I was featured on "GOOSEBERRY PATCH"
May 7th
(click on this link below and it will get you to Gooseberry and the article is on May 7th)
So if you'd like, you can go there to read what they have put together
I was so shocked and amazed when they asked if they could do a feature
on me and my blog for Mothers Day.
I am tickled to death that they would even be aware of me, let alone
approach me for such a sweet kindness. Thank You Gooseberry Patch!
So now on with this post....
I so love and admire all women...they carry heavy loads whether they choose to be a
stay at home Mom ( or) choose a career (or) have to work. I always wanted to just be a Mom at
home with my kids, and with 8 thats just what I got, I think I chose it partly, because my Mom worked. I have never regretted my choice.
Being a wife and mother has taught me the blessings of living outside myself...such a
wonderful cure for basic, self-centeredness. This part of my life has never been drudgery
but has defined the uniqueness of my gender...I have loved to be the nurturer of my family.
Maybe I am a bit selfish...I never wanted to share my joys of holding and hugging and tender words whispered...I never wanted to miss all the firsts of my children...the silly times...the trials and hard times...the explanations of life...the bugs and pets...the comfort and safety...the adventures...the challenges...the bonding...the stories that we will remember for all our lives.
Why would a Mother ever believe she is replaceable:
Nothing and no one can replace Mom...no hired help..no nanny...no day care or baby sitter.
I doubt any of us would choose any of them for ourselves instead of a warm mommy, would you? No one can replace your voice...your hands...your smile..your attention and your love can never be matched by someone who may have taken some child development classes.
I know of women who on their day off send the kids to day care so they can have their free day to themselves. A life of we instead of a life of me may be the only thing that saves a child in the crazy world. I wonder...what is "True Motherhood?"
I remember sitting in the rocking chair with an uneasy toddler...rubbing her back, singing her a song...she turned up to me and said with such love and conviction; Mommy, you are my wahwahby! As she fell asleep in my arms, tears of joy slipped down my cheeks at this moment of pure love.
No, I was not out there in the worldly work force, lunching with co-workers, trying to impress..someone...I was not overseen by someone who might give me a performance-based raise, or praise. Instead, I was in the most beautiful and profound position I could have ever held...I was my child's wahwahaby... and I wouldn't trade that for all the world!
It is vitally important to..."Be At The Crossroads"... of our children's lives.
We must take time to always be at the crossroads when our children are going and coming....
When they leave and return from school, when they leave and return from dates, when they bring friends home. Be there at the crossroads whether your children are six or sixteen. Among the greatest concerns in our society are the millions of latchkey children who come home daily to empty houses, unsupervised by working parents.
I have always loved the story of the woman who was courted by a handsome man who was nicely dressed and with new boots. She consented to marry him and on arriving at his home was shocked at the run-down shack. She went inside finding it dark and deary and dirty...she turned to say that she couldn't live here and would leave, when her eyes fell upon two little children sitting quietly in the corner of the cabin.
There was something about the little boys sad eyes that held her heart...she stayed and raised those two little ones with great love.
Later the boy who grew up said; "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my Mother."
And as you know she was his step-mother and he was Abe Lincoln.
I think Motherhood is a wonderful thing and the most valuable career. Motherhood incorporates all of the diplomas given out in college. You have to be a nurse, a doctor, a teacher, an engineer, a cook and nutritionist. Many skills are needed as a mother, but one of the most crucial is to listen. We can learn a lot from our children if we listen, really listen to hear their feelings and their thoughts. Then we can know where to start to guide them
We can never give up on our children...it is so important to teach the while they are young...but there comes a time that the child becomes responsible. They have their free agency. It's hard but we have to let them have their agency...some of them will learn only by the consequences they have to pay.
Age 3: She looks at herself and sees a queen
Age 8: She looks at herself and sees Cinderella
Age 15: She looks at herself and sees an ugly duckling
(Mom, I can't go to school looking like this!)
Age 20: She looks at herself and sees.."too fat/too thin, too short/too tall,
too straight/too curly" but she decides she's going out anyway!
