Also in this place,many wedding receptions are held and business meetings. I have had the most fun coming here to sing at Christmas time for parties.

Can't you just see horse and buggy's coming down the street?!
I had two great great grandfathers who were here at this time. They were a big
part of the settling of this place.
Charles A. Harper...he came with the very first
group into the valley and William McClure Lemon...he was one of those
who surveyed
the whole area.

of it, has in this picture, been taken down.

I'll share it here with you.

Cream together:
1/2 cup margarine and 1 cup sugar
2 eggs, then add
1 cup (3) mashed bananas
1/4 cup milk
1 tsp. lemon juice
Then add:
2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Bake in a well-greased 8x4x3-inch
loaf pan for 1 hour at 350*
Makes 1 loaf
I think this needs to be eaten with that home made
ice cream don't you? (see my recipe for that 2 posts back!)

I made this again today too and I also made another flavor...
It turned out to be a beautiful peachy-pink color
and it tastes SO good!
I hope you will try this recipe for banana bread and go make
some of this
super easy delicious ice cream to go with it!
If you ever get to Salt Lake City...go try The Lion House...
and in the same block are two more awesome places I love to eat at...
the restaurants at the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, the food is so
good and the views all over the city are stunning, especially at night!
And while there go visit Temple Square, right across the street...it is so beautiful
and has more visitors than just about anything in the country. It is home of the
Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Let me know if you make these recipes...some have already tried
the ice cream recipe, and they said it turned out great for them as well!
It turned out to be a beautiful peachy-pink color
and it tastes SO good!
I hope you will try this recipe for banana bread and go make
some of this
super easy delicious ice cream to go with it!
If you ever get to Salt Lake City...go try The Lion House...
and in the same block are two more awesome places I love to eat at...
the restaurants at the top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, the food is so
good and the views all over the city are stunning, especially at night!
And while there go visit Temple Square, right across the street...it is so beautiful
and has more visitors than just about anything in the country. It is home of the
Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Let me know if you make these recipes...some have already tried
the ice cream recipe, and they said it turned out great for them as well!
Salt lake city is so beautiful and full of History. LOVE the lion's house...ate there few months ago :)
I have been through the tour too. So amazing to see where people before lived.... LOVE Temple square, SO gorgeous!
LOVE the lion house cook books. I have one. I have tried the rolls but no success. This banana bread is a keeper :)
Love it here.
Julie, I had the great pleasure of visiting the Lion House last year and eating a meal there. It was fabulous! I just loved SLC. It was like a dream come true to me to be able to visit! xxoo
Well I will have to put that on my list of places to visit...for when I finally get to travel over to America (Lordy knows when that will be).. Thanks for sharing the Banana Bread recipe with us, I will definitely be giving that a go. So if I can't get to Salt Lake City, I will bring a wee little bit of Salk Lake City to me...via you! Thanks!!
Now I definitely must travel the blue ocean soon again. Your words are so lovely, as always. It sounds like a pretty place to visit, the Lion House. I am going to write it down in my travel journal, may be one day...
Banana bread, sounds great. Blog land is so so inspiring, love to get a look in the beautiful kitchens and homes all over the world. Must try your recipe one fine day.
Wishing you a sweet Sunday, Julie! xoxoxoxo
The house is cute as a button - - - but that rhubarb pie???? I wish I could taste it right through the computer screen!
What a beautiful place Julie! Love the outdoor setting. The banana bread looks yummy...one of our favorites I'll have to give it a try!
Happy Sunday!
So cozy,I love cozy places to eat.We have just a few here.The recipes oh my lol.Its morning here Julie and my mouth is watering.I will copy that banana bread recipe down.I have never heard of lemon juice in it but it sounds tasty.Funny the other day both my mother and I made banana bread.I always love a bit of that.
God Bless and have a beautiul day Julie!
My mouth is watering from my Grandmothers rhubarb pie. It was so good.
I want to visit Salt Lake City someday. The views are amazing and the people I have met blogging all seem wonderful.
I ALWAYS get hungry when I come to visit, want to take bites right through this screen.
