I see beautiful women around me all the time...daughters, friends, even you sweet women here in blog-land! I see true beauty every time, in women who emulate their Savior.
I have spent some time in my life seeking after what I thought was true physical beauty, but after diets and those costly face creams I still did not find permanent satisfaction. Because guess what?! I still kept getting older, it seems no one has found that long, sought after fountain of youth! So, I have come full circle...to look inside myself for what is truly important.

There was a study done by Dove in which teenage girls were polled about whose beauty recommendations they trust most. While some care about their friends opinions and others long to look like supermodels, most said that what their mothers believe is what they pay attention to. Now that is inspiring...to know that we really do have the most power with them!
That doesn't mean that women need to disregard their physical appearance...it can be fun to be pretty and to do so with our daughters. There was an older woman who's mantra was..." "weeding the garden is no reason to not accessorize ladies!"

Women need to recognize Satan's strategy to "call evil good and good evil."
1) Lucifer doesn't want us to see certain things and they are hidden by mists of darkness. Most importantly, he hides the love of God from us. He hides the right path and the consequences of going off the path and isn't it strange how he doesn't hide the ways of the world? He openly invites us in to all his ways.
2) Today's mothers, more than ever before need to lead by righteous examples so their daughters will know whom to look to, to find good, healthy patterns to follow.
3) Never underestimate the power of the world to divert. By feeling like she's unaffected by media messages or by joining with them, a woman becomes susceptible to Satan's cunning designs. We really need to keep watch on ourselves and the influence the world and others have on our beautiful daughters.
Something fun to do together....

You will need:
1 1/4 cups of flour
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 Tbs. white sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup milk,
3 Tbs. oil
1 egg
1 cup blueberries
(1/2 cup mini chocolate chips)
Mix up the dough...pat out into a 8" circle
on lightly floured counter. Cut dough into
8 wedges, cutting half way through.
Bake at 400* for 20 minutes...
when it comes from oven, finish cutting
through wedges and place on a wire rack.

Once they are cool enough to touch... mix:
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp. milk
lemon juice to taste
Drizzle over scones
Serve and enjoy!
Have fun with the kids and or grand children ladies!
I have been sewing and cleaning and preparing for an up coming baby shower
for my daughter...can't wait to share the joy of that with you...my love to all.
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp. milk
lemon juice to taste
Drizzle over scones
Serve and enjoy!
Have fun with the kids and or grand children ladies!
I have been sewing and cleaning and preparing for an up coming baby shower
for my daughter...can't wait to share the joy of that with you...my love to all.
Julie, truer words were never spoken. I so worry about our young girls today...thinking that the photos in magazines, on TV or the net, etc., are true. The airbrushing and tweaking of the photos makes them look "perfect" and none of us are. Taking good care of one's physical body and appearance is vital I think but also loving ourselves is so important! I pray that our young people can receive this message and hold it close.
The scones look delish! Wish I were there with a cup of coffee to enjoy and chat awhile. :-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Beautiful and OH' SO TRUE post. We are sourounded by images even more now then ever.. portraying what is meant to be beautiful. When what our Lord AND Savior wants for us is a clean heart and soul. A kindess of love, nurturing, and joy. My mother no matter my size 2-4 to 12-14 has always made me feel beautiful. She has told me for years that I have a inner beauty of kindness and love as well....a beauty deeper then the exterior. You can always tell when a woman is truly beautiful because her spirit, her heart, and eyes show it all.
WHATS even more beauitful~ is those scones HA!... holy cow... My mouth watered when I saw them. Your a beautiful, sweet, loving, caring, woman of faith and GOD! YOU Julie~ exude so much love and beauty. Hugs, LOVES~ Jenn
Julie, yes this post is so true. Coming from a home where I had no value in my mother's eyes, it was crucial for me to be an example of love and acceptance for my three daughters. I'm happy to say they are all healthy, happy young women. God is good.
I love this scone recipe! My favorite - blueberry and I have 3 bushes that I hope will be full of the freshest, sweetest fruit soon.
Julie great post! As I age I need to remember my true beauty is in my heart and not on my face!
Hi Julie, what a lovely post, and so true.
I love the look of those scones, it's not often I make any but I would love to give these a try some time. My Mam always made scones on Sunday for tea back home in England :-)
Julie this post is beautifully written and so true in every way. It really touched my heart and made me think since I have been struggling with losing weight to get back to my *old* self. I'm still not satisfied with my appearance and I do know why. I loved this post. Thank you for sharing. I'll be referring back to this many times.
Blessings to you and have a wonderful Holiday weekend. ~Melissa :)
Dearest Julie,
You words are so important for our daughters. I believe inner beauty makes outside beauty, expensive makeup just doesn't do the trick. I can say my lovely daughter knows who she is and I am so thankful!