Age 30: She looks at herself and sees.."too fat/too thin, too short/too tall,
too straight/too curly" but decides she doesn't have time to fix it so she's
going out anyway.
Age 40: She looks at herself and sees.."too fat/too thin, too short/too tall
too straight/too curly: but says, "At least I am clean," and goes out anyway.
Age 50: She looks at herself and says, "I am what I am," and goes wherever she wants to go.
Age 60: She looks at herself and reminds herself of all the people who can't even see
themselves in the mirror anymore. She goes out and conquers the world!
Age 70: She looks at herself and sees wisdom, laughter, and ability and goes out and enjoys life.
Age 80: Doesn't bother to look. Just puts on a purple hat and goes out to have fun with the world.
The moral is....maybe we should all grab that purple hat a little earlier!
Motherhood is the highest, holiest service assumed by mankind...
I'd rather be a mother than anyone on earth
Bringing up a child or two of unpretentious birth....
I'd rather tuck a little child all safe and sound in bed
Than twine a chain of diamonds about my [carefree] head.
I'd rather wash a smudgy face with round, bright, baby eyes
Than paint the pageantry of fame or walk among the, so called wise.
-Meredith Gray-
I hear your footsteps on the pathway, the turn of your key in the door
I find my fears are unfounded...You are safe and home once more.
No matter who you "Mother"....it is such a blessing
to you and to them. A great gift from our Heavenly Father to us!
(if you missed it, there are some really fun recipes in the post below)
I hear your footsteps on the pathway, the turn of your key in the door
I find my fears are unfounded...You are safe and home once more.
No matter who you "Mother"....it is such a blessing
to you and to them. A great gift from our Heavenly Father to us!
(if you missed it, there are some really fun recipes in the post below)
Beautiful post. love your write, Julie.
Much love for a happy {grand}Mother's day!
This is absolutely beautiful!
My role as a mother has been the greatest joy of my life! I adore my children! Like you I have never have been employed outside the home...choosing instead to be an ever present figure in their lives! I have never regretted one moment...the only regret that I have is that it went by too fast! I have always been involved in Bible study and with young women in these studies...trying to encourage them to treasure all of the little moments with their children...encouraging them to realize the brevity of their baby time at home. I rarely consider the impact I have had on my kids...they have changed ME and enriched MY life and my faith...leading by their example. I am the lucky one to have been given the blessing of three of the greatest gifts God could ever give a woman!
I am so glad you stopped by earlier...I love hearing from you!
Oh Julie, what a beautiful post! I agree...Motherhood is such a wonderful gift! I loved reading "A Woman's Lifeline"...thank you!
Julie, you are such a Godly woman, mother and grandmother......!
Blessings to you, have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Hi Julie! Oh, this is precious! I love being a mother and I'll bet you're one of the best. Hope you're continuing to feel better.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Such a beautiful blog...Thank you for always sharing such uplifting blogs...so blessed to know you and share in friendship with you.
Happy Mother's Day
I agree with you. I loved being a mother and now a grandma. I went to work after my sons were all out on their own. I would not have had it any other way.
Happy Mother's day to you.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Oh Julie...That was just beautiful, and so well written. I agree 100%..Even when Kurt lost his job, we made a decision to trust God to lead and guide and if I was to go out and find full time work that I would...and If I was not, that God would intervene and interfere to keep me from doing so that I might still stay home with our teens and young adult kids...
I was so blessed to be able to stay home... Thanks for all your wonderful words and encouragement to young moms and older moms and moms to be...Happy Mothers Day. Hope yours is fantastic! Hugs.
I love your post today Julie! Those adorable photos are so touching.All the words are so very true as well.
I never worked til my girls were raised.I never put them into daycare or given them to grandparents daily.I myself raised them.Through the fun times in school through the not so fun sick times.Through dancing class with my oldest to gymnastics with my youngest.I was there for them.I felt guilty not working things were rough, but as I look back now I can see it made a big difference in the outcome.They both are gorgeous and wonderful girls.Im truly blessed and Im also sooooo happy to be a mother.I Wouldnt of traded it for anything in the whole world.