Have some perfect ripe bananas sitting on the cupboard...darn, now I cant resist using them!
thanks for a visit of the old and New Lion house. very enjoyable.
I love Temple Square, too. I ate at the Lion House last summer with my son and DIL. It was fantastic. I especially love the old pictures of Salt Lake City. One of my favorite places is the Daughters of Utah Pioneer Museum.
I know you will find this hard to believe..I have never seen or eaten a rhubard pie. It does look scrumptious!! It doesn't grow here for some reason.:-(
That place looks so charming. If we are ever in that area..we will put it on our list to visit..and of course with you!!
Hugs and Blessings the beautiful Sunday..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Dear Julie
Thank you for sharing one of your favorite placess, "The Lion House"...it is beautiful and that rhubarb pie looks delicious! Thank you for sharing the Banana bread recipe and I will definitely bake it in the near future. I still have to try your ice cream recipe as well!
Have a lovely Sunday!
I love the Lion House also! The food is wonderful! I plan to visit there soon with my sisters. I can't wait! The rolls are my favorite!
Hi Julie~ I have been to SL many many times and have never heard of the Lion House... until now. What a sin, that I have never heard of it, when my hubs loves HOMEMADE ROLLS. WHEN AND IF WE VISIT this summer we are surely hitting it up. It sounds and looks amazing, just like that bannana bread... YUMMY! Have a blessed Sunday my friend, Jenn
Thanks for sharing "The Lion House". I adore historical buildings. That they serve awesome food is a definite benefit!
Julie...c an I have your bread recipe again... I want to try and make it, and I heard its easy.. x x
Julie, I loved the Lion House too. I took my mother there once so she could visit the Tabernacle,see the temple, etc. The city is beautiful and so well laid out. Actually, we experienced our first and only earthquake the first morning there ~ woke us up at 6a.m. Thankfully, it was mild but a very surreal feeling.
I can't wait to try the ice cream recipe! Of course, I'll try the Banana Bread too ~ will let you know.
Have a beauty filled Sunday!
Looks and sounds divine. I've been to Temple Square and the Joseph Smith Memorial Building a few times, but never the Lion House. It is on my list of must do's!!
Thanks for sharing, loved the photos!!
Well....I don't think that I will ever be in Salt Lake City...but WHO KNOWS???? If I am ...I am sold...I shall definitely remember this place and visit. But if not, I will just enjoy it through you and your blog sharing...Definitely want to try a new banana bread recipe. Yet to try the ice cream, but I know right where the recipe is resting when I am ready! Thanks Julie for sharing all the pretties and the yummy recipes. Enjoyed visiting with you today!!! Blessed Sunday what's left of it...
Thanks so much for these great recipes. I do love to cook!!
Love the olden Lion House. Just beautiful.
We visited SLC once and did go to the MT...just stunning.
I have never been to the Lion House but you can be sure if I am in that neck of the woods I will try it!
The banana recipe looks good too!
Well hi there girlfriend,
Our lives are so very busy...so nice when find a sweet little respite spot ...an this is a beauty...Grab us a table and I'll be right there...
Smile on Rosie
Looks really nice Julie! I would love to visit Utah someday. I have been to most of the other states but not there. The lion house looks really charming and so do your recipes~
Hugs, Cindy
Those rolls look WONDERFUL! Yum! I love banana bread in the Fall...I think I will put this in my file for later! Thanks!
Hi Julie! I've never been to Salt Lake City but want to see it one day.
Great info on the Lion House. It certainly doesn't look that old! Now I was just about to make eggs for supper and you're showing me all this delicious looking food.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh, how I love banana bread. I will be sure and try that recipe. Thanks so much for all the sweet comments you have left. I have not been a very good blogger lately. Way too busy.
Lion House bakery is in Logan -- so in 40 min I am in heaven --wink!
The Lion House sounds like a wonderful place to go. I LOVE banana bread!
I've never been to Utah! If I ever get to come, I'm visiting the Lion House...and YOU! :)
Totally yummy stuff there.
I've eaten there twice years ago. It was fun.
