If I lived in a house of spotless beauty
with everything in it's place~
but not have love, I am a
housekeeper...not a homemaker.
If I have time for waxing, polishing
and decorative achievements
but have not love, my children
learn cleanliness...not Godliness.
Love leaves the dust, in search
of a child's laugh.
Love smiles at tiny fingerprints on
the newly cleaned window pane.
Love wipes away the tears before
it wipes up the spilled milk.
Love picks up the child before it
picks up the toys.
Love is present through the trials.
Love reproves, teaches and
is responsive.
Love crawls with the baby,
walks with the toddler,
runs with the child,
then stands aside to let the
youth walk into adulthood.
Love is the key that opens
salvation's message to a childs heart.
Before I became a mother I took glory
in my house of perfection.
Now I glory in God's perfection
of my child he lent to me.
As a mother, there is much I must
teach my child, but the greatest of
all...is LOVE.
(unknown and added to by me)
(I have the above picture in my home...it's my favorite)

Mix together:
2 cups flour
1 cup (non-iodine) Salt
4 tsps. Cream of Tarter
Add and stir til dissolved:
2 T. Veggie Oil
2 Cups of Boiling Water
2 Small unsweetened Kool-Aid pkts.
(red and green works best)
Combine dry ingds. with wet...
knead til cool....PLAY!
(store in covered containers, stays soft)

Pour into a plastic container
and stir...
1 cup of Elmers Glue
Food coloring, your choice
(optional, it can stain)
Add 1 cup liquid starch
a little at a time, stirring with a
spoon or kneading as it thickens.
Keep going til it holds together
like putty. If too sticky, add more starch
in small amounts until mass is
smooth and rubbery!
Now...go have a gooey Gakky fun time!

Three cups of Sugar
Half a cup of Vinegar
Half a cup of Water
Juice of one Lemon
Boil without stirring til
is brittle (place a drop into cold water)
Pour onto a buttered dish to cool.
When cool enough to hold in buttered hands,
Pull til white and light, then cut into small
pieces with scissors and place in a covered
jar. It's important to keep this candy dry.
I can still smell the vinegar
cooking with sugar and water,
boiling to a "hard ball"
oiling platters.
pouring all the thick liquid
onto them, and cooling
it in the snow!
Oh, we could hardly wait
to rub our fingers with butter
how the memory lingers!
Then take the warm sweet
confection and pull and laugh
and sing a song, and pull some more
til the creamy candy stretched
a yard long!
Then we'd snip it into bite-size
chunks that melted
on the tongue-
Such Fun!
"HAPPY MOTHERS DAY" ....this Sunday!
To each of you my sweet friends...I say;
Go have fun with your children
and those sweet grand children...
that's what it's all about isn't it?
Motherhood is the dearest thing to my heart,
it is so vitally important to us... and to them.
(Harold B. Lee)
(I'll be gone for a couple of days and will catch up
commenting on your blogs when I get back....Shelia, you're
in charge of these ladies, make sure they behave! LOL)
I can still smell the vinegar
cooking with sugar and water,
boiling to a "hard ball"
oiling platters.
pouring all the thick liquid
onto them, and cooling
it in the snow!
Oh, we could hardly wait
to rub our fingers with butter
how the memory lingers!
Then take the warm sweet
confection and pull and laugh
and sing a song, and pull some more
til the creamy candy stretched
a yard long!
Then we'd snip it into bite-size
chunks that melted
on the tongue-
Such Fun!
"HAPPY MOTHERS DAY" ....this Sunday!
To each of you my sweet friends...I say;
Go have fun with your children
and those sweet grand children...
that's what it's all about isn't it?
Motherhood is the dearest thing to my heart,
it is so vitally important to us... and to them.
(Harold B. Lee)
(I'll be gone for a couple of days and will catch up
commenting on your blogs when I get back....Shelia, you're
in charge of these ladies, make sure they behave! LOL)
I love this post! First, the poem is so true. Thank you for sharing the fun recipes. I can't wait until Ethan is old enough to try them out!
Carol :)
Hi Ya Cutie!
The taffy sure brings back memories! When we were young, our mom would make honey taffy... yummy!
Hope you can find a pick up place close to home for bountifulbaskets!
I heard that Richfield has bountifulbaskets every week. As for our area, it is just every other week for now.
