all the back rubs and foot rubs he has given me over these
last two months that I have been trying to heal from surgery.
It has really helped me to heal faster and it sure
helped with the misery of it all!
helped with the misery of it all!
( I am all healed...I even got the go ahead that I can ride my horse now..Yipee!)
As we returned home, this giant cloud hung heavy over our high mountain valley ....
on the ground half way through the next day!
she is due to have her first baby the end of July.
Then on June 5th I'll have a shower for her here at our home. I've got another baby quilt to make for her and lots of fun preparations for that shower too.
***Now, for the WINNER of my GIVE A WAY***
***Now, for the WINNER of my GIVE A WAY***
At Peanut Butter & Jelly Life

Rue contact me and by my email and I'll get this sent to you right away.
I think it will fit into your life and your home just perfect!
Thanks to all who entered this give a way...
there will be another one next month so
watch for it!
All my Love to each one of you!
Thanks to all who entered this give a way...
there will be another one next month so
watch for it!
All my Love to each one of you!
Beautiful pie, harsh looking hail, way cute blankie and bag. I love showers and cake.
Oh Yay for Rue! A deserving winner!
Love to visit both of you gals' blogs...
And the cherry pie looks OUT of THIS WORLD!! YUM. "Can she bake a cherry pie Billy Boy??????"
YES SHE CAN! and a lot more. So glad you are healed and have the ok to ride...Know you are excited. Have a great weekend and days to come with all the baby-anticipating events!!! Hugs.
you are always making the most delicious
desserts. i would weigh 500 lbs. around
Congratulations to Rue!! That pie looks delicious!
I ABSOLUTELY hate hail. I can't believe how much of it you got. WOW. Hopefully it didn't damage anything.
That baby blanket is so cute and looks so soft.
I'm thrilled that you are healed now....YIPPEE♥
i am sure the hubs will adore that cherry pie. YUM, MADE WITH LOVE. Love the blanket you made to sweet. That thunder hail cloud pic. is awesome. Congrats to RUE the winner. Hugs, Jenn
I love cherry pie! Sweet looking blanket for you new grandbaby!
Gorgeous pie, and a beautiful blanket (congrats on another grand) and congratuations to Rue :)
Ohhh..I hope the hail didn't destroy anything. I guess you are use to harsh weather..the beauty outweights the harshness of living there!! Right?!!!!
I have something up my sleeve for the Pink Gingham Apron..I hope you don't mind and will enjoy it.I will post tomorrow.
Congratulations on your new apron winner..I hope she loves her's as much as I love mine!!
hugs and blessings..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Pie looks delish ! I swear I can smell it from here!!
Sweet looking baby blanket !
Congratulations to Rue !
The pie looks delicious Julie! And, I love the blanket that you made. That shade of pink is so pretty on both the front and back.
The hail is amazing! Looking at the picture you'd think it was snow!!!
Ummmmmmm, Can I have a piece of that pie?!?!? I was wondering if that picture was in Utah then read it was. My BF lives in South Jordan, and I go there once a year or so. You are the best lookin' great grandma I've ever seen in my life! You've got it going on!
Thanks for coming to visit me,
That pie looks delish, I want to eat it right off the screen! Cute blankie too!
Holy Moly... that hail really hammered you guys. We sure wish it would get hot enough so that we could complain about the heat, don't we ??!!
I'm so happy for you that you got the 'all-clear' from your doctor!
The blanket that you made for your daughter looks cozy... I'm sure that she will just love it!
Congratulation to Rue!! Happy baking and cooking in your new apron.
Have a wonderful evening :)
Wow that is alot of hail!!!
May I have a small piece of that beautiful pie.......with ice cream please/ha
Congrats must model your sweet apron for us!
One thing at a time:
That pie looks delicious!
Congratulations on being all healed up.
That hail looks like it could have caused some damage!
The baby blanket and shower gift are adorable!
And congratulations to Rue!That apron is just too cute!!
That is a good looking pie - my husbands favorite too!
The blanket is so cute - I love that super soft fabric and the hot pink!!
I'm so glad to hear you are all recovered and have the go ahead to ride your horse. It gives me hope that there is an end as I head into this process!!