Happy Mothers Day to you sweet Julie!HUGS!
What tender and thought provoking thoughts. Thanks for sharing!!
Please enjoy your Mother's Day!! :-)
Aw Julie, what an awesome Mother's Day post...a big newspaper should pick this up and print it for all to see! I love the timeline, I wanna be 80 everyday!!
big hugs girl,
Julie thank you so much for writing this!! I stayed home with my children (like you I wanted to be there not the babysitter) and though it took many sacrifices it was more then worth it. This is such a beautiful and important post! I am proud to be such a good Mom, I know I am because I see it in the lives of my children!
You said it all, thank you.
Happy Mother's Day to you too!
Julit the packaged has arrived!! I will post on it tomorrow. Today I spent forever posting on being a mama..and then I come over to your site..great minds think alike!!lol
I love being a mama..I have often thought if you could only put one word on a tombstone what would it be...mine....mama..it says it all about me.
Just a quick question..where do you find the beautiful pictures that you always post..I love them.
Your post made me smile..tear up..and bond with another mom who knows what it is to be a mother!!
Sister's thru Christ and motherhood. Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Thank you for that thoughtful and insightful post:) So many good thoughts and wonderful words of advice!
Being a mother is such a blessing!
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
I wish every mother would read this post and take it to heart. I know there are those who would scoff and they are the ones that lose out in this world. The career and paycheck is more important. Now I do know there are those mothers that have to work to put food on the table and clothes on their children but many don't have to but choose to be out of the home. I know one young mother that sends her two children to daycare several days a week even though she doesn't work out of the home. I just don't get it, so sad! I was one of the fortunate ones that had a little part time job as a hairdresser and my shop was right in my house. I was right there all the time, in the morning, after school, if my son was sick, when friends came over, etc.. I only worked about 15 hours a week and that was when my son was in school. Anyhow, enough about me! Wonderful post Julie!!
Beautiful message, as always. How wonderful that you are being featured on the Gooseberry Patch!
Happy Mother's Day :)
You really touched my heart Julie! What a wonderful, touching, amazing post! I am going to print it off and give it to my daughter who will be a mother herself in about 5 months.
Happy Early Mother's Day!
Love, love, LOVE this post!!
And congratulations on being featured! :)
I'll have to check you out on Gooseberry Patch tomorrow! Cool!
I feel the same way as you with wanting to be with my children during the day and not having someone else care for them. No one can love my children more than me. You and I were very fortunate to be able to do that!
However, there are women who have to work. My daughter would give anything if she didn't have to work. But as a single mom, there's no getting around it! She doesn't EVER have someone else watch her children when she gets home from work or takes a day off. She's a wonderful mother!
Hope you have a fabulous Mother's Day!
Beautiful and from your heart. I love being a Mom and raising them. We have so much fun. Thank you for your comment. Yep, those little chickens are so much fun....Makes me just relax as i watch the kids play outside.
I'll check tomorrow the other blog. How fun! Everybody should know you. You are the best!
Happy Mother's Day Julie! You are a beautiful Mother inside and out.
I enjoyed your thoughts! Thank you!
amazing my dear...wishing you a blessed mothers day with your loved ones...smile on ...Rosie
Beautiful, through and through, Julie! I LOVE being a mother--wouldn't want any other job in the world! Thanks for sharing these wonderful words and images with everyone...
Those Gooseberry Patch ladies are so wonderful, aren't they?! They featured me a few weeks ago--I was shocked, too! So much fun! Can't wait to check it out tomorrow!
Hope you have a beautiful night!
