Absolutely LOVE the family photos! Priceless!!
Popcorn has a way of "popping" into our family memories too. Who doesn't love popcorn?!
Thanks for the flavor ideas!! :-)
Happy Monday!
Good morning Julie, Did you sleep well?...How is the recovery progressing? I love that you stopped by for morning coffee...I am off to Vancouver today {every Monday is Market Day for the shop} thanks so much for the visit...love Rosie
We love root beer with out popcorn! If we're really splurging we get the kind in glass bottles! Love all the flavoring ideas, thanks!
Love all your pictures!! I came from a large family and loved it! I have 3 children of my own and we love to have popcorn night! Mostly every night..hehe!! I enjoyed your blog, feel free to visit me anytime!
Blessings from Georgia!!
Last year I got the small, counter top version of the movie popcorn maker. It came from Target...I love it!!!
Loved seeing the old pictures of your family!
I'm a long time reader, first time commenter...
I always enjoy my visits here and I'm so happy you are feeling better!
Take care,
Kit in Georgia
Hey there! What a great post....and I love the family photos!!
I love your family pictures- you have a beautiful family.
We are big fans of popcorn- so yummy!
Julie I hope you are feeling well and enjoy the lovely days of spring.
Hey there Cutie Pie.
Hope you had a terrific walk and enjoyed this gorgeous weather that we are blessed with today. Keep on truckin' and feel 100% soon!
I have been worried about you but glad to see this post.
You made me hungry for popcorn that might be just what I need to do tonight for a change is relax and eat popcorn.
Your pictures of your family are the best. What a wonderful family honey and you are so beautiful
Thanks for stopping by today and you take care of yourself
i like your popcorn ideas - must try out some of those! for some reason we only have it here at chritmas and halloween, i think i might just surprise my family and make them some over the may bank holiday :o)
i am so sorry to hear you've been through such a traumatic time.. it sounds truly horrendous! no wonder you've been tearful. when i read your comment on my blog i immediatly wanted to put my arm around you.
having a low blood count can make you feel retty grotty and as for the hormones! did you know that there are some quite suprising foods that are rich in iron like blackberries and red and green peppers and apricots - there's a link to my iron-rich flapjack recipe on my blog, they contain blackstrap molasses and apricots. hey and chocolate is iron rich too :o)
i hope you are feeling better soon my friend xxx there is always a shoulder for you to come cry on over at my blog, always a listening ear and always a hot mug of tea/coffee and usualy some kind of cake too.
and thank you for being so kind to me me when you've been are having so much trouble yourself, you're a real angel. my daughter when she saw your picture said you look like one too, i totally agree with that.
take it gently xxx
warm hugs
Love this post....
Love your great family pictures....
I bought a bottle of White Cheddar seasoning and it is yummy..... I must try some of your recipes!!!
Hi, Julie,
Popcorn is always so much fun. I think it is wonderful that you and your family shared popcorn on family night and enjoyed each others company. You have a lovely family, sweet friend, and I enjoyed that little song you sang. Have a terrific week! Vicki
Fun post about popcorn...I never thought to try bulk popcorn in a brown paper sack...thanks for the tip. My mom grew special corn for popping in our garden a few times...it was really white in color and great tasting. She use to grow concord grapes too and made grape juice...that was the juice we loved with popcorn! Thanks for the memories!
We have always been a POPCORN family, too. One of my favorite things...when some of the grands stay with us for the night, we get a good movie, pile up in my king sized bed and Granddad pops the corn for us. Like you, we always want chocolate with it.
I might just have to do a post oon popcorn one day, too. :)
I hope you are feeling a little stronger today...
FAB popcorn ideas & great post!!!
Haven't been around because I'm still out of town.
I love popcorn!! Can't eat it for a while but, I still love it!
Hi Julie - sorry I've not been able to get around and visit much lately.
I hope you're feeling better and taking good care of yourself.
You have a lovely family - thanks so much for sharing your whole family with us! You've been very blessed!!! So have I!
Yummy recipes!! I will have to try some of those out!
It was fun to see your family pictures and see how your family has grown over the years!
I hope you are feeling better!
Dear Julie you look like Charlie's Angels on that first family photo...you still look gorgeous but on that first photo you look like a movie star...Wouw!!!!
Cheers: Evi
Hi, How are you feeling these days? Better and better I hope.
We love love love LOVE popcorn at this house too. ( I think I may have to go pop some !)
I want to try some of your ideas.
I'm in Nusery, and you know it, the popcorn song is a year round staple for our babies! :-D
Enjoy your day.
Every time we drive around, my 2 little girls are constantly yelling "POPCORN!" At first, it took me a while to realize they were pointing to the trees, and not hungry. :)
Love your flavor ideas!
Wishing you happy, healing thoughts on this terrific Tuesday...smile on Rosie
I love popcorn, popcorn does not love me. We will just leave it at that. I loved looking at your family photos and watching the family get bigger and bigger!
I hope you are feeling better! I send my love! -Suzanne
I love popcorn and I make it probably once a week at least and I like it with parmesan cheese and lots of butter. I always make extra for the dogs, no cheese or butter, and they LOVE it!
We have that same popper! We got it for our wedding 27 years ago, and it is still going strong.
What a beautiful family you have! Thanks for the popcorn recipes...I'm sure my boys will love trying them. We go through a lot of popcorn ourselves...nothing better than sharing a bowl of popcorn on family movie night...
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