Oh boy that pie looks amazing!
So glad to hear that you are recovering beautifully-you must be so happy!
Congratulations to Rue. I haven't heard of that blog so thanks for the intro.
Best wishes for a beautiful weekend,
Hi Julie! That pie looks like it would make me pretty happy, too! Beautiful!
So glad you're back to normal again--so great to hear!
Love that baby blanket--so soft and sweet--have fun with the baby showers!
Congrats to Rue--make something yummy in that apron!
Have a wonderful night, Julie--stay WARM!!!
Congrats to Rue.
Love the pie!
Mmmmmm Cherry Pie! That looks absolutely delicious & I'm sure your husband will enjoy every morsel he eats.
There is so much love in your posts & in your family warms the cockles of my heart!
I can't get over the photo's of that hail storm...they're amazing!
And the present that you've lovingly prepared for your daughter is just lovely! You are an ACE mother & grandmother for sure! Oh & wife!
Okay... wait... I am so selfish!
I'm sorry about the hail. I hope nothing was too damaged.
The pie looks delicious!
Okay now... YAY! I love that cute apron :)
Thank you again and I hope you know I'm just being silly.
Glad you're feeling better! I'm sure your husband will be happy with the pie, looks yummy!
I'm assuming your daughter is having a girl. Darling blanket.
Have a wonderful day!
Are you my long lost twin??? Just kidding. Thanks for your kind comment about my scorpion stung Kirby-he's doing fine. We both love dogs, horses, pie making (the YW pres. just called and asked me to teach a pie class for the 3rd time). Maybe I'm not doing it well enough for the gals to learn :) Happy day wishes.
That's a lot of hail Julie! Wow, those pics are amazing. Love the blanket you made, it's so fuzzy and cute. And cherry is my all time favorite pie! How did I miss your giveaway? My blog dashboard has been acting up.
Wow... look at that hail!
Congrats on your OK to ride again! So happy for you, Julie!
And what a gorgeous pie... love the design you put on top!
Congrats to Rue for winning the sweet apron~
So nice of you, Julie... truly gracious ♥
have a wonderful weekend ~ Maria
Goodness, look at all that hail! Hard to believe when we have it so hot here. Congrats to Rue on winning your lovely apron (it shoulda been me! ha ha just kidding) ;-) Hope you're having a great week, well apart from all that hail.
Hi Julie
Yummy pie, adorable baby blanket and congratulations on becoming a grandma again. I'm still waiting on my first one to arrive any day now.
So glad you are all better and able to get back to riding your horse. I'm sure your horse has missed you.
Hugs, Deb =^..^= x6 That was a lot of hail! I'm so glad the doctor released you and you can do everything you've been missing! Very sweet wife to bake a cherry pie, too! Hope you have a great week-end.
Julie, the pie looks absolutely divine! Do you make your own crusts? My mother used to make the most fabulous cherry pie ~ one of my very favorites ~ and I have not been able to duplicate it. She just had a special touch!
I can't believe all that hail ~ wow. So glad you made it home safely...and extra happy that your Dr appt went well. The blanket is adorable! I know you have several grandchildren but each one is such a blessing and it's so exciting anticipating their arrival...and then meeting them.
Thank you for sharing these special family times!
Even your crust is beautiful!!! Wow, you need to give me pie making lessons. Ummm, Ummmmm. I love pie. Isn't that hail something?
So glad you are all better. I have missed you the past few days. Beautiful blanket! That hail! Utah is becoming more like Idaho...two seasons! My kids that live there are so done with it this year. Your pie looks so yummy~cherry pie is my all time favorite!
Take good care of yourself!
Julie the pie looks delicious! I'm glad you are feeling better.
What an amazing photo of the cloud. Yikes it looked scary with all of the hail.
Come by anytime for a visit. ~Melissa :)
I love cherry pie :) And congrats to Rue!
