By golly...I think Spring has sprung...What do you think?

Finally...I thought it might have missed us entirely....
But look what I found todayWOO HOO!

Fresh new Spring-Green bursting out all over~

It seems like most of you are already getting produce from your gardens....

We are just now thinking it might be ok to plant...

I love this beautiful horse ranch...

Getting it's green on!

We just had snow yesterday but today was WOO HOO beautiful!

Yup....June is busting out all over this gorgeous high mountain valley.

Makes me feel patriotic! This is a cell tower inside this flag pole. The cell phone company
came and wanted to put a tower here in the middle of all this beautiful scenery and people
had a real "come-a-part!" And I don't blame them one bit! So this is how they got their cell phone tower up! LOL

Just some pretty places on this lovely Spring day.....

You come around a bend on your way to Capitol Reef National Park and this rises up to meet you! It takes my breath away every time....I cannot begin to take a picture of it like the eye can see!

Indian places? Very cool! There is a lot of it around these parts!

It's so vast...even your eyes can hardly take it all in!

And here I am back home and look whats in my very own back yard! I am so grateful I get to live here. It fills up my soul every day....A beautiful place, so peaceful...to me it's a sacred place.
Very beautiful, as for the seasons, some things are truly worth waiting for-enjoy!
Julie, what a beautiful space!!
Just gorgeous.
We are first blooming around here too. I am thinking I can finally plant my garden this weekend!
Spring is SO beautiful where you live!! :)
It is all so gorgeous Julie!
The tulips are very pretty! *Smiles*
Visiting from Woo Hoo -- Oh my. Your spring is absolutely gorgeous! Yes, I would say spring has definitely sprung in your neck of the woods!
Couldn't help but notice your post about the Lion House below. It is a special place, isn't it? Love that book -- I have an older version, but I'm sure it has many of the same recipes!
Here in Ohio, we dont have our gardens in...or are just starting. We're finally safe from frost!
Wow, just beautiful Jule! You are blessed to have all that space and peace an quiet. We each have a paradise to call our own. What a cool thing and to be able to appreciate it and know where it came from helps a lot! Enjoy Spring!
Congratulations on finally seeing spring, Julie! The scenery there is breathtaking! Enjoy your "better late than never" spring! :0)
Wow, I didn't know you would be so far behind us with the trees coming out. We were that way two months ago. We are basically into summer here. Wonderful photos of your area.
Hi Julie...
Glad is wonderful at your house today!
Snow, snow, go away ...
don't come back ,,for a long time!
Your place is magnificent.
xoxo~Kathy @
Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Jealous!!! I think Loa is calling my name :)
We had snow here yesterday too, but today was beautiful!
My 9 year old lopped all the heads off my tulips...little stinker! :) They were pretty though!
Happy Spring!! Beautiful photos!
Thanks for sharing your Spring. It gives me hope for our area!!
Love your photos, so refreshing!!
Happy Spring to you!! :-)
Awe...indeed it looks like spring...what beautiful scenry you have shown us.
Yes Julie...you are indeed blessed.
Such beautiful country. and the horses...oh my...know your doggies are lovin their lives..
But oh those winters...you can keep those!!! brrrr..
I love the cell tower idea. Glad the people had an uprising! What a fantastic patriotic solution. Wish they all would do that. Love those flags billowing.
thanks for sharing the beauty. Probably the only way I'll ever see that part of the country... HUGS!!!
Really is it only spring there? That seems so long ago now, it's like the height of summer here! Love the pics you posted Julie, hope you're having a good week.
Living with your views is like going on vacation! Breathtaking and beautiful. I can see why you love living there. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos at Woo Hoo! Wednesday!
I was, just this morning, chatting it up with one of my girlfriends at the gym about your blog. :)
Great pictures!! Love the cell phone/flag pole picture. Good idea.
Thanks for the visit this evening.
Ladybug Creek
OMGoodness!!! Spring has sprung=0)
Thanks for stopping by and seeing my little cutie pie/flash dancer=0)
Have a great night,
Your pictures are beautiful! I do hope your spring is here to stay.
Julie....isn't God's creation wonderful? You live in a beautiful place....come to AZ...we will all get together. You can meet about 20 of us here!!
Oh my gosh! Breath taking in photo's, I can't imagine how beautiful this is in real life!
You live in a gorgeous valley! Yes, today did feel like spring. I hope it hangs on a little longer!
Beautiful flowers!
Yeah I am with you spring is starting to show it's face here at Bear Lake, UT.. But you are a bit ahead of still -- beautiful photos.. No flowers yet!
what a wonderful sight! it is amazing.
so much beauty everywhere. how
