" A Woman's Job Description and Net Worth From A t Z "
Financial Advisor..................$72,000.00
Financial Advisor..................$72,000.00
Grief Counselor.....................$42,000.00
Health Care............................$63,000.00
Interior Dec............................$38,000.00
Kitchen Mang.........................$38,000.00
Office Clerk..............................$24,000.00
Quarter Master.......................$18,000.00
Taxi Driver.............................$22,000.00
Victims Rights Avc..................$33,000.00
Expert Teacher.........................$44,000.00
Yard Maintenance....................$34,000.00
Zoo Keeper..................................$34,000.00
Total Pay for 1 Year..................$1,158,000.00
Health Care............................$63,000.00
Interior Dec............................$38,000.00
Kitchen Mang.........................$38,000.00
Office Clerk..............................$24,000.00
Quarter Master.......................$18,000.00
Taxi Driver.............................$22,000.00
Victims Rights Avc..................$33,000.00
Expert Teacher.........................$44,000.00
Yard Maintenance....................$34,000.00
Zoo Keeper..................................$34,000.00
Total Pay for 1 Year..................$1,158,000.00
The grand total of what a woman could be paid for all
That she does for her children and significant other and
everyone else along the way,
I'd say that we are priceless for sure!
(salary amounts from www.indeed.com)
So, if you think it's a man's world out there, you haven't been paying attention.
Every day we are surrounded by women who inspire us with their kindness,
wit, and courage. They are our sisters, our Mothers, our best friends and
co-workers whether at home or in the job force...and sometimes even
strangers that end up to be blog friends. They make us laugh, let us cry, push us forward,
and watch our backs.
Some inspire a whole country, as well as their families, and some become
our closest friends.
No matter who she is, each woman brings a special touch that no other person has.
Her impact on others is nothing short of a miracle. Women are wise, funny, and
loving. In a tough world she is tender. In a big world she is fearless. In
ever-changing world, she is a constant friend...and women like that make all the
difference in the world!
You are each so wonderful...I am in awe of your talents
and am thankful for your friendship!
everyone else along the way,
I'd say that we are priceless for sure!
(salary amounts from www.indeed.com)
So, if you think it's a man's world out there, you haven't been paying attention.
Every day we are surrounded by women who inspire us with their kindness,
wit, and courage. They are our sisters, our Mothers, our best friends and
co-workers whether at home or in the job force...and sometimes even
strangers that end up to be blog friends. They make us laugh, let us cry, push us forward,
and watch our backs.
Some inspire a whole country, as well as their families, and some become
our closest friends.
No matter who she is, each woman brings a special touch that no other person has.
Her impact on others is nothing short of a miracle. Women are wise, funny, and
loving. In a tough world she is tender. In a big world she is fearless. In
ever-changing world, she is a constant friend...and women like that make all the
difference in the world!
You are each so wonderful...I am in awe of your talents
and am thankful for your friendship!
hi julie,
what a lovely post! we women rock, that's for sure!
What a wonderful post Julie! We really are worth so much aren't we?
You are wonderful too!!
Amen sista!
That is so cute! I love it.
You are such a builder.
I always come away feeling better.
Arghhhhhh..this is me hollering.What is so sad about this as a stay at home mom for 33 years of marriage..5 children..ect..My Social Security is -0-..that's right -$.0- I have not brought in an income so there is nothing for my old age..I pray those children I raised..take in their momma when need be..lol
I know God will take care of me..I just wished we had known about this little bit of info.
Loved the article!!
Pink Gingham was published today.
Hugs and blessings..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
I'll have to show that to my husband to remind him how much I am worth!
Woah...I had no idea I was so underpaid!! :P
YAY! I'm rich!!! Wonderful post, as usual, Julie! You share the most wonderful things...truth is a beautiful thing, isn't it?!
Much love to you, dear friend! Hope you're having a lovely night...
This has got to be the bestest and most inspiring post for mothers everywhere.....Well Done!!!Society tells us we are only worth what we make. Which can leave stay at home mothers feeling like society doesn't value them. Aleast I have been caught up in that lie a time or two. Thank you for providing evidence that mothers are invaluable. Many Blessings, Deborah
Awe... you are so sweet. You lift us up and we sure need it!