Enjoy this gorgeous weather that the Lord has blessed us with :)
How I love coming over here, Julie. Each and every time you surprise me with such lovely, sweet and great posts! That quote is awesome and so so perfect for mothers day. I will most definitely try your play-and-have-a-lot-of-fun idea very soon {we've had another rainy day}
Sending many Spring sprinkles your way for a great new week! xx
I always make homemade play doh but this is a totally different recipe. And that gooey stuff....I am so going to make that with my daycare girl. Thanks
Love the painting and the beautiful words Julie!!!
We have not made homemade play dough in a LONG time...think we will re-visit it! Sam will LOVE it! Thanks for the reminder.
What a wonderful poem. Great message!
Love the Kool-Aide play dough. I'll save this for the next time my grandchildren come to visit. I always loved playing with it with my sons.
Have a wonderful day and thank you for your visit!
Ladybug Creek
You have so many interesting things in this post Julie! I really enjoyed reading it.
One of my favorite "Mother" quotes is this: "A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."
Julie you are the best Mom. Love those fun plaything recipes.
We are thinking alike today! How funny!
That taffy looks yummy- that may be our next project. Thanks for sharing!
Nothing could be truer than that sweet poem. Thanks for reminding us Julie.
The poem is wonderful! And thank you for all those fun recipes - can't wait to give those a try with my granddaughters!
How fun are those recipes?!! You must be the best Grandma ever!! :-)
Enjoy your Mother's Day too!!
Julie I had a poem similiar to this ..framed on my wall for 30 years..I recently gave it to my daughter. I will have to go over and take a picture of it.
I really stress to moms..the cleaning will always be there..no really it will..yuck..but our precious children..you blink..and they are gone.
I am a face watcher..I always wanted someone to hear me..to see me..as a child..so I made sure I did that with my children. After they went to bed..I attacked the house..they had their chores..but kids aren't slaves.The dust boards and fans being cleaned..that was my problem not theirs.
We have alsways made play dough..I will have to try this version..and the other two. We have never made taffy..yummm.
Thanks for sharing. I hope you are feeling better..I know it can take a while to feel like your old self.
Blessings..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
What a great post. YUM that taffy looks good! In 3rd grade Lexi's class made GAK....she LOVED it!
I say Amen! I love the picture too it is beautiful and a wonderful reminder of what is important and precious in life.
You are brave girl - all the "sticky" recipes look fun but very messy - definately outside stuff! I had never heard of Kool-Aid play doh before - does it smell good?
What a sweet poem...it's so true. And I love the picture at the top...it's so pretty. I've never been to a taffy pull, it sounds like fun! Thanks for the recipe. And for the play dough one too. Someday we will have grandchildren, and I will be able to use it! :o)
I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day this Sunday!
(PS~ Our puppy is a long hair Chihuahua.)
Could the words of the poem be any truer? Beautiful.
Julie...what a lovely post! So true.....the greatest of it all is LOVE!!! Thank you so much for this post. Happy Mother's Day to you!
Happy Mother's Day to you!
I love poem! Thank you for sharing!
You come up with some of the BESTEST things, sweet Julie.
What a fabulous mom and grandmother you must be. Bet they all worship you!! Nothing does our hearts as good as an I LOVE YOU, GRANMA...(Memaw for me...what do your's call you?)
Hope you are feeling much stronger every day. Take care!!
xo bj
What a wonderful poem! All wives and moms need to read that one every so often!
That taffy looks fun to make...I've never tried it and it looks so yummy, too!
Beautiful picture and poem! I can only imagine the fun kids could have with the play dough, etc. :-)
Such a wonderful post Julie!
I have missed you honey...thank you for taking the time to leave such kind loving comments on my site.
Believe it or not when I was laying in the emergency room I thought about you too and the ordeal you just had gone through yourself. I meant to mention that in my post.
I could hardly see what I was typing so it was not that great of a post but had to let everyone know I was going to make it.
Christi is taking a bath and I had to sneak to the computer..hahahahaha
Tried to catch up on your other post too while I was here...loved the apron you gave in your giveaway...how sweet..
I'm concerned that some of my grandkids will think the gooey gak is really taffy and we'd have some stomach problems!
Great poem and fun recipes!
Thanks for sharing!
What a lovely post!!!! I love all the fun here today...I have never made taffy...I think it is something I must do soon. Hope your day has been as sweet as your blog today my friend. xoxoox
I love that poem...it is so touching!