Great post.
Ya know, I've lived around this great city all my life. So many times we don't appreciate what is in our own back door. I wish Salt Lake could go back to those days of horse drawn carriages and simple ways, it gets so lost in the hustle and bustle of busy life. It's interesting isn't it, I like to go down to the Manti Temple and visit the dairy queen in Ephriam and walk around snow college for simplicity. Thank you for your post. I will get my hubby and go visit the salt lake city that you are describing.
come visit
big hugs
What a wonderful post. I love the story you told us about the Lion House. My mom and dad loved visiting your beautiful city.
I hope to be able to see it some day myself.
Just wanted to check on you and to thank you for all your get well wishes.
Back to bed for me
Those rolls looks so good, as does your banana bread and ice cream. Thank you for sharing the recipes. I make your whole wheat bread recipe at least twice a week now- love it!
I thought of you on my run a few days ago. I was wishing for a running companion like Cougar.
Take care!
I LOVE the Lion House! So many memories...so many delicious calories! Thanks for sharing the beautiful vintage photos and a bit of it's history, Julie.
Hope you're having a lovely Sunday!
That sounds like such a neat place! I've never been out your way, but from the photos you share, I can tell that it must be BEAUTIFUL!!!
Yummy I love the Lion House and the recipe books...I have been making that banana bread for years and it is the best. SLC is a great place to visit and learn so much about pioneer history.
how lovely....especially like the BOWS on the chairs!!! *wink*
Hi, Julie,
Oh, this looks like a lovely place to visit and so full of rich history, too. The pie and rolls look delicious, just mouth watering good. Thank you for sharing the banana nut bread recipe. Have a beautiful week, sweet friend~ Vicki
Hi, Julie,
Oh my, this looks like a lovely place to visit and so rich in history, too. The pie and rolls look so mouth watering delicious. Thank you for sharing the banana nut bread recipe. Enjoy your week, sweet friend~ Vicki
I love the Lion House too. The rolls are my favorite. I have a couple of their cookbooks and every recipe turns out great. I use their brownie recipe all the time. One of our daughters served her mission on temple square. (We lived in California at the time) So fun for her. Thanks for the recipe. I do love banana bread. Mimi
Stopping back in to say I copied Lion House rolls from the net today...going to make some tomorrow.
Also planning to make the Banana Bread and MAYBE the ice cream...
Busy lil' me, hu!!
:)) bj
I love banana bread! I will have to give your recipe a try.
I love the Lion House. Our oldest daughter's wedding brunch was there and it was so delightful. I also love the Beehive House just a few doors down and the two restaurants at the top of the Joseph Smith building. Our son's pre-wedding dinner was at the JSMB buffet. The private room up there is stunning.
That whole area including Temple Square could not be nicer!
I am going to copy that banana bread recipe. And you are completely right about the LH rolls. Yum!
I have never visited that place! I am going to have my husband next time we visit SLC to take me there! I love banana bread so thanks for a great recipe. I usually whip up a batch with old bananas sitting in the fruit bowl!
Aloha Julie,
thanks so much for dropping by:)
Love the Lyon House, didn't get a chance to go this Missionary at the MTC, but it is in my to do list for my next SLC visit hopefully in July. getting ready to move to So CAl, Orang County in June.hope all is well
all my Aloha
We eat at the Lion House everytime we get to go to SLC. LOVE these rolls! They are light and airy and as I remember just a little sweet...stuff I dream about!!! Add a little honey butter and OOOHHH so good. I've made them before, but mine are never as good...almost! but not quite.
How fun to see the streets of long ago SLC!! I wonder what those pioneers would think of their Main Street now...my oh my!
I love going to The Lion House.
The plate that rhubarb pie is sitting on is adorable! Love the design!
Thanks for sharing the recipe for banana bread. I almost bought that recipe book the other day but had other things on my list to get so it will have to wait.
Have a great Monday!
I've only been to the Bakery. Wonderful. I copied the recipe for the next time I make banana bread, yum.
