I have had this sign hanging in my home for years now, because I am so blessed and I am so grateful for all my blessings; my husband and my family, my faith and belief in Jesus Christ are my greatest blessings (and so many others, I can't mention them all here)...it truly is a "Wonderful Life".

Our home is such a place of peace and refuge from the world...we enjoy living here so much!

We come around the bend and the most beautiful little town lies snuggled up against the red-rock hills. We love it here so much, small town living where everyone takes care of each other...lately there has been sorrow, with several deaths, 3 of them sudden, but people all pull together and take care of each others grieving hearts.

~I love the red rock hills here, every sunset brings beauty~

I asked Santa for a doll this year...and it looks like I got one! Isn't she cute...a real" living doll! "

Oh, that little things could bring us so much JOY...This little boy was in Heaven...it made my Christmas, just to watch his joy!

~Our 4 month old little Ella...so happy about her new dolly~

Could you look this cute with a bow on your head? I don't think so!

My sweetheart gave me a bit of bling...I was so thrilled, but what came with it was priceless...the; "I'd marry you all over again"... and..."Looking forward to Eternity with you"...was the JOY of my heart...Love this man!

" A successful marriage requires falling in love many times...Always with the same person."
And we have, and still do...Love that man of mine!

Jack and Sammie...all tucked in their little bed together...we're all snug and warm too...hope you are too. It's been a wonderful Christmas...looking forward to the New Year!
I hope Christmas was wonderful at your house too...we haven't got any snow to talk about yet but the weather was so beautiful all day, Ron and I enjoyed going for a drive, saw lots of elk and deer.. and being with our kids and grand kids was one of the best parts of the day.
I have been blogging for one year now, I have so much still to learn. I enjoy all of you, my dear friends, sisters really. Sending "all my love" to each and every one of you...thank you so much for your friendship...such kind words...sharing your life with me...it means more than I can even begin to say!
~ I look forward to getting to know all of you even better in 2010~
Our Christmas was wonderful! I love the quote about a successful marriage.....It's so true.
I bet you have beautiful sunsets! We share some of the same Utah red hills, and I LOVE THEM!
Your Christmas "doll" is beautiful. Come see my two! :-)
Your bling is dazzling!
Enjoy your day.
Would you really? ( referring to your picture on your side bar)
So glad your Christmas was GRAND!! Love the pictures and your "bling" is so FUN!!
What a wonderful life indeed! Love your pictures! Your ring is beautiful, but more importantly the love you share!
Happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas! You have darling grandbabies!
Dear Julie, I thought you had a white christmas, as the news here say there`s stormy and snowy in U.S, but instead I see huge red and shiny rocks around your home... oh I just love the place where you live and the light reflecting on those rock mountains... so beautiful!!!
I feel so good reading your sign "it´s a wonderful life" and reading all you are grateful for and looking to the pictures of your grands and your husband (very handsome!!). Also, reading your husbands words "looking forward to eternity with you"... it really moves my heart. Be all your family and your marriage blessed to eternity!!!!! Thank you.
Maria Cecilia
Love the bling! And your doll baby is precious! Glad you had such a wonderful Christmas.
You do have a wonderful life and thanks so much for sharing your Christmas special moments with all of us.
Your grandchildren look so delighted that Santa came, kitties all snuggled up.
God giving you beautiful scenery each day to feel joy and peace.
Love seeing a close of your charming home, no wonder it Love a home for you!
And the ring...was that a big suprise? That's pretty special and such true advice. He seems to match you pretty well. And you feed him good!
Here's to a New year!
Was blog hopping and came across your blog. Enjoyed myself and the wonderful recipes and adorable pictures.
Thank you for the fun stay!
Blessings, Linda
Prairie Flower
Your Christmas looked delightful. We were blessed with a wonderful Christmas too, family, friends, loving and sharing. Nice gifts too!
Thanks so much for your visit to hill country house! I wish you a very happy and healthy new year. Thank you for the great reminder of how blessed we are!
Julie, as usual I love reading your blog. The grandkids are adorable. Beautiful ring and a sweetie of a husband.
Merry Christmas! It sounds like you guys had a great time! And no...I did not look that cute with the bow on my head!! hehehe!
Your grandchildren are so precious!!
Your Christmas gift is beautiful...way to go hubby!! :D
Beautiful Chrsitmas sentiment! Love the bling!
Cute baby smiles too.
Your home is beautiful.
There is nothing like watching and feeling Christmas except through the eyes of a child.
I am so happy to have found your blog.
The ring is beautiful but the words are even more beautiful. You are a lucky woman!
Your home is gorgeous outside and in! Oh, to have babies and grandkids at Christmas time! Not too many things better!
Beautiful ring!
Love these little glimpses into your Christmas this year Julie! How very blessed you are. I think having the Gospel in your life just makes it that little bit sweeter, don't you? Knowing that families are eternal and that we have a purpose in being here. Love your grandkids, they are adorable! Looking forward too, to getting to know you better in 2010 xxoo