We have had hail a few times this spring. My pups like to chase it after the hail storm is over. They can't figure out why these golfballs just go way!
xo, misha
Hi, Julie,
That is an absolutely beautiful pie, and I know your husband will enjoy it very much. The gifts for your little one on the way are wonderful. I know mommy and baby both will love them. I am so glad you are healed and doing so much better. Sending lots of love your way~ Vicki
I see your sweet smile commenting on many of the blogs I visit... it is about time I came to say hi and check out your blog! ;)
What a beautiful pie!! yummy!
and your view is stunning!
and I love love that blanket!
makes me want to bake and sew right now!
nice to meet you!
Jenn ~ seizing my day =)
Congrats to Rue!
You're so sweet to bake a pie..and it's beautiful! And yay for you being all healed up! :)
Hello from Sue... been popping in on your blog and seeing "what you have been up to".. that hail storm was something else!!!! and the pie looks wonderful. so good to hear that you are doing well!!! and riding again soon. is that purse a "maddie moo"... my daughter is a consultant for that company, and they make some nice things. well, just watned to say hello and I look forward to seeing your comments on my blog... best wishes...
Thank you for your kind visit Julie! I'm so happy to meet a fellow blogger who enjoys warm, welcoming colors. You're the sweetest my friend.
Have a blessed week. ~Melissa :)
PS Congrats to sweet Rue too! The apron looks just like something she will enjoy.
Oh, that cherry pie looks divine...
hmmm...I will trade a huge scone...
for a flaky piece of cherry pie...not enough?...Ok, I'll even throw in a little "Strawberry Butter"... put the kettle on...
...Have a fabulous F*R*I*D*A*Y... on Rosie.........
Congratulations to your winner Julie! Your pie looks wonderful.Have fun at the shower. what a cute blanket!!!
A very lucky winner there Julie! I am glad that you have been given a clean bill of health and can now ride your horse again! Yipee! Love the blanket for your girl and the gift basket. How exciting another new grandbaby on the way. I am guessing it is a girl. That hail storm looks fascinating!! I don't think I have ever seen anything like it, but that pie. wowser wowser. Your pie looks fabulous!! I would love a piece of it right now! I bet the hubster was well satisfied with it! xxoo
Julie, So happy to hear you are healed and feeling better.
That pie is beautiful. I am a state certified fair judge in Pa. and your perfect pie would certainly catch my eye! Cherry pie is my favorite.
I am always in awe at God's handiwork when you show photos of your view outdoors. It makes me bow to His soverignty!
Love the sweet baby blanket, obviously it's a little girl! How wonderful!
xo Yvonne
I made a cherry pie a few days ago, but it wasn't even close to as pretty as yours!
so many things in your post! Beautiful pie! Praises for your healing...I am feeling a little squeamish about you being on your horse so soon though! ;) That baby blanket looks SOOOOO soft and it is just lovely!
Congrats to Rue on the classic the trim on the bodice!
Happy Weekend Julie!
That's GREAT news, so glad you're healing and back to normal!! Happy Day!!
The pie looks amazing!! Yum-o!!
The blanket is just too cute and the baby showers sound like lots of fun. Good luck with all the plans for the one in June!
Congrats to the lucky winner!! FUN!!!
Oh my your pie sure does look yummy. I know hubby will enjoy it.
I am glad to hear that you are healed and can ride again.
That baby blanket is so precious.
I could not believe the photos of your hail storm. Did you have any damage to your home?
Have a great weekend.
Oh Julie, that Cherry Pie looks delicious! Yummy.......
The image of the giant cloud is amazingly beautiful! I can't believe all the hail, must say it looks like snow.
The pink blanket is so beautiful, you ae so talented Julie!
Thanks for a lovely post and enjoy the baby shower...!
Congratulations Rue for winning the lovely vintage apron.
Congrats to Rue (she's such a sweetie). I'm sure she'll really enjoy it.
Wow! So much hail! Hail around here usually means a tornado close by. The pie looks yummy and that's a very nice way to say thank you!
Actually, I didn't let the bread rise long enough. I had to go mow the lawn (which takes me hours to do the front and back). So I only let it rise level to the pan. But next time I'll do better with my time management. It's delish anyway. We all had it this am with breakfast and it was so good. Thanks again for posting the recipe!
I wish I could make a good pie crust. Maybe I'll pop in for lessons!
