~President Thomas S. Monson~
The president of my church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
has said that we as Mormons, can learn much from other faiths.
He said; "If you feel we have cornered the market on piety, think again.
We have a lot to learn from others."
I think that was also what Jesus did when he shared the parable of the Good Samaritan
with the Jews. He deliberately picked someone...a Samaritan who wasn't a member of the
group. He wanted to show that Godly actions are not the property of ONE race or
religion. A person's behavior shows them to be compassionate and faithful...not the
label they wear.
And I am sure, for his listeners. hearing a Jew describe the holiness of a Samaritan sounded strange indeed. But then, none of the good people in the parables of Jesus...those who love
and share, who show patience and caring...were officially Christians, at least not in name.
Christianity was just being born. The people Jesus singled out in his stories for their holiness
had likely never even heard of him. Yet they were Christian because of their actions.
What matters is how we live our lives.
If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.....
among any religion...we seek this out to learn from.
Yes, bring what you have and maybe we can add something as well.
Perhaps this was one of the messages of the parable of
the Good Samaritan...to open our hearts to each other and share the Saviors goodness.
It sounds a little like all of us here in Blogland...
sharing what we have and are... with each other.
Now, like many times after my church's gatherings....it's time for refreshments!
~ Lets have some homemade ice cream...WOO HOO~
The president of my church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
has said that we as Mormons, can learn much from other faiths.
He said; "If you feel we have cornered the market on piety, think again.
We have a lot to learn from others."
I think that was also what Jesus did when he shared the parable of the Good Samaritan
with the Jews. He deliberately picked someone...a Samaritan who wasn't a member of the
group. He wanted to show that Godly actions are not the property of ONE race or
religion. A person's behavior shows them to be compassionate and faithful...not the
label they wear.
And I am sure, for his listeners. hearing a Jew describe the holiness of a Samaritan sounded strange indeed. But then, none of the good people in the parables of Jesus...those who love
and share, who show patience and caring...were officially Christians, at least not in name.
Christianity was just being born. The people Jesus singled out in his stories for their holiness
had likely never even heard of him. Yet they were Christian because of their actions.
What matters is how we live our lives.
If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.....
among any religion...we seek this out to learn from.
Yes, bring what you have and maybe we can add something as well.
Perhaps this was one of the messages of the parable of
the Good Samaritan...to open our hearts to each other and share the Saviors goodness.
It sounds a little like all of us here in Blogland...
sharing what we have and are... with each other.
Now, like many times after my church's gatherings....it's time for refreshments!
~ Lets have some homemade ice cream...WOO HOO~

It doesn't require a complicated recipe or a ice cream making machine.
It uses frozen berries and the flavor is so amazing!

You will need:
24 oz. frozen strawberries, sliced (about 5 cups)
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
If your frozen strawberries are whole, let them set out on
a tray until just soft enough to slice. (about 20 minutes)
In a blender, combine berries and sugar, stopping to stir
several times, until berries are finely chopped.
Slowly add cream while blending, stopping to stir, until thick.
Pour mixture into a shallow pan (15x10x2")
and freeze for an hour or until scoopable.
For later use, you can freeze solid, then remove from freezer
and let mixture sit for about 15 minutes, until scoopable.
Store in freezer for up to one month in an airtight container.
Prep time: 15 minutes.....Makes: 1 quart
*For red, white, and blue Summer theme, garnish with fresh
blueberries and serve on white dinnerware.

This is so good! Such good strawberry taste.
So easy and it has no unwanted stuff in it like
some of the commercial ice cream does.
I hope everyone will have a great week...I love you all and so
appreciate all you add to my life...My sweet sisters!
I hope everyone will have a great week...I love you all and so
appreciate all you add to my life...My sweet sisters!
What a beautiful post. I am so glad I started my day with your wise words and fabulous recipe. I can tell that today will be a very good day!
Best wishes,
I love your religious spiritual posts!! Its as if I had been to church and heard a sister speak, and it grabbed my attention. You are so awesome. That ice cream looks like heaven. Nothing better then homemade anything. Me and the Miss Priss are baking homemade sugar cookies w/ sprinkles on top.. at the moment. Hugs, Jenn
I LOVE ice cream! When you make it as easy as this, this could be a HUGE problem for me! Ha!