Oh Julie, I love all of your positive posts. Your love for Christ and your family just shines through. Those little ones are cuties, and your hubby too. You are blessed.
Julie, I love this post! It is so wonderful to read about someone who is so happy. I too am blessed and would marry my sweet husband all over again too! Your Christmas sounds like it was wonderful, so full of love and blessings! I love your new bling you got for Christmas!
Your town looks so sweet and a wonderful place to live in too.
I too am greatful for getting to know you this year on blogland! Looking forward to the New Year too!
Hugs, Ann
Beautiful post showing your love for your family , especially your husband. I love to see and read about women and men who love each other and value each other after many years of marriage, as God intended. And we so often forget what a true blessing it is that God has allowed us the health to live long together and enjoy the rewards of commitment to Him and each other! Merry Christmas ( belatedly) and a wonderful New Year Harwards, all of you!
P.S. That is an adorable and precious doll you got for Christmas.
Oh,how beautiful Julie!
You look like that babies Momma instead of Grandma! Your home is gorgeous, the setting is spectacular and the ring is stunning! You are a lucky woman!
Hugs, Cindy
YOu said it-It's a wonderful life. I absolutely love that sign. So many things to be happy about-those beautiful grand babies, your new sparkly ring and accompanying eternal marriage, the gospel, your lovely home. Thanks for letting us take a peek. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I love your sign. It looks and sounds like you really do have a wonderful life! What sweet little grandbabes you have. I would look rediculous with a bow on my head... he pulls it off wonderfully. What sweet sentiments came with your ring. Blessings always!
Looks like your place was home sweet home for Christmas. Your grandchildren are so precious. Hope your Christmas was absolutely wonderful and that the New Year is filled with happiness and abundance for you and your family.
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas. That little Ella is just the sweetest! You ARE a lucky gal!
You live in such a beautiful area! No wonder you love it.
Such a sweet, sweet post! Small town living is wonderful! Loved your sweet little ones and loved reading about your blessed life. Have a blessed New Year as well! blessings,Kathleen
There's nothing better than having little people around at Christmas. They make Christmas so merry! Your little doll is adorable. So fun to have them so close. We missed our little girls in California so much. Next year will be our year. Your ring is wonderful but your honey is even better. It's such a blessing to have a great husband. It's been so great getting to know you. Isn't blogging the best? We do all belong to a unique sisterhood for sure. Mimi
Hello Julie~
Well your Christmas looked like it was filled with love, with all those sweet grandkids around you, and that SWEET ROCK! aka ring! ;) Love your doll wink wink! Your home is beautiful, you are truly blessed. I love the red rocks all around me as well. Hope grieving hearts get feeling better! hugs! Jenn
P.S. saying goodbye to grandkids, inlaws, family, your children is really hard!!! ... tears of love!
I haven't blogged for awhile but I so enjoy reading yours. I'm still learning how to do this. Your grandchildren are adorable. Sounds like you had a great Christmas. Please come visit my Christmas memories and my wish for a happy new year for you. It only took me three days and five tries to get this one right so i hope I'll have some visitors.
Thanks for dropping by.You live in such a lovely area with a very close knit community.What a wonderful family. Those baby pics are sooo sweet!Looking forward to getting to know you better in 2010.
Bellaboo x
Your little doll baby is very sweet.Love the dress as well on her.
The glitz is beautiful,looks lovely on your finger.Your husband must be the sweetest there is.God Bless you both!
Jack and sammie are to cute,lol.Love their names.My oldest cat who is 12 will use his little house but my youngest cat who is 2 wont use his.I think he still has to settle down long enough to get in there and enjoy it.LOL.
I enjoyed your homey blog,always love visiting.Have a lovely new week.
Oh what to say first.... I also have that Wonderful Life sign, it hangs in my bedroom!! You are so right about our blessings...
And the ring and the note that came with it.... absolutely precious and romantic and sweet. I love things like that!! What a good job your man did! You've trained him well. :)
LOVE the sign.
LOVE the joy on the kids' faces!
LOVE the new ring. Wow!!
Happy New Year to you!
Looks like you did get what you wanted for Christmas and so much more. I am certain that spending time with family makes the best Christmas' ever!
I have a metal bowl in my bathroom with a plant in it...that says...Its a Wonderful Life. I leave it out all year!
Girl...you look way too young to have so many grandchildren!
Julie ~ I just read your comment on Lynne's blog and had to come over and see you. I love your attitude and advise! What a wonderful blog you have...I had to 'follow' so I could come back again! :)
Hey Julie! Yes, I have 2 blogs!
The Beehive Cottage
and my retro/farmgirl one
Sweet Sassy Sadie Lee
Happy New Year!
What a lovely Christmas you had my friend...thank you for sharing with us. Lucky you a diamond...you did go run and find a yellow rose to smell.{if you remember my Dec.17 post.} xoxoxo
Hi Julie! What a truly wonderful blog you have here...and I'm happy to be following now!!
Your children are beautiful...and so is your home!!
Blessings for a wonderful new year!
:) T
what a beautiful post! It made me smile from start to finish:)
What a doll your husband is, isn't love grand?
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