What very wise words! I love the idea that the daughters trusted their mother's advise. How important! Julie, you are one of those rare ladies who is beautiful inside and outside. You inspire me! :)
Wonderful message and can't wait to try those scones! This month has whizzed by and I have hardly had a second to blog...we are heading up to ST George and Cedar City to check out the colleges with our daughter. She will be a senior next year and wants to have a good idea where she will be going to school after high school.
Julie all of what you posted is oh so true.I think its more difficult to raise girls these days.Girls are so influenced by adds, magazine, Tv, and so on.I must say my oldest was alot,but my younger one wasnt.
Loving this recipe, thanks for sharing I should write a cook book titled JULIE's recipes,lol.
Cant wait til you post some of the shower pictures.Have a great rest of the week! HUGS!
So.... I've been reading a lot about Mothers lately. Motherhood is so good. If we can just stay focused on the truth. Thanks
Those scones look wonderful.
I think that women tend to find out what real beauty is when they get older. I remember thinking that I hated my picture taken cuz I was too fat, or the outfit wasn't cool...now I look back at those pictures and I look pretty good! I think we should do the best with what we have...include some level of modesty!!! and be sweet....then we are truly beautiful!
Oh my...I am preparing for a baby shower at my home too! It kinda seems like we are a little in synk (wish I could spell check that word!) with each other. surgery...hurt toes...showers..and we both cook and EAT! Wow! Who woulda thought!
Thanks for you beautiful words. It is so true. All my after baby life I have been VERY overweight and I would always think...if I were thin, this or that wouldn't be the way it is...BUT, now that I am a "NORMAL" weight, guess what! everything is the same...my problems didn't go away. I just am more "fit" to be able to face them!
I wish that I could see myself how my mom does all the time. I have days where I feel pretty, but most of the days I tend to focus more on what I don't like...I need to work on it! :)
"I believe it's a common thing for women to be dissatisfied with their bodies, which is why it's critical for women to train and teach their teenage daughters to love themselves and to reject harmful, unattainable beauty ideals."
YES!!!! We need to teach our girls that they are SOULS, not BODIES!!!
Perfect words, Julie! You know, of course, that I agree with everything you said...just don't always remember it! (when I'm looking in the mirror!)
LOVE that scone recipe--scones are just about my favorite thing--I'll be trying that recipe really soon!
Thanks for all you do and share, dear friend! Hope you're having a wonderful evening!
I so love visiting you my friend...you always inspire and have just the right words to fill my heart...xoxoxo.
What a beautiful post and such an inspiration message. I am trying to teach my 13 year old daughter these same values and beliefs. It is hard to counter-cultural these days but I will keep going! I showed her the ad made by dove on distorted views on beauty and I think she learnt from it. Have you seen it? here is the link if you haven't. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hibyAJOSW8U
Best wishes for a beautiful weekend and thanks again for a great post!
So true! I used to always remind my 4th grade girl students that there's nothing more ugly than a pretty girl with a bad attitude. Beauty begins from within. : )
You're beautiful inside and out!
Looks like a good recpe! Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful way to look at beauty. I don't have any daughters, but I do have daughters in law who are beautiful inside and what a blessing they are!
Thanks for stopping by!
Such a great post! "Pretty" isn't only beauty. I really love this!
Love it! So true! Thanks for the recipe, I've never tried to make scones. This I'm going to have to try!
The older I get the more I know that what you say is so true. Sometimes a hard lesson to get across to your daughters. To love ourselves, imperfections and all. Such an important message. Mimi
Your message is so true....pretty on the outside can't hide negativity on the inside...well, temporarily it may but it always shows through in the long term.
I think it is up to us moms to instill a sense of confidence and self acceptance in our children. While it is hard to show them internal beauty is what makes one truly happy it can be done!
Have a great weekend!
Oh dearest, once again you have inspired and enriched my evening. I am on my way to bed and thought I would stop by to wish you sweet dreams...but now, it is I, who will have sweet dreams...thank you sweet friend...XOXO...Rosie
Beautiful post Julie. True beauty comes from within. I have known some lovely women in my time who perhaps are not much to look at by the world's standards, but boy oh boy, they have always been so beautiful to me. Truth and real beauty shines from within with a light that is hard to ignore! Great looking scones as well!! xxoo
Very true Julie and so hard to ignore. But inner beauty is always the most beautiful of all!
Thanks for sharing and the recipe looks really good!
Hugs, Cindy
I read your post and wanted to say "Good Morning" before I leave for Toronto. It was very nice and I will leave now feeling 'beautiful'. Thanks for dropping by. I'll be seeing JT (how BEAUTIFUL is that!) Have a great weekend, Julie. I love your blog. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
So true!!