Blessings for you and your's.
Beautiful sentiments and a great salary! I really think it is the greatest job in the world, I wouldn't trade it for anything else.
I love your rise and shine sign. My parents woke us up with that every day of our lives at home!
Thanks for the great post!
I've always thought you were priceless Julie! Great post! xxoo
Being a Mom & Wife????
Have a Wonderful Day!!
Julie Julie, what lovely words. Think many {blogging}women feel the same way. I know I do. You added a perfect cute image. Have a most joyful day, sweet Julie. xoxoxoxo
So true!!! I love this post.
You are such a cheerleader, Julie! I love this post and I'm with you. There's not a better job out there and we are worth a lot...but as hard as we try we always get more back than we give! Seeing our wonderful grown children and grand kiddies are the big pay-off...
Oh I love this!!!! I will be waiting for my backpay check to come in the mail! Hugs for a wonderful wonderful day my sweet friend. xo
Women are bringing home the bacon and frying it up in the pan. Bless the day we were born as women...the nuturers and protectors of the family. Thanks Julie...I have to go now because I have to start making list of how I'm going to spend my first paycheck....when can I expect it to arrive??? LOL, have a great day.
I want a raise.... sounds like I am priceless.....LOL!!
My Grandmother had 17 children and had her own parents >and< her inlaws living in the same house I often wonder what that dear lady went through and what >she< was worth, can you imagine yourself in that position on a huge fully working functional cattle farm with that many people to look after ??( To me she was a saint)
Yep, Mz. Julie, I've been there and done that! This is a great post. We women are just amazing, aren't we? :)
Thanks for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Julie honey as always you have the best post. Yes women are awesome and so misunderstood and under paid.
Christi is letting me on here for 7 minutes so I have to type fast. lol
I had to come by and catch up and thank you for all the get well wishes. Not sure I am going to recover from this but can't think like that now can I. sorry
Anyway love the post below this one too...
I wonder if Christi would make this ice cream for me...
Hope you are doing well honey...miss you
It definitely shows us how much we are worth!!!! LOVE it! Now, HOW do I collect all my back pay....lol
Hope you are having a wonderful day.♥
Good Morning Julie,
yes, as women we wear a lot of different hats...but, I must say I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. Keeps life interesting ...enjoy ever facet of this day before you...love Rosie
Great Post!
Have a wonderful day :)
I love that! As wives and mothers we sure have alot of hats to wear.
Julie you are right! Moms work really hard. I enjoyed this heart warming post.
Thank you for your sweet visit my friend. I appreciate it.
Have a blessed day. ~Melissa :)
hugs, luvs, Jenn
Amen and cheers to all moms!
LOL! I'm going to tell my husband the yard maintenance # - I think I need to add an amount for landscape designer as well. Zoo keeper is funny! We women do wear a lot of hats!
Wow, add horse wrangler and barn manager to that, plus a full time job (to pay for all the other stuff) and I ought to be a lot richer than I am now! LOL...
well dangit, i'm sending my hubby a bill. or my kids. better send it to both.
Wow interesting post.We all should feel this way.I guess some would prefer not to be a woman oops thats another topic julie right?? LOL
Happy Thursday!
This post took you a lot of time and effort! And I thank you for it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Hsve a pretty day,
a dear bloggy sis you are!! indeed.. I blogged about this very subject. I have not been able to blog lately and have been trying to play catch up, as I read all of the posts I have missed in the last week...Helping my dad has been of a more urgent calling and I know he needs me. My mom needs me, and thank goodness for friends in our real walk, friends in our e-walk, and all the support we women can have. Yes, women are a valuable asset in this world. They can have a very sacred influence on others. God smiles on that.
Love and hugs to you. Thanks for a beautiful post to inspire. :-)
I think I need to up my life insurance! I really do contribute!
Lovely, eye-opening post.