Thanks for sharing and I agree that we should share all that we know and love each other no matter what! Have a lovely day! -Suzanne
Julie what a beautiful post!
The yummy looking strawberry ice cream is making me happy just seeing the photo. How easy and delicious this one sounds. Mmmm...:)
Thank you very much for following along and your kind visit today. I feel the same way you do and I'll do the same. Blogging is all about the special friendships to me as well. I feel blessed and grateful to know you my friend. Come by and visit me anytime. You are always welcome!
Have a wonderful evening. ~Melissa :)
this recipe sounds so great-yummy and easy! would you mind if i posted it(with credit to you and linking to your blog) on a recipe blog that i contribute to? thismamacooks.blogspot.com. let me know! :) thanks!
Thanks for sharing such a good thought and a delicious recipe !
Have a great day!
Looks delicious! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. I love to prepare dishes without all those additives that we don't need.
Yummy...of course, with my lifestyle changes kind of, I mean firmly in place, I would only eat a spoonful. Is that possible because it sure looks delish!!
I love the sound of your icecream recipe! I'll have to wait for a hot day and try it out.
I agree that we can all learn a lot of good things from each other.
Beautiful, Julie...well said! Love that ice cream recipe...yum!
This looks delicious, I just bought an icecream maker, do you think I could blend this up and still use my maker instead of putting it in the freezer?
Beautiful, inspirational thoughts! Thanks for the recipe. Love ice cream socials!
Wonderful post !
Love the sweet treat I will give it a go on the weekend.
Love the social and especially the recipe, can't wait to try it!! Thank you.
Thanks for your example and words of wisdom and truth!! Very thought provoking and an excellent reminder!!
What a FUN ice-cream recipe. LOVE the easy recipes!! YUM-O!!:-)
Well, that looks easy enough. I love your nice words, too. Ice Cream - one more reason to love summer. Hugs, Deb
Strawberry..my favourite...thanks for the recipe..you know I will try it. xoxoxo
beautiful testimony Julie. Just today my LuLu said it would be fun to make homemade icecream. I am going to make this for her tomorrow- thank you for sharing such sweet thoughts and treats.
Oh my!! That looks divine! I always enjoy reading your posts. You have a way with words and deep thoughts. Thanks so much for always commenting on my blog. I really appreciate it! Now I must make me some of that icecream!
I Love our Prophet!
Ice cream looks Yummo!
We all love you too Julie. When we lived in California there was more of an opportunity to learn from other faiths. And I did learn a lot. Mostly good. Sounds like a fun summer desert recipe. Thank you for it. Mimi
There is truth to be found in all faiths Julie. We all bring something wonderful to the table. As for that ice cream, it is calling my name!! A beautiful post as always! xxoo
Wow, wow, wow... this looks so good! I can have ice-cream for breakfast, right?
Mmmmmmmm....looks wonderful!!
Have a Great Day!!
Love you post!!
I can't wait to try that ice cream recipe...sounds and looks delicious!!
Enjoy your day!! Blessings from Georgia!!
ice cream and the prophet. sounds like a perfect combo!
Hi Julie! Loving the recipe.I could use blueberries as well.That would be delicious.I have one post by a blogger with a delicious blueberry dish now this.I may have to close my eyes today if theres anymore recipes LOL
Happy Tuesday! Hugs!
I agree...I am not mormon and I absolutely love reading posts like this...we can all learn from each other.
And then to top it off with ice cream! Yummy!
I love President Monson. His conference talks were great! I can't wait to try the ice cream recipe. I also love your recipes.
Thanks for always sharing such beautiful posts! That ice cream looks so easy and delicious!!!! YUM
Sharing is what Jesus wants us to do in our walk of life. Share His love with everyone!!
The ice cream looks so simple and delish! Will have to try this!
Take care!
Julie thanks for the post! I always need reminders:) The icecream looks yummy and it would be such a fun family night thing to do with my kids:) Do you think I could use frozen peaches? Probably huh? Let me know thanks:)
Hello Julie, what a beaitiful post. Yours is the first one I read this morning and I think I will stop for now, what a lovely thought to start my day with.