One thing I have learned after almost 60 years on earth....
I am what I am & I only strive to improve the inner me!!
Have a Wonderful Holiday Weekend!
Good Morning Julie.
Thanks for the great post! I learned growing up that .."I am a Child of God", and that instilled in me the confidence that I have leaned on my whole life.
As well as remembering that 'pretty is, as pretty does'.
It's really about who we are on the inside and how we treat others that counts :)
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend .....hope you do something fun:)
Hello! A wonderful and oh so true post. Thanks for the reminder. Have a good memorial weekend. Joy
So, so true. If only I could really live by this and remember my beauty truly comes from the inside. I mean I know that in my head, but do I truly live it and feel it in my heart?!
Enjoy getting ready for the shower. Can't wait to see pictures!! :-)
This post reminds me of a YW's broadcast a few months ago. They were talking about "deep beauty" and how that comes from living a life of virtue and following the Savior.
Imagine how many companies would be out of business if the secret that beauty comes from the inside ever got out?!
The scones look yummy!
What a beautiful post, Miss Julie!! I have known some women in my life that weren't what some would call beautiful... maybe even "homely" to some, but they radiated such warmth and love that you couldn't help be drawn to them. I agree that the young women of today could take a lesson or two on REAL beauty... It reminds me of what my Mother used to say- "Beauty may be only skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the bone!" *LOL*
Love the recipe- it sounds sooo delicious!!
A BEAUTIFUL post and such truth in those words! I also have to comment that your scones look wonderful. I am a self professed scone-aholic! I'll be making these soon :)
Julie I so love coming here and reading your beautifully written and full of inspiration post.
I agree with you totally.I never had a girl, but I can see this in my gds.
I pray that they will continue to grow into beautiful young women.
Have a blessed weekend.
Morning Julie,
Beautiful post and the most beautiful women to me are the ones that have deep inner beauty and treat others kindly. I always let my daughter Lexi, know that you might be beautiful on the outside but if you are mean or mean spirited you are ugly to everyone you meet.
Those scones look and sound delicious! Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes.
Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend.♥
A baby shower...how fun! It's been too long since I have been to one or held a new baby. I've got several years left before I get to be GRANDMA!
I love what you have shared here. I am struggling with my weight and self esteem right now. Your post was a blessing.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Julie!
I enjoyed your post. So true! I agree completely!
I can't wait to see your baby shower creations! Have a great Memorial Day weekend.
Love, Brenda
Thank you for this wonderful post...I have a wonderful mother and can't wait to have little ones of my own, it's good to keep everything in perspective!!!
I will be making those scones this weekend, YUM =)
Great words of wisdom today! You are such a beautiful woman inside and out! Thanks for taking the time to share this with us.
Have a wonderful weekend Julie!
Julie, I loved your post!
The world/media tells us how we should look, all of us alike! But in reality just like puppies we are all different, like the different breeds puppies come in. Each born with different sizes and shapes, yet each so unique and special.
I am just grateful to have a body, even though it has seen many different sizes and better days:)
This past week I had a conversation with two precious granddaughters, including our oldest one (age 11) who will soon be entering puberty. She sees changes happening in her body and is concerned.
We talked about what a beautiful gift our bodies are to us and the miracle of how they work and how we should take care of them and not abuse them. Your post spoke of so many things we talked about as we laid on sleeping bags one night in a spare bedroom of their home in VA. We all three were holding hands.
We talked about how true beauty/shining happiness and light comes from within their hearts and souls. We talked about how beauty comes from how they decide to live their lives, with the choices they make. With the right choices, the light of the Savior will continue to shine through and they will always be beautiful! I loved our little talk and will always cherish it always.
Now just to be easy on myself as my hair continues to thin and I remember to tell myself I have earned each of these 'laugh' wrinkles! :)
Thanks, I love your posts!~♥
Your lovely message today inspired me, Julie. Great words. Your blueberry scones are pure deliciousness. Enjoy one for me! Happy thoughts for a sweet weekend. xx
amen Julie....we mothers are huge inspirations and role models to our children...huge!!! even our boys learn from us, as my son looks in the mirror and giggles and pretends to do his hair at three. Love this and need some of those scones! :)
thanks for this reminder and the added insight -- you are so dear! O my -- you got me thinking about heading to the store for blue berries -- I bet your house smell good all the time with all the baking you do! wink..
I wish all young girls and older ones too could read this, Julie. You should write a book of all your words of wisdom. Or maybe
blog2print. -- inger
Great post and hurray for you for putting it into the blogsphere!!! What a missionary you are. Best wishes.
