A little baby BOY joined out family this morning
Tracen Ray McCoy
(I'll get pictures posted very soon)
Home for some hot and delicious food waiting for us.

Dissolve 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar in a cup or so of water
Slice thinly... 8-10 red potatoes, toss into water
when done, drain water off.
Place potatoes into slow cooker.
Sprinkle over potatoes;
1/2 of a sliced onion...salt and pepper.
In a bowl mix: 1 cup cheddar cheese,
8 oz. Pkg. Cream Cheese
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
and 1 envelope dry Italian dressing mix
1 cup Milk
Mix this up and pour over potatoes.
Sprinkle top with Paprika
Put lid on, cook on low for 8-10 hours
(or) on high for 4 hours
The Italian dressing mix makes this
SO VERY good. Everyone at the dinner party I took it to wanted to know all about what was in it! Believe me...this is one of those delicious recipes that you will make over and over!
There's a new blog in town gals...go over to (tayloredtots.blogspot.com) it's a new childrens clothing shop just opening. The gal running this shop is the sweetest gal you'd ever want to know..you will lover her. She's having a GIVE A WAY on Saturday....she's on my right side bar blog list...good luck..tell her I sent you!
Dissolve 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar in a cup or so of water
Slice thinly... 8-10 red potatoes, toss into water
when done, drain water off.
Place potatoes into slow cooker.
Sprinkle over potatoes;
1/2 of a sliced onion...salt and pepper.
In a bowl mix: 1 cup cheddar cheese,
8 oz. Pkg. Cream Cheese
1 can Cream of Chicken Soup
and 1 envelope dry Italian dressing mix
1 cup Milk
Mix this up and pour over potatoes.
Sprinkle top with Paprika
Put lid on, cook on low for 8-10 hours
(or) on high for 4 hours
The Italian dressing mix makes this
SO VERY good. Everyone at the dinner party I took it to wanted to know all about what was in it! Believe me...this is one of those delicious recipes that you will make over and over!
There's a new blog in town gals...go over to (tayloredtots.blogspot.com) it's a new childrens clothing shop just opening. The gal running this shop is the sweetest gal you'd ever want to know..you will lover her. She's having a GIVE A WAY on Saturday....she's on my right side bar blog list...good luck..tell her I sent you!
Wishing everyone of you my kind friends...a very HAPPY NEW YEAR...May this be the best year ever for each and every one of you!
Thank you for taking me in and making me feel warmed by your friendship. I have so many new friends and I am loving meeting so many great women, you are the delight in my days and have opened my eyes to the sisterhood that we share. May our friendships continue to grow and may we all sit down together in Heaven one day, as best friends...Love you all...HAPPY NEW YEAR~
Thank you for taking me in and making me feel warmed by your friendship. I have so many new friends and I am loving meeting so many great women, you are the delight in my days and have opened my eyes to the sisterhood that we share. May our friendships continue to grow and may we all sit down together in Heaven one day, as best friends...Love you all...HAPPY NEW YEAR~