Hi Julie~ This is beautiful YET' AGAIN! You are so right, THERE IS NOTHING in the world I want more then to be with my children and be home with them all the time. I would sell everything I had to STAY HOME WITH THEM, if that is what I had to do. This post was a little difficult for me.. as my hubby and I are conflicted with me working... Actually, I am conflicted, hurt, scared, worried, and above all sad. We need more income, but the thought of day care, and a full time job... kills me... i DON'T know what to do??? Day Care isn't happening yet... no calls no emails... Its been a battle and alot of pain between the hubs and I. I cannot believe you know someone that takes her kids to day care on her day off.... that anger's me, and is upsetting, considering my issue right now. Sorry, i am un-loading. Anyway, motherhood, is the greatest gift and blessing, I have ever received... even through the vomit and they endless stinky diapers HA.... the "Mom you are my lullaby" says it all. HUGS, LUVS, Jenn
Gooseberry Patch - Wow! They have a great blog over there but I have to say I am not at all surprised that they asked you - There is something very special about your outlook on life.
Something that I learn from everytime I visit you here.
I love this post about mothers - It is truly my greatest joy in life to be a Mother. What a beautiful gift Heavenly Father gave to his daughters :D
Congratulations on Gooseberry Patch!! Of course you would be noticed..You write beautifully!!
I enjoyed reading your wonderful post! Being a mother has given me so much joy.
Happy Mother's Day to you, Julie.
OMGoodness, I just love your blog and am now following you! I would love if you would follow me too. I have two children and I comment A LOT about my little son. I'm trying my best to REALLY enjoy the time I have with him before he doesn't like me anymore, LOL!
i love being a mom! congratulations on your feature. i cant wait to read it. happy mothers day to you too.
I know without a doubt that you are a wonderful mother. You are absolutely right, motherhood is such a sweet gift. Thank you for this beautiful post and congratulations on being featured on Gooseberry Patch!
Beautiful post Julie and congrats on the guest posting on Gooseberry Patch! I just love Gooseberry Patch. I can't get any of their stuff over here, but I always send my American friends gifts from their catalogue and I do love their cookbooks so very much, which I can on occasion get over here. Can't wait to see your article!! xxoo
Beautiful post Julie and congrats on the Goosberry Patch nod!!! I will be sure to check it out. I am not surprised really as you write beautifully. Love you loads! xxoo
AMEN to all said in this post, and Happy Mother's Day to you Julie~ (congrats too)
Hey there you Wonderful Mother...
Congrats on being Gooseberry Patch's Featured Friday Blogger!! You Go Girl!!
Thanks again for all of your inspiration and sharing!!
Julie, this is just beautiful! You pretty much covered it all. Can you post the link to where you will be featured tomorrow?
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Beautiful post It's always a sad thing when a mom has to work through no choice of her own.
Here Here! Mothers are divinity!! Thanks for the lovely post and words on mothers. I hope you have a fabulous mother's day! -Suzanne
Good Morning Julie!
Just read all about ya, over to the Gooseberry patch blog.
How fun for you !
Thanks for the well wishes for Spencer too. We are so happy, and proud!
Have a fun filled day and wonderful weekend :)
My favorite expression of true love for a mother is that quote by Abraham Lincoln, but I didn't know she was his step mother ... thanks for sharing that and all the other wonderful words about motherhood.
I ADORE my children and my roll as their mother! I stayed at home while I was married, but since I am single have gone back to work and I miss being there for them after school ... I LoVed being a stay at home mom!
Happy Mother's day to you too! :)
What a nice post for Mother's Day.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend.
P.S. I am off to check out the Gooseberry Patch now.
Hey Girlfriend...IT'S SUNNY...{for a change} I am cleaning like a mad woman...hey, we could have a cleaning party...I mean TEA party...oops...at my house...you wouldn't even have to do bathrooms...I'll hurry and then we can sit out the back with the new "Good housekeeping mag"...I hear ANNIE'S made it BIG!
The cutest story ever posted...go see, before you come for tea...love rosie
and happy happy mother's day to you!!!! :)
I agree, I love being a Mom and have been really lucky that I've basically been able to stay home this whole time. Happy Mother's Day to you and very cool about the Gooseberry Patch off to check that out!
You aren't kidding about the fact that this is a special day! Congratulations to you, you totally deserve it! I'm not surprised they would be aware of you, you go to our blogs and leave sweet encouragements and love so often, blessing others all the time! (and some of us... me... are really bad at returning the favor, yet you remain your sweet self.) So thank you for this sweet post. I couldn't agree more about the important job Mother's have and so glad I get to do it! Happy Mother's day to you.