can your heart contain it?
Your post is very Woo Hoo-y, Julie. So much gorgeous colors and these rocks, love these rocks! Your sweet corner in the world is so so American to me. Think many people in the Netherlands would picture exactly your pictures when someone should ask What are the US like?
I have asked Mr. Weatherman to keep the snow in his pocket ... Happy happy Spring time, Julie! xx
I loved all of your beautiful photos Julie. We had snow (it didn't stick) on Sunday too. Today I think it was up around 75 and we went to Calico Ghost town with our family. Several of them were in shorts. Go figure! The high desert is definitely always changing :-)
Spring is here! Love the tulips and all the great pictures :)
Happy Spring Julie! We are heading into summer here now, but loved your glimpses of your late spring. How very beautiful! xxoo
Happy Spring, Julie! Thanks for sharing your tulips, mountains, trees, horses and love of life with us. We are even further behind you, but as we drove up our hill and looked at the valley last night, we said, "Oh, there is nothing like this glorious green after a long winter." Feeling it too, whoo-hoo!
Julie..Thank you for sharing your Spring with us. The tulips..redbud trees and bradford pears are breath taking with blooms. We don't see many of these in South Tx. I use to see these when I grew up in Dallas.
My husband loved the cell tower cover up!
You have a glorious week!! Little pink gingham has arrived at her next destination. Waiting for the next story!!
Hugs and Blessings..Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
Happy Spring to you too~! Thank you for sharing all the natural beauty with us. your photos are amazing and I so enjoyed viewing them..
Ah!...how lovely your getting some spring finally! It's a time of 'life is good' isn't it?
Wow..what beauty surrounds you! You are indeed very blessed.
Thanks for sharing these spectacular photos!
I love seeing flowers and landscapes from areas that I have never seen.
You captured them beautifully!
Lovely photos Julie! Isnt it just breath taking the scenery now.each and every season has its on special scenery, and its always lovely.Im so happy to be in the USA.
Happy Wednesday Julie!HUGS!
Morning, Ms. Julie! Oh, what a beautiful spot on God's gorgeous earth you live! You had snow again? Wow, but glad the spring is springing out all over.
You're blessed sweet friend,
Shelia ;)
What a fantastic beautiful setting you call home. I know I would be at peace seeing that the views you see every morning.
Thanks for sharing a part of your home with us.
I really enjoyed it.:)
The Tattered Tassel
Very beautiful! We are far from harvesting veggies here. Our season for annuals is just beginning although today is getting into the 90's. The weekend will be back to the high 70's low 80's. Much better!
You certainly do live in beautiful country. You're even farther behind than we are spring wise. Our fruit trees are all finished blossoming. I hope we have a spring before we have a lot of summer! Mimi
GORGEOUS pictures!! I do hope your Spring has sprung!!!!! It is supposed to be in the upper 80's here today....I would LOVE to share some of our weather with you.♥
A beautiful and spiritual place indeed. Seems to me that you have the same qualities, so blessings all around. About spring --26 degrees here yesterday, in the 40s this morning -- is it here yet? -- Inger
Every image so beautiful, Julie...you are indeed lucky to live in such a place!
I woke up to so much beauty here this morning...had to run out and take pictures of the sun rising behind the hills in my backyard...and like you say, there's no way a camera can capture what the eye can see...so thankful for such a beautiful world!
Hope your day continues to be springy and lovely!
These pis are AMAZING! Hooray for Spring FINALLY arriving! :)
Utah truly is just so beautiful! Great pictures today. And I LOVE the cell tower! (I do just love to see American flags flying.)
Hey Julie~
If I forgot to leave you a comment, I don't think you would miss it.. HA! YOU are so popular and get so many comments... good for you, everyone loves ya!
You have some GORG. photos, you make me proud to live in UTAH, and to be an American. Our freedom, our land, our Gods amazing work. So happy that you have spring in your neck of the woods. Have a great day. Hugs, Jenn
p.s. were you talking about staley/staheli farm? (spelling) I think they do charge you to get in. At lease when we go around Halloween. WE do however, love that fun farm.
Hi Julie,
Thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog. Of course, please go right ahead and use the crosstitch picture. I just found a frame for it yesterday and it is going to the frame shop this afternoon. If you would prefer and wait for the framed photo(it is just an old black plain frame)I can send that to you via email once I get it back from the frame shop. Just let me know.
I love your blog and would love to be a follower of yours.:)
The Tattered Tassel
Oh my dear Julie,
