Cindy contact me through my comments and
I will get this mailed to you by Monday!
I look a bit rough but this is my happiest moment...
reading to grand children. I love to get all dramatic
as I read...it's so much fun!
"Is The Grass Greener?"
as I read...it's so much fun!
"Is The Grass Greener?"
Someone will always be prettier than me...
Someone will always be smarter than me...
Some of their houses will be bigger than mine...
Some will drive a better car than I do...
Their children may do better in school than mine...
And perhaps their husbands can fix more things around
the house than mine can...
But I let it go, and I love me and my circumstances...
I just think, "You know, the most beautiful women in the
world can have heartache in her heart,
The most favored woman at a work place,
may be unable to have children.
The richest woman you know...she's got "that"car...
"that" house, "The" cloths...but she might be lonely."
So, love who you are!
Look in the mirror every morning and say...
"I am too blessed to be stressed or disappointed!"
"Life is such a blessing...
My Grass is Green Enough!"
Pass the love on to every blogging sister out there in blog-land...
We are awesome...We take care of each other...
Love fills "this place"...Blogging is wonderful!
*Next month I will have another GIVE A WAY*
All my love to each of you!
"Life is such a blessing...
My Grass is Green Enough!"
Pass the love on to every blogging sister out there in blog-land...
We are awesome...We take care of each other...
Love fills "this place"...Blogging is wonderful!
*Next month I will have another GIVE A WAY*
All my love to each of you!
I LOVE this sentiment - - - My grass IS green enough!
Oh Julie...what a lovely post! You are beautiful...inside and out and I just love the picture of you reading to your two lovely grandchildren...it is so precious!
I agree 100% with you...we should love ourselves because we are created in His image and each and every one of us are special in His eyes! We also need each other and I love blog-land with all the wonderful women out there!
Thanks for sharing this lovely post with us!
That is just a perfect poem Julie!
Congrats to the other Cindy on winning your giveaway. You look good even when your not feeling well.
Hi Julie Sweetie...
Congrats to your winner, and I pray that you are feeling better soon. One day at a time.
I so enjoyed the beautiful writing that you shared today. God truly gifted you with a gift to write.
I so love taking and writing with my blog sisters. It is truly an awesome experience each and every day. You are treasured my friend. I pray you are on the road to recovery and will be all better soon.
Country hugs and much love...Sherry
i love that you posted a picture after your
surgery. you look beautiful surrounded
by even greater beauty.
Darnit I wanted the apron! But I am happy for Cindy...lucky! Thanks for the Being Enough message...so easy today to compare ourselves to another when we could all use a little more love. Hope you're feeling better!
Oh how I love to read to my grandson. I know it's just a bit of Heaven! Hope you are doing well Julie!!
Looks like you have lots of little helpers helping you get well again!!
bee blessed
Julie~ you are absolutly CORRECT... you couldn't of said it better. I think that often.
Infact I new a woman who 7 years ago... she was 34 when I was 22 and found out I was expecting my first. She would call me mama... and would say she is to old to have kids... yada yada.. she was so into her clothing and shoes it was ridiculous. Oh' her house too, she even took me to her house on a lunch break. Well her and her hubby divorced because the life she wanted to live he couldn't keep up with. She chose a bmw over her marriage. Now she has this big ol' empty house with no kids, hubby, her mother died, a deliquent father, and no siblings to say I LOVE YOU! I feel bad for her and people like that. Who cares about stuff... I HAVE AN ETERNAL FAMILY. OK' I carried on way to much. Luv ya, Hugs, jenn
Yes the grass is green. Contentment doesn't need to look over the fence, now , does it???
Thanks for a wonderful post Julie. Congrats to your winner!
You have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for visiting with me and thanks for praying! HUGS!!!
I so love your sweet spirit, Julie.
I always loved reading to my kids and grandkids, too. Some of our sweetest times together. They are all so old now that, THEY want to read to ME.!! :)))
XO bj
You look beautiful!
I think that you must be an awesome grannie!
Hi Julie! Oh, I love this and yes, Dear One, my grass is certianly green enough!! Hope you're continuing to feel better.
be a sweetie,
my grass is greener too....I thank god for my green grass every day......
I feel the same way, my grandchildren always make my day!
That is such a sweet poem!!
And what a lovely moment with your grandchildren! :)
Congrats to the winner!! :-)
Looks like your little listeners are mesmerized!! By the way, I think you look AMAZING!!!