This is my first mother's day so it's really special to me! Lovely post!
Congrats on your GBP Featured Friday interview! They are fun! Hope you have a great Mother's Day weekend....enjoy all the children!!!
WOW! This is the most eloquent, sincere and from-the-heart tribute to motherhood I've ever read. This will be my "Spotlight" post on Sunday for Mother's Day.
Wow my friend...what a post!!! You are amazing...I so love visiting you for all the inspiration and encouraging words that I find...thank you sooooo much and may your Mother's Day be truly blessed. xoxoxox
Congrats Julie on that article at Gooseberry Patch! I read it and it was wonderful! What a lovely tribute indeed! And Happy Mother's day, I bet your's will be a busy one!
Julie, this post is amazing. I, too, don't have anything else that I do that is more important to me than being a mother.
Motherhood is truly a gift.
We have a daughter that has been unable to have a child of her own. The pain of empty arms is heartbreaking, but she has a gift of "mothering" and does so to all children she can!
I would also rather be a mother than anything else!
Happy MOthers day to you dear friend as well.
Enjoy your day.
Well, Julie girl...I'm not one bit surprised Gooseberry wants to do something on you. Your blog is one of the sweetest I've seen. So many lessons you have for us and told in such a loving and gentle way. And I love all the web photos you come up with...beautiful.
Hope you are stronger today than you were yesterday and feeling fit as a fiddle.
xo bj
"Amen" to your thoughtful post. I like you was able to be home and raise my children and I'm so glad I was. There are many selfless, devoted mothers who don't have the means and luxury of doing that. I take my hat off to them as well for trying to provide their best for their children. I very much appreciate that if mothers can choose there will never be a better pay-off than being there full-time for our children. Happy Mother's Day, Julie...we need to meet!
Beautiful Post !!
Happy Mother's Day to You !!
Julie, loved the "feature" of you at the Gooseberry Patch blog. They certainly picked the right lady! Happy Mother's Day
How wonderful! I will go visit and check it out. This is a very beautiful post....
Julie thanks so much for doing this wonderful tribute to mothers. It is a blessing that you were able to stay home with your babies and raise them. I would of given anything to have been in a position to do so but we were left alone when they were 1,3 and 5 so I had no choice but to work.
Congrats on being featured on Gooseberry but that does not surprise any of us. Your one of a kind!
Will go there now and see your article. I can only imagine how excited you are.
I just discovered your blog today and reading your most recent posts feels like a warm hug. What a wonderful tribute to motherhood.
God bless and Happy Mothers Day
Gooseberry Patch chose a wonderful example to feature for their Mother's Day post! Terrific message too on your blog about choosing to be a SAHM and motherhood.
Nice post, Julie. I hope you are pampered galore on Sunday. Do take some pics of your beautiful, big family. Glad you seem to be much better now. Hugs, Deb (I may meet my first grand-child in the next few days - due on Mother's Day) *grin*
Oh my Lord, I went back to read posts and realized you have been through a frightening time in April. Julie, I'm so sorry I didn't catch that post, I am just the worst blogger. I get busy and don't get around to reading for weeks at a time. I do hope you are much stronger and have been taking it easy. You are just the epitome of a strong woman! God Bless you and please forgive me for not being there to support you with my prayers. Sending them now ;)
joycee at grannymountain
Beautiful and thoughtful Mother's Day post and I enjoyed your interview over at Gooseberry ~ I don't think they could have chosen a better Mother to feature for this special day. Happy Mother's Day!
~jermaine~ @ French-Kissed
Wishing you a very happy and blessed mother`s day together with all your family.
Hugs to you dear Julie,
Maria Cecilia
and then there are grandma's who step in to nurture when mama has to work.......I am so glad I am able to be there for the little ones........
Hi Julie,
I just read the feature on you. Congratulations!!
A beautiful post. Love the pictures, and the encouragement about motherhood. Motherhood is truly a special gift. I hope you are doing well. :)
Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!!