Your ice cream looks yummy. I will have to give it a try!
Hugs, Ann
Thanks for sharing that.
It was beautiful. Amen to everything you said. Thanks for the invite to the ice cream social, I'm still licking my lips.
That's beautiful looking stuff.
i love your beautiful, spiritual heart. what a treat to read your words first thing this morning. inger
Looks yummy!!
Strawberry ice cream is my absolute favorite! I cannot WAIT to try this simple recipe! It looks SOOOO wonderful!
That shade of pink is so lovely. Much loveliness in a bowl! Hope you are enjoying a sunny day, Julie. xx
Yummie!! I want some of that right now!!! I love strawberry ice cream and this is so easy~
Does it mean i need to buy an ice cream maker? LOL
Oh this look so good!
I loved reading this because i so agree. We can all learn from each other and help each other whatever or beliefs are...We are all humans...I don't like tags on people...We are all the same and we should be there for each other.
Gros bisous
You rock!
YUM!!!! I LOVE strawberry anything. I am so going to try this recipe! Thanks for sharing it, and for your sweet message today.
Thank you dear friend for this beautiful post. I love coming here and read your post.
I copied down the recipe and i am going to try it.
Have a wonderful day.
oh this looks so decadent...YUM...I do believe I might just have to try this...thank you my dear...love Rosie
Hello Julie, Just found your blog - love it! I am a grandma too with your same faith. Stop by at joysthoughtsandthings.blogspot.com
Have a good day. Joy
Thanks for a lovely post Julie....yes, it is how we live our lives and I also believe in how we treat other people what matters....
I am going to make this ice cream recipe...it looks delicious!!!
Yummmm...ice cream! Looks so cool and so much like summer-time!
Oh my goodness!!! what a wonderful post and ending with that delicious ice cream recipe that MUST BE TRIED!!!
Julie, thank you for your beautiful inspirations... you are a gift!
You've inspired me in many ways, Julie! :)
that recipe is SO easy...can't believe it..3 ingredients! I'm trying it! :)
I think you are very wise my sweet friend! Sorry your toe hurts too!! I'm sure that yummy ice cream will make it feel alot better!
Ooooo, yum! That looks absolutely delicious!
Julie, thanks for linking this post to Woo Hoo! Wednesday, joining this party, and bringing the ice cream :) Woo Hoo!!
What a nice post, full of good thoughts---and ending with a good recipe! Can't wait to make ice cream!
I am thinking I need some of that yummy goodness for breakfast! What do you think;)? I love anything with strawberries so count me in!
OMGoodness, Julie, this sounds and looks amazing. I can not WAIT to try it. Mr. Sweet is going to love me forever and ever, amen!! He does love his ice cream. Me, too!!
Thanks so much for the beautiful post and for the recipe.
love, bj
Thank you, I just went to the Strawberry Farm!! I am a follower and thank you for all your beautiful pictures and letting us in your blessed life. The view form your home is gorgeous!!
Wonderful post!
I have book club at my house and NEED something yummy! We're going to have your icecream!
I have a son who has type one diabetes, this will be way good for him, and can be made with fructose or splenda! Thanks much!
Enjoy your day.
Hi, to you. Thanks for coming by and the sweet comments. That ice cream sure looks good. I will have to try that recipe since it doesn't require a machine.
my husbands van pool is next to a strawberry stand. im going to have him buy some so i can make that delish ice cream. strawberry ice cream is my fave!
Julie, thanks for sharing President Monson's message with us. He is a true and living prophet and he is right about looking for the best in everyone. I felt like I got a mini-family home evening lesson and the treat....soooo yummy and easy. I assume you can switch it up with peaches, cherries. Have you tried it other ways? Thanks...you are such a gem! Look forward to your posts.
Strawberry ice cream. Oh boy!
I agree -- yes indeed -- very well said! But O MY did you have to show Ice cream at the end - o my goodness that looks so good -- strawberry ice cream is my favorite..
Wow- Julie, what a delicious sounding ice cream recipe! I'm going to try this for sure!
Thanks for the wonderful words about our Saviour and the story of the Good Samaritan- it is one of my favorites.
I love this recipe...cant wait to give it a try.....
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