Ive never had rhubarb pie ;(
This is one of my favorite places too! Everything they serve is so delicious and their parties and receptions are absolutely divine. I love their recipes too. Thanks for sharing about our heritage in such a delightful post.
It looks like a fabulous place and how rich in history!! The banana bread looks so easy and delicious. Thanks for sharing it with us.♥
I've never been to Salt Lake City but I've always wanted to visit. I love all the history and your photos are awesome. That's a great recipe for banana bread. I'm going to give it a try. I love banana bread.
Great photos Julie ... fun to see how it "once was." I adore the Lion House too ... and how they maintain the beautiful garden out front.
And their rolls ..... to DIE for!!! I was thrilled when Deseret Book started selling them too! YUM!
Oh how I ADORE rhubarb!!! My mouth waters at the thought of this pie! I started some in my garden this year...hopefully next year I will be able to make a yummy pie.
The Lion House is so beautiful and charming! I am thankful that time has not gotten to it and that it is preserved for all the wonderful memories!
What a cool post!!
Thank you so much for sharing the history. I love anything to do with pioneer days!
I can't wait to visit SLC in the future.
WOW! It's really beautiful Julie! I would love to visit there. Now about that mouth watering rhubarb pie. Mmmmm...:) Yum-O! You new ice cream flavor sounds really delish too. Your blog is so warm and happy. I just love it here!
Thank you so much for the WONDERFUL visit! I am happy to find a fellow blog friend that feels the same way. Thank you very much for expressing your thoughts in the comment section as well. I appreciate that very much. I was hoping to create a nice discussion without hurting any feelings. I may have though since I just lost two followers in the last hour. Oops. It's okay, I still love them anyway. HeHe!
Blessings and smiles my friend.
~Melissa :)
one of my favorite places also! your ice cream looks divine!
thanks for sharing the history of that lovely place. i'll definitely try that banana bread when can bake again. -- inger
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Lionhouse and all of it's recipes!! So YUMMY!!!
Hi Julie:
I plan to make the banana bread and I loved all the photos. Thank you for your kind comments on my last post. I have many wonderful memories of this precious little cat and will be comforted by them. Have a great week. Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
I have never had the pleasure of visiting Salt Lake City, but if I ever do, you can be sure I will take your suggestions. This post made me hungry and I just finished dinner. LOL.
Hi Julie!
Oh The Lion House sounds like a wonderful place to experience. And those rolls??? Yummy! And your banana bread? Double yummy!
Thank you for sharing - I hope you have a wonderful week.
I absolutely love old buildings....
That banana bread sounds awesome. I think I will give your recipe a try, minus the nuts...
You are so lucky to live near a place like the Lion Hpuse! I am going to make this banana bread for m sond graduation party next week! Thank you for the recipe. interestimng to add lemon juice. I am excited to try it. I am NOT going to start making homemade ice cream! I will need even bigger jeans!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by tonight=0) I've been so busy I haven't had too much time to come visit all my friends.
I just love this post. I really want to make pie and ice cream, yumOH!
Have a lovely week,
My goodness, that is without a doubt the most BEAUTIFUL Rhubarb Pie I have EVER seen...I don't suppose they publish that recipe, too?
Thanks for sharing about such a beautiful part of SLC. I've only visited the airport, but if I have the occasion to actually visit I will be sure these places are on my agenda.
I've been meaning to visit sooner to thank you so very much for your sweet comments of support regarding my Mom's Standing Together for Modesty. It's such a blessing that so many of us women want the same things for ourselves and the younger generations.
I hope you have a lovely day :)
Dear Julie;
Thank you so much for the recipe...we love banana bread here. Love the Lion House...have the Christmas Cookbook..it has a Pumpkin Bread recipe that is also very good. Can't hardly wait to get their new book. As always, thanks for your lovely posts.
Yummmmmm.... now you know I just need to make your banana bread...looks amazing. Thank you for sharing all the Joy today my friend. Hugs. xoxo
Those rolls look fantastic!!!!
I will definitely make the banana bread, thanks for the recipe!
I would visit just for the bakery! It all looks so yummy - I'm wanting some rhubarb pie now! What a great building!
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