Oh Julie, Congratulations on the lovely article about you in Gooseberry Patch. They certainly picked the perfect person for their article!
You have been truly an inspiration to many women. I love to visit your blog and read all your wonderful posts.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Hugs, Ann
I just read the Gooseberry Patch post and it was wonderful. You're the perfect person to feature for their Mother's Day post! I hope you get a chance to go over and read all the comments. We all love you Julie!
When my sons were little, I worked outside the home but I was always there when they arrived home from school and there to drop them off. My co-workers couldn't understand why I'd leave early when it was slow rather than stay and get the pay. But I wanted to be with my kids, to let them build forts out of blankets and chairs, to read to them, to take them walking, to just be their mother.
Maybe this is why I get such beautiful flowers sent to me on Mother's Day now!
Hi there!
Just wanting to send out a happy Mother's day wish for you tomorrow! Hope you have a fun filled day :)
Thank-you so much for visiting. My grandson is arriving any day. One visit to the hospital already. Oh I am so blessed. Beautiful post.
it is the highest honor....lovely post!
beautiful post!i just had my son on the phone to encourage him before his exams on Monday, he feels lonely in Paris and these days i have him sometimes five times a day, I think this is that to be a mother, to guide, help and listen! Happy Mothers' day, hugs catherine
Oh what a wonderful write up on Mom's! I could not send my little babies off to someone else to take care of. . .
Happy Mom's day to you too!
Just wanted to come back and say what fun it is to know you better after reading the Gooseberry Patch post featuring you and your family. Congratulations on being such an outstanding example of motherhood and a role-model for women everywhere.
Julie, Happy Mother's Day to you! You are a blessing to me. Thanks for the wonderful example you live.
What a beautiful tribute to motherhood. I love the "woman's time line"---so true! Happy Mother's Day!
What a beautiful post....I saw your comment on "A La Carte" Linda's blog and couldn't believe you are 60!!....you look fabulous...the kids must keep you young...Have a wonderful Mother's Day....Sue @ Rue-Mouffetard
Well, this post will probably get lost in all of the other posts, but thank you for visiting my blog this evening.
I just read about the "meanest parents". Phew! Glad that turned out like I had hoped. And by the way, I think we are "sisters"... with the exception of the dairy, I did just about everything you did at home as well. Since my husband's family had a dairy, I know how much work you were doing there too! You deserve the sit-down time it takes to do these blogs.
Congratulations for being honored and highlighted.
Happy Mother's Day to you too!!
Ladybug Creek
Thank you so much for the visit...so enjoyed your feature on the gooseberry patch...no wonder you were selected...what an inspiration...and Woman of God...You will wear many crowns, dearest...Have a Blessed Mothers Day...Love in Him..Rosie
You are a beautiful example of Motherhood. What a profound post. Take care and a very happy Mother's day to you.
I could not find you in gooseberry? And yes I had been to breakfast in Paris- I love it there.
Another beautiful post and all of it is oh so true. My mom worked and I would come home to a cold dark house. I was lucky enough to be home when my kids came home and I tried to make it warm and cozy. Motherhood is a sacred calling. Hope your mother's day is wonderful my dear. Mimi
Thank you for stopping by again!!!
The chocolates were OUT OF THIS WORLD! Just melt in your mouth=0) No teeth required! Ahhhhh, we did feel a little sick after the RAW chocolate. Too much, so we had to leave after that, LOL!!! It was a lovely day....glad you saw the pictures.
I have seen your comments on other blogs and then just saw this morning your interview on Gooseberry Patch. Congratulations! Very nice blog here, too.
Julie, thank you for all your wonderful comments on my blog and also for this fantastic post. I love that you are the lullaby to so many kids and grandkids and even a great grandbaby! Wow! I am sure you Mother's Day will be overflowing with many blessings. I enjoyed reading your interview, that was great! Enjoy every minute of this day!
Love, B
Beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day, Julie!!!