I love your pictures of the weather. Ick but beautiful.
Congrats to the winner.
Sounds like you are going to be very busy! Don't overdo!
How did you sew the minkee fabric without going crazy???
I love the feel of the stuff, but the ONE thing I tried to make was a NIGHTMARE.
So glad to hear that you are doing so well...I know you are excited about being able to ride again. Congrats on your expected Grandbabe in July!! More loving, snuggling, kissing and hugging fun!! Come by and visit when you have a chance.
Love your beautiful pie...I made an apple one this week, crust and fun!! And so good too!
Congrats to Rue for her win of the apron!!
I can't believe the hail...that's strange huh? Hope you have a great weekend.
I'm glad you're feeling better and up to making things ... your pie looks beautiful!!! (I have yet to even attempt a pie - it's so sad.) And your blanket is adorable! YAY for another grandbaby!!!! :)
(thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog too! xo)
Congrats to you for getting a good check up today and congrats to your hubby for the pie and of course congrats to Rue for winning the apron that I thought was mine. lol
SO happy you are doing better and can ride your horse. Girl if I even got near a horse right now I would have a stroke because of my
The clinic called and I am scheduled for 3 MRI's Monday so thank goodness they are finally going to see what is happening.
Enjoy your baby shower wish I were there for that...
The weather has been wild this Spring! Hope Summer is coming soon. Your pie is so pretty and I'm glad your check-up went well and you can ride again. Thanks for the nice gift and I'm sure the winner will wear it well and love it for all of us! Happy weekend and shower...a grandma just can't have too many grand-babies!
That pie looks like perfection! That blanket is adorable! And YEAH! for Rue!
Just a quick invite to let you know of the Gooseberry Patch cookbook giveaway being hosted over at my blog.
Have fun with it,
Trade Henry for an apron... not on your life lady! LOL I'm selfish that way ;)
Hi Julie....that was one mean looking cloud...Hope you got back home with the car in the garage before that hail hit....and I showed my husband your header picture and he was wondering how close that moutain is to the back of your looks like it looks like it's right there to me...he thought it might be miles away....who's right??
Isn't this the craziest weather? So glad you're healed and ready to go. Loved the family pictures at the park. Your grandkids are almost as cute as mine. Mimi
Cherry pie!!! My favourite my friend...oh how I would love a piece right now! I am so happy that you can ride your sweet horse exciting..God is good. Hugs for a blessed weekend. xoxoxo
What a beautiful pie!! I am in the mood for a cherry pie..."can you bake a cherry pie, Billy boy......":))
Woo hoo for Rue!!
xo bj
O, and I can't believe that hail..we had a tiny bit yesterday, out here in West Texas but....NOTHING like this!!
What an awesome pie crust! I've never seen one so perfect. Thanks for the encouraging words you left me today. Have fun at the baby shower and have a great weekend!
How fun!! Congrats on the horsey riding! I know you have missed it!
Yum that pie looks good! Look at all that hail!!!! Glad to hear you are feeling better!
Lovely baby blanket grandma!
Hugs, Ann
I just found your beautiful blog!
The weather where I live is always a surprise...we don't take anything for granted in that department.
God Bless you and all your little babes! I'm hoping I'll be a grandmother fairly my last post I pretended to be one!
The pie looks wonderful!
I can't believe the hail!! Crazy!
Have a great weekend and thanks for the visit.
Hope you are feeling better!
I am so glad you are all healed and can ride your horses again! I know that will make you happy! Beautiful quilt!
Hi Julie,
That pie looks so delicious, and Cherry is one of my favorite. I could hardly believe the photos of all that hail, so much. You made a beautiful blanket for your daughter, and Rue's apron is absolutely gorgeous, Congratulations to her.
I am so glad that you are well! And those back rubs and foot rubs do work! I know.
Enjoy your weekend.
I'm so glad that you're all healed!! :)
What a sweet shower gift for her!!! :)
So glad you're feeling better, yeah that you can ride again! I'm in Southern Utah this weekend visiting family, so I thought about you.....
I could almost smell the pie... YUM! : )
Congratulations to the lucky winner!
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