Thanks for the happy thoughts!!
Congrats to Cindy! Have a wonderful weekend, Julie!
My grass IS green enough! I love that, thank you.
Congratulations to Cindy!
Yall have a great weekend!
Very true....Did i miss a give away!!! Crap! I am sorry :(
Hope you are getting better every day.
I go to my dashboard..push the messages on my blog..and shock..surprise..elation..I won. Little ole me who never signs up for anything..me who has never really seen anything that I wanted much less needed..then I saw her..little pink check..she was calling my name..gingham and all..Oh thank you Julie..this has been a hard day emotionaly for me..then I checked in..wowzza I won!! Thank You!!
My grass is starting to turn green..alowing God to heal this heart..makes it look really green!!
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Oh darn!! Somehow I missed your giveaway! I think we can always look at others and see greener grass, prettier faces, nicer homes, etc. The trick is to be content with what you have, and I am. Thank goodness!! xxoo
Lovely lovely book, need to have this for my own children!
Have a great weekend, Julie! xx
Julie, I love the picture of you reading to your grand children. How truly precious that is!
Hope you are feeling better.Thanks for your visits and comments.I agree with you , we say here :"grass is greener elsewhere!"but we must apreciate what was given to us.
Never were truer words spoken:) Thanks for reminding us Julie...big hugs:)
Congrats to the winner ( you lucky girl )
Have a good weekend.....get lots of nice rest!!!
Beautiful thoughts. So true!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Congratulation to Cindy!!
Someone once told me that we often measure our short end of the stick to other peoples long end of the stick.
In other words; often we see the best in them and measure the worst in ourselves up against their best! It really is true, isn't it !
I've learned from experience that we should practice not judging others or ourselves too harshly.
We should love ourselves unconditionally, and others too ! :)
Oh, aren't grands just the best! And yes, my grass is green enough. I'm incredibly blessed in every way.
I tried your popcorn in a brown paper bag "recipe" and I have to tell you I was skeptical. Even talked to my sister about it. Her being older, she told me to try it first,lol, so I did. It not only worked, it was delicious!! I hate regular microwave popcorn because it has such a chemical taste to it. Your "recipe" is truly the best.
Forgot to say that the aprons you have for giveaways are really beautiful!!!
Dear Julie, I`m so glad to know your healing process is over now and that you are back to your normal joyful life among your grandchildren and family. You empower my faith in the possibility of miracles in our everyday life and I thank you for this so much, reading your words of faith makes me feel much more happier than I´m already are.
Let me tell you that I do want popcorn too!!!!!
Many, many hugs to you my dear friend,
Maria Cecilia
I have a grandson coming any day now. Can't wait...this is my first. Lovely blog.
Julie, what a lovely and thoughtful post. A good lesson for all of us to remember. Some of my best memories involve reading to my children, which I did constantly. Today, as adults, they are both still voracious readers.
I LOVE that poem! And seriously, you look great!
Happy may 1rst! I have a give away on my blog and wanted to make sure you don't miss it :)
So true! We have so many blessings if we just pause a moment and look around...and think about our families, etc.
Hope you're gaining strength daily.
yes, i read cindy's excited blog post! yay, cindy!!
yes, my grass is green enough...and even when it's brown...it's mine.
thanks for stopping by old sweetwater and encouraging my heart!
Love your sentiment...congrats to the winner :-)
Hope you're having a lovely weekend my dear friend!
Cheers: Evi
That was the one thing my mom kept saying was that she needed to see her grandkids and she would feel much better!!
Thank you so much for these beautiful and true words. I feel so blessed to meet people like you in the blogging community. And it is a wonderful community, you are so right about that. Take good care and don't overdo things. -- Inger
I looked at the name CINDY and I thought it maybe, just maybe it was me. Oh Bummer! I am happy for the Cindy who one. Loved your comment.
Hi Julie,
What a inspiring poem! Thank you for sharing it.
Congratulations to Cindy!
Have a lovely Sunday. :o)
What a wonderful sentiment! Just found your blog a few days ago and love it! Thanks for sharing. Kelley
Very sweet post, Julie! What an adorable picture of you reading to your grandbabies--keep doing that! Rest & read...no hard work for quite a while, okay?!