I so admire you :)
xo, misha
Dearest Julie, Such a beautiful post. I wish I heard your words more in everyday life, Mother is certainly the most important job of all. Happy Mothers Day x 8! We are so blessed to be Mommy, be it to 8 or 1 it is a wonderful gift from God. Enjoy!
Beautiful post! I agree that being a Mom is a true blessing and an incredible joy. I've been in a position of being a single mom with 2 children so I had to work. There are circumstances such as that and those moms deserve applause too.
Have a beauty*filled day!
Happy Mother's Day to you, sweet Julie!!
I don't get to pop in here as often as I'd like, but your comments are always a blast of sunshine on my blog!
(And a huuuuge congrats on your gooseberry patch feature!)
Beautiful Julie..just so beautiful and true.. :)
Deborah \0/
Happy Mother's Day Julie and congratulations for being featured on Gooseberry Patch!♥
Happy mother's day!!!
You are the best!
Gorgeous post dear Julie! And I love the images you selected!
Happy Mother's Day!
Cheers: Evi
Hello, Julie,
Thank you for this heartfelt and lovely post about being a mother. I know your family feels very blessed to have you as their mother and grandmother. I wish you the happiest of Mother's Day, sweet friend! Love to you~ Vicki
p.s. I also meant to say "Congrats!" on being featured on Gooseberry Patch. I am going over to visit now.
Happy, Happy Mother's day dear ♥
how truly blessed we all are to have such a wonderful woman as you as an inspiration!
Julie, you are a blessing to so many...
I love visiting your blog... thank you for being here~
I hope your week has the beautiful afterglow of a mother and grandmother well loved ♥
Well, hoping you had a restful mothers day, with much pampering.
wishing you a whole lot of laughter for the week ahead...smile on Rosie
Julie I am ever so grateful for Matty pointing me in your direction. This was an amazing post to read, absolutely amazing.
My mother raised me, my brother & sister all on her own. She had no choice than to work but chose a career that allowed her to be with us when we were home. She was a trained nurse & worked in a special school as a teachers aide/school nurse.
I can't even begin to imagine how hard that was for her..and she gave us the most loved filled & amazing childhood for which I will be forever grateful!
A post every mom should read. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. Thanks for all the words of wisdom!
Just so you know... You have influenced so many! Not just your children, grandchildren...etc, but the mothers your inspire to try harder for another day (including me!) and the children they nuture and love. Thanks so much!
hello!! jenglamgirl sent me over and i'm glad i came to visit!
i have tears streaming out of my eyes right now at this beautiful post!
it made me think of so many things... i've had such a hard time with my boys lately, esp. the oldest. i love them so much but there are days i feel like i'm gonna break:( its so hard to be a mom, but the most rewarding thing you can do in life.
this post made me realize how blessed i am to have these boys even when they are stinkers. don't get me wrong here, i knew i have been blessed with them but this was a wonderful reminder how a mothers love is unconditional no matter how messy or naughty the kids are!! ;)
i hope you had a wonderful mothers day too!!
i am becoming a follower now:)
Happy Mother's Day to you! What a beautiful post. I agreed with all you had to say. But you did it so beautifully. You have a gift with words! Thanks for always sharing kind comments over at my place!
Congratulations being featured on Gooseberry Patch! Very sweet. I enjoyed this post and read with my Mom close to my heart. She has been gone since 1987. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day Julie filled with all those near and dear to your heart!
Congrats on the Gooseberry Patch! What fun!
Happy Mother's Day, Julie.
Beautiful post! Happy Belated Mother's Day! I came over from Matty Thoughts and am so glad I did! Wonderful post.
Just came over from Matty's thoughts and had to comment!
What a wondeful tribute to mom's everywhere.
So glad to have had the chance to read it:)
Happy Belated Mothers Day!
I am popping over from Matty's, and am so glad I did. What an incredible and moving post. When I decided to become a mom I did it wholeheartedly...not that it isn't hard or there are not times when I just want to escape - sometimes I do -, but there is nothing like coming back to it.
504 Main
This made me cry. At age 33, I will proudly be putting on my purple hat tomorrow. Thank you for sharing. Magnificent!
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