I am HORRIFIED!!!!...PLEASE forgive my absentmindedness. You were on my rough copy, but at 1:00 in the morning your name stayed on the paper "beside" my laptop... sooo sorry. I treasure your friendship more than you can know. Your Godly ways are what drew me to your lovely little site initially...
Your horses are lovely. Do you ride? I grew up always having a horse to pass the time with...wonderful memories...
giving you a VERY sheepish grin,
..........love Rosie...........
Happy Spring to you! The scene in your backyard is breathtaking. You are blessed! Thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comments. We are only renting our new place b/c we'll just be there two years. Too short of a time to invest. But that's ok by me, b/c it's not where I ultimately want to be. I've got my heart set on returning closer to my family in TX. In the meantime, going to enjoy wherever I am and make the best of it.
Such gorgeousness...
Many thanks for the birthday message dear Julie! Means a lot...
Cheers: Evi
He is quite lovely...I shall live vicariously through you and Mr.Red
.......Rosie XOXO.....
You certainly do live in a beautiful area. I so envy you. The cell companies are quite ingenious. They wanted to put up a tower on a church property, and it was turned down. They agreed to allow it when the company said they would erect it in the shape of a cross. Done deal.
Hi Julie....yes it is spring and your farm is just so beautiful!!! What a lovely home you have with wonderful horses....how blessed you are.....enjoy!
Hi Julie: So few people live in such a magnificent area and own horses. It really does look beautiful there. I hope you are out riding today. Thanks for stopping by to see little Riley.
Life is good! Hugs, Deb =^..^=x5
Beautiful pics...makes me think of all those mountains we saw on our trip to Vegas. It was neat to see them in real life. Our hillsides are covered in gorgeous trees that get greener and more lush every day!
Your pictures do show that spring has finally arrived in Utah! Enjoy!
What a beautiful place. I will be going to Ephriam the end of June. My cousins ward is gathering school supplies for our group to take to ethiopia. I told her I would come and get them. I can't wait.
big hugs
Oh my goodness! So beautiful! Happy Spring to you! It feels almost like summer here in Texas...already in the 90s!
Your pics are wonderful!
Julie, how I am missing cking in on your blog daily. Love the pictures of the tulips! When at the library over a week ago I saw where you were featured on GB Friday!!! Congrats! Hope to have my system back in a couple of weeks.
Beautiful scenery. You are truly blessed.
I'm still waiting for the green up!
Hugs to you.
So so glad that spring has finally sprung in your neck of the woods! Woo Hoo is right! Enjoy!
I have to giggle if I say WOO HOO Wednesday out loud.
Happy Spring to you! It is so energizing to see all of God's magnificent art work!
Your Spring pictures are beautiful Julie! It is my favourite time of the year..with the promise of Summer just round the corner..Oh,I do hope we have a good one this year!
Bellaboo :0)
Hey Julie! Those are breathtaking pictures of your area. Yep, looks like spring to me, too!!! You live in a beautiful part of the country, girl.
I remember several years ago, we were vacationing up in Colorado, & had been driving most of the night. When I roused up (my hubby was driving) and looked around me, we had just entered a beautiful valley with mountains surrounding us and everything was all laid out for miles into infinity. Blue skies and bright sunshine - I was so in awe of God's handiwork, I cried. I've never been so overcome as I was that morning. I'll never forget it - and you get to look at it everyday!
You are indeed blessed to be living in such a beautiful spot.
Hope your weekend is good.
xo bj
you live in such pretty country!
happy spring to you! Where you live is so beautiful. Spring hasn't really sprung here yet. still waiting...
Thanks for sharing all of the glorious beauty {spring and otherwise} from your part of the world. I stand amazed at all of its natural beauty.
aka French-Kissed.com
It looks beautiful there!!
Spring has definitely sprung and it is beautiful! The Indian places are very interesting, and to think they are still present.
I can surly see why you love to be home Julie!
Hi Julie..
We are back from the hospital and we are going to live :)
Thank heavens!!
Just wanted to thank you for all your well wishes and thoughtfulness. It is much appreciated by this mama!!
Gorgeous pictures of your neck of the woods.
Yes... I think Spring just may be here to stay. Until next week that is.... when it will be 150 degrees :) That's Utah for ya :)
Dear Julie, the place where you live is sooooo beautiful. Eyes can look beyond so far away in the vastness... so pretty....
Maria Cecilia
it is woohoo beautiful!!!!! I would love to camp somewhere near where you are....I am thinking you around zion from the pictures...so much wonderful scenery!
I get chills when I see your stunning surroundings!!! Your place has somthing that I can´t think but feel.....
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