Very cool post Julie. There is the occasional day that I feel underpaid but mostly I am just very happy to have the job :) And I am truly inspired by the women that I have met thru blogging. Wow there are some awesome, bright, considerate, thought provoking, wonderfully funny and thoughtful loving women out there and I am happy to read what they have to say!
WOW!! Julie, I will have to show this to dh. I didn't know I was worth this much! lol.
I too am thankful for the beautiful ladies I have met and got to know here in blogland, And I am thankful to count you among my dearest friends, you are such a blessing not only to me but to so many more.
Hi, Julie!
Thanks for the visit today. I'm on the road so it's a little hard to keep up with everyone, but still.. there is nothing more relaxing than to connect with friends.
Ladybug Creek
What would men do without us?.....
Mine would starve and get audited by the IRS....
I say priceless indeed!! Love your site.
Art by Karena
WOW! That is SOME salary!!!!!
What a great post! We are all underpaid in dollars, for sure, but all our blessing sure make up for it! Now, I've got to make your strawberry ice cream this weekend. I've got half and half but no cream. Do you think it'll work?
I adore this post! I have seen that before and thought "kudos to the one who put that together." And it's nice that women like you are reminding us to remember our worth ... you're awesome, thank you!!!
(And I had forgotten about the jello with pretzels at the bottom, Julie! I have only had it a couple of times and it was seriously, to DIE for! I LOVED it!)
So true!
Well, I always thought we were underpaid, but I had no idea by how much. Thanks for opening my eyes :-).
This is a great post. One of my favorite aspects of blogging is the wonderful support we give each other. You do that very well.
Awesome post! Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog.
Doing some catching up on your great blog. Love the sound of that ice cream recipe and will be trying it soon. T.hanks so much
Amen -- wink!
Wow- I'm suddenly feeling a bit underpaid!! *giggle*
Thanks for posting this, Miss Julie- it's a wonderful reminder of how many important and special hats us women have to wear- most of them everyday!
I've missed blogging and especially my wonderful friends like you- I'm off to catch up on older posts and see what you've been up to!
Hope ya have a great weekend :)
Very interesting. I had no idea I was so valuable! LOL!
A wonderful post Julie! I so agree with you. Thanks for your inspiring posts. I hope you have a lovely weekend! :)
Hi Julie!
I left you an answer to your question , on my comment page. Stay dry! So far...no rain here :)
Great post Julie! I so enjoy reading what you post. It's always different and always interesting! :0)
Priceless, indeed!
Wouldn't you just LOVE to see a man accomplish all we do?! Great write, Julie.
Have a lovely weekend.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Brilliant post! Thank you for sharing this and thank you too, for being such a fabulous blogging friend!
Best wishes for a beautiful weekend,
Oh I can only sigh and shake my head at the list since I know so many men do not recognize the complexity and minutia that moms take care of. We mom's know.
Keep up the work mom's. Life would end without us!
I will have to agree with that!
This is a great post! We have so much worth as mothers and women. And I am in awe of the talents you have and who you are too.
There's just no replacing us!
What a great post, Julie! You are truly an encourager... You are truly gifted with such an encouraging spirit!
Thank you for being a wonderful steward of this gift ♥
Hi, I just discovered your blog from another blog and I was reading that you're an adoptive mother. I would love to email and talk to you about adopting if you wouldn't mind. I'm a 22 yr. old wife and mother to 1 angel and my hubby and I want to adopt, but haven't quite figured it all out yet. If you wouldn't mind talking you can drop me an email at cms_36451@yahoo.com or I see you're into FB, my name on there is Cassie Sheffield-Brown w/ a pic of me on my wedding day.
it is a job that is priceless....we are women of many talents and we wear a lot of hats!
where do we go to get the check?
Now Julie - you just never know where or when you might meet another blogger! Never say never! Have a great week!
I knew all along I had a big check coming!
Boy, I am worth a lot.
Can't wait to try the banana bread recipe. One of my favorite things.
And..I love ice cream of all flavors.
Hope you have a great day.
(loved the Lion House)
Amen loved this post!!! sooo true, women are so important in the day to day in everything we do! thank you Julie for instilling that in us!
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