Loved it all! Poem and recipes and all the great thoughts on Mothers.
Happy Mother's Day to you too.
LOVE this Post!! Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers!! Happy Days Julie!!! Hope all is healing well and you are feeling fine!!
Such a great post. Ooey gooey too much fun!
Have a great time where ever you're going. Behave!
Love everything about this post Julie!! That poem is beautiful and those recipes for fun things to make with the kids/grandkids, how wonderful! I wish so much that mine lived close enough that I could do this with them! Sending love and hugs and Happy Mother's Day wishes! xxoo
Wonderful post Julie! Some of my fondest memories when my kids were little...making playdoh! Soooo much more fun than buying it!
Happy Mother's Day to one fine mother!
Beautiful poem! My friend Sandy sent this link to me. I really loved it, thanks!
Oh Julie...that's one of Elsley's prints, and I love his work. I have a couple of his. I also love Charles Burton Barber who paints in the same fashion. Beautiful art and so meaningful in the home.
(I love the little dog in that one because it looks just like my Annie Grace who is gone...)
Happy Happy Mothers and Grandmothers day to a deserving mama. Thanks for the sweet post.
Have a good one...HUGS!
Glad my mother is still alive for this year's Mothers Day...
Hi Julie,
Great little nuggets of poetry and candy and I ♥ the picture that is your favorite. I'll let my own kids make the play dough! I do remember years of picking that lovely stuff up in the strangest places. Gotta love the kids!
I hope you are finally feeling better and that you have a nice plan with your kids on Mother's Day. As for me it's all about my mother-in-law as all the kids are far away!
You grandchildren must adore coming over to your house!
Bellaboo :0)
Hello! I came across your blog today by way of Gumbo Lilly's. I love this post. The poem you opened with is just lovely! I also like the recipes. My little one will soon be in need of play-doh, so that one I'm sure will be useful. I really like your blog, and am looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Wonderful thoughts and wonderful recipes--what fun! Thanks for sharing these, Julie--have fun while you're away...we'll miss you!
What an amazing post!...I am really getting old...I read this gorgeous post last night,called my mom, read it to her, after wiping our tears, we both decided it was truly fabulous... yup...this is where the {sometymers} kicked in... closed the lap top and went off to bed. So today I am finally telling you how touchingly tender this post is...really thought I already had ...thank you...Rosie
Can you be a better grandmother?... Playdough, gak, and taffy? YOU AMAZE ME! I love your posts, have I told you that? I love your messages, and poems, and stories, i HEART U too! HUGS, jENN
How fun, and what a great grandma you are.
big hugs
Lovely poem and beautiful pictures! I haven't made taffy since my kids were all little, I think we'll have to try it again. :)
Beautiful poem about Love! I'm going to save it, thanks for sharing!
Thanks. I will probably use some of this for Achievement Days.
Such a delightful post...Happy Mother's day dear Julie. Take care and come back soon...
Ps: Love that quote...so true...
Much love: Evi
Just stopping over to let you know, I'm wishing you a happy day:)
Wonderful post! Look at all of that fun stuff!!
Beautiful post. I SO agree.
Great recipe.
Happy Mother's day Sunday to you too. You are a wonderful mother :)
Nothing like good yucky, sticky fun!! Love the poem. Enjoy your days off.
Hi Julie...
A very fun post!
What could be better then a little Kool-aid playdough ...followed by a Taffy pull!
Your the best mom...Have fun!
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Oh Julie your comment on my blog today just cracked me up. You naughty little thing you...skinny dipping. I LOVE IT! Too funny!
Oh Julie you are too cute- I bet you are the best Grandma ever. i am going to make some of that play dough for my babies. Probably not the taffy because I would just eat it all!
Just love this post!!
Happy Mother's Day to you!!
If you saw the floor under my table after the kids have been playing with playdough you would be oh so proud!! ;)
Great recipes. My son has been asking about taffy lately so maybe I will indulge him. Thanks thanks!
Thank you for your beautiful tribute to mothers and the fun recipes. We are lucky though, it's the best job in the world!
Hope you have a wonderful mother's day too! I'll be making some of your fun stuff when the grandkids are here for sure. You are such a fun grandma! Mimi
What a sweet Mother's Day post...
Congratulations on your guest post!!! That is really cool and you so deserve it :)
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