Sweet thoughts, pictures and recipe! Sending wishes for a happy weekend!
Hi, Julie,
Your words are so very true. I am so concerned with the messages our young daughters, granddaughters and all young ladies are getting from the media and other places. My mom was so modest, and she taught me modesty as well. For this I am thankful. I do believe, like you said, that we ultimately have the greatest influence on the young people around us. Thank you for this message in your post today. Have a beautiful weekend, sweet friend~ Vicki
what an encouraging post. the scones look wonderful. id love to try your recipe and i will. i love that is asks for reg flour and wheat and so little sugar too!
Very nice and true. I love your sconces recipe...Way healthier than mine! HAHAHA
Was my first time making them...We don't eat fried other wise...Not a French thing :)
My visits are always lovely and your comments on my blog always make me smile. Have a great week end my friend. Thank you for your example :)
Hi Most Beautiful Julie - inside and out! This is w wonderful message for our young girls to hear. I know you've been such a great mother! :) YOu're an inspiration to us.
The scones look and sound so good.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Right on as always! You have so much of value to share with the women of the world, and I am so appreciative of what you give here and to your family. Thanks for the scones...I eat with my eyes and they were scrumptious!
lovely post dear julie and the scones look amazing. my kids are begging me to make more strawberry icecream!
I tried to leave a comment last night, but my computer kicked me off, so I hope this one makes it :)
I loved this post Julie, and that Dove utube video was great. I talked to my daughter about it today, and reminded her that her beauty comes from within and far more important than the outer beauty. My mom always said, "Pretty is as pretty does".
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post. Those words couldn't be truer. It's so easy to be sucked in to all the hype that magazines and the TV throw at us 24/7. I'm reading this great little book right now called "Queen of your own life" by Kathy Kinney and Cindy Ratzlaff. I highly recommend it!
How true! Inside beauty is so much better.
Can't wait to try the blueberry scones.
Have a great weekend.
Julie... this is so true!
My girls and I have seen the Dove evolution youtube video so many times! Makeup and Photoshop are unbelievable means to create quite a metamorphosis!
I just saw an ad with Diane Keaton modeling... {I think it was in Martha Stewart's recent magazine} She is so natural and beautiful... little, if any, cosmetic surgery. She smiles wide and beautifully ~
I love to see that!
Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend~ Maria
Hi Julie what a joy and pleasure to always visit you, I always leave here uplifted and inspired. I so enjoyed this post what great truths you have shared, not to mention that yummy looking recipe.
May you have the most blessed Memorial Day weekend.
Hi Julie! What a beautiful post! You always come up with the best ways to make us think! You are a gem :)
xo, misha
What a lovely post and so enjoyed stopping by here to see what you have been up to. Your always a blessing to me.
Thank you honey for all the get well wishes. I am so ready to be pain free. lol
I totally believe of the beauty within. I hope I pass that along to my little ones.
Thank you for your sweet comments=0)
well hello sweet Julie,
your scones have made the "to do" list for Sunday afternoon tea...they look far too yummy...I always smile when I see you have stopped by for a visit...thanks for sharin' the love...Still smiling Rosie
All so true...we as women set the example our daughters and other young girls need to see and listen to. True beauty is from within with which shines through in our actions and words.
Well said my friend.
This was so refreshing...thank you!
I believe and second all that you said ... and I would add that teaching our daughters about modesty and true femininity is just as important as inward beauty ... because modesty and femininity are a byproduct of a well-nourished woman's soul. Our wonderful God wants us to look, feel, talk, act, dress, and BE utterly female. To accept less is to believe a lie that it "doesn't matter" when in fact it does matter a great deal.
You keep a very lovely class of blog, Julie! God bless!
Julie, Such truth in your wise words. I had just read a devotional on inner beauty a day before reading your blog. We can find joy in knowing that true beauty doesn't come from a jar. I have felt frustrated that expensive creams do not take away the wrinkles, but crows-feet, cellulite and wrinkles do not define who we are. As it says in I Peter 3:3,4 Our beauty should be "that of our inner self, the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is precious in God's sight." It is important to teach our daughters these things and equally important to also teach our sons what to look for in a wife.
I am trying to get back into blogging more faithfully so come visit my blog when you get a chance. Hope all goes well with the shower.
What an EVENT! what memories and precious moments just happened there I am sure. You are an awesome mom and grandmom, too, of that I am sure. You are also a talented bloggy sis. WOW. What wonderful ideas. I will be watching for your little tutorials and instructions to tuck away in my brain hopefully for one day when maybe I can do the same (hope hope hope) Beautiful pics. as they say - Kodak moments. Smiles and Hugs to you Julie!
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