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
Julie I have decided you are one of the most beautiful people I know. Obviously beautiful on the outside but inside you are such a happy person, with such a glorious outlook on life that it is catching.
Thank you so much for your example.
I love this poem and I may have to "borrow" it sometime:D
I love it! You are such an awesome person!
Hi Julie, Congratulations to Cindy,
You always have the most inspiring post. I am always so blessed by my visits. The photo of you with your grandchildren is priceless.
I just said to my husband, as we were driving home from a lovely dinner party..."you know honey, I think I should get on a serious diet and drop a few pounds before summer"...no comment from the driver...
We really are always looking to improve...instead of focusing on the MANY BLESSING he bas bestowed upon us...thank you for these wise words!...I still have to cut back ... but will be thankful for lettuce...sending you a Sunday Hug...Rosie
Oh Julie... what wonderful words for us this morning! You bring us so much inspiration ~ Janean's comment is perfect... "my grass is green enough even when it's brown ~ it's mine" love that reply! So very true... We are too blessed to be stressed ;o)
Thank you for these words!
ps. and Congrats to Cindy!
pss. I just bought a vintage tablecloth yesterday! Can't have enough vintage :o)
I was not a reader of your blog (til today) when I saw a post you left on Manuela's blog. I am quoting you on my blog as well. Just wanted you to know!
My Grass is Green Enough too! I love my grass even with some weeds in it :) I also love this post. Beautiful picture of you and your grandchildren and the poem is sweet and profound. Thank you for your visits to my blog Julie. Good wishes for your continued recovery!
Julie! how are you? I always love to see your comments :-) How did I miss your lovely giveaway? bummer, I love that apron. I haven't been on my computer much since Friday, the weekends always go by so fast... helping daughter with homework projects and doing other fun stuff! Have a blessed Sunday.
sending a big hug
I was reading to my grandchildren last night and was thinking the same thing. Thank you. Have a wonderful Sabbath.
Julie! I noticed your update on Tamara's blog and decided to read up...yesterday I was thinking "oh how would it be..." this message was certainly something I needed to read today! Thank you! I certainly have been more than blessed and needed a good reminder! Glad to hear you are feeling better! What an ordeal! I think I'll add you to my list, thank you for the uplifting moments of thought!
I just came across your blog through another blog, can't remember which. I love your photos and I had to do a double take when I was reading your about me page. I said to myself, "Anyone with a family that size is either LDS or Catholic". Either way I'm happy to see there are so many of us "Christian" bloggers out there.
Congratulations to Cindy!
I love the picture of you reading to those cutie pies!
My grass is so green that it needs cutting constantly. It overflows and overgrows.
Have a great day.
"My Grass is Green Enough"...love this and it's exactly how I feel too. My car is 11 yo and I still like it too!
Sorry about the Google Friend Connect not updating we are working on it. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon. And I have missed you and so many people, more then I thought I would!
So sorry I missed your giveaway...darling apron. But life is hectic and I'm going into the hospital on Tuesday for spine surgery.
Hope all is well with you and yours!
Congrats to Cindy! I love this post! You're always so uplifting!
So filled with truth. What beautiful insight you have. Thank you for your lovely thoughts.
Is there anything better than reading to the grands? And by the way, you look beautiful in that picture. You do.
Hey, Julie! Oh, I'm glad to hear you'll be visiting with your children next weekend. That must mean you're continuing to feel better. Thanks for popping in.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hello, Julie,
Congratulations to the lucky winner of that sweet vintage apron! I know she will really enjoy it. I loved your thoughts about being content with who we are and what we have. Everything you said is so very true. I loved seeing you reading to your grandbabies. I, too, love to read to children. It is one of the great joys in life I think. I hope you have a blessed week full of fun and laughter, dear friend! Love and blessings~ Vicki
I want to have a sign made of that saying. We all would be so much better off if we really believed that. Mimi
Hoping your weekend was restful...and your recovery is going well...sending a hug your way...Rosie
congrats to the winner :) what a sweet and true post. take care.
Well said ! And you don't look "rough" in that picture at all. In fact, you seem to be enjoying yourself and the grandchildren are totally engrossed in the story. A very special and cozy time caught by camera.
and if it isn't green enough...don't look over the fence..just water it! :) LOL!
Congratulations to Cindy!!! I LOVE that poem and it is so, SOOOOOO true.♥
Congratulations to Cindy! Lovely poem!
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