I love it when a grand child brings me a book and says; "Grandma, will you read this to me?" These have been read over and over to our children through the years.
Here is the recipe for the Caramels...it is the easiest and the best recipe I have ever used...I hope you'll enjoy it!

Butter a 9x9" pan, set aside
In a large microwave-safe bowl combine;
1 Cup Butter
2 1/2 Cups Packed Brown Sugar
1 Cup Light-colored Corn Syrup
1 (14oz.) Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
Cover loosely with waxed paper. Microwave on 100% power for 4 minutes...or until Butter starts to melt. Whisk to combine mixture. Microwave again 4 min. more. Whisk well. Microwave an additional 4 min. Whisk gently.
Add...1 TSP. Vanilla...add 1 Cup of broken Cashews...mix together. Pour Caramel Mixture into the prepared pan.
Chill for 1 hour or til just firm. Use buttered knife to cut into 1" squares. Wrap in plastic wrap or wax paper...store at room temp. for 2 weeks. (Makes 81 pieces)

A small boy...he couldn't have been more than 5 or 6...tugged on a woman's sleeve and asked, "would you like a seat?" He quietly lead her to the nearest free seat he could find, and then he set out to find another tired person. As soon as each rare new seat became available, he would quickly move through the crowd in search of another burdened woman who desperately needed to rest her feet. When I felt his tug on my sleeve, I was absolutely dazzled by the beauty in this little boys eyes. He took my hand, saying; "Come with me," and I think I'll remember that smile as long as I live. As I happily placed my heavy load of packages on the floor, the little Emissary of Love immediately turned to help his next subject.
The people on the streetcar, as usual, had been studiously avoiding each other's eyes, but now they began to exchange shy glances and smiles. A businessman offered a section of a newspaper to the stranger next to him...three people stooped to return a gift that had tumbled to the floor...and now people were speaking to one another. The little boy had tangibly changed something...we all relaxed into a subtle feeling of warmth and actually enjoyed the trip through the final stops along the route.
I didn't notice when the child got off, I looked up at one point and he was gone. When I reached my stop I practically floated off that streetcar, wishing the driver a Happy Holiday, noticing the sparkling Christmas lights on my street in a fresh, new way, or maybe I was seeing them in an old way, with the same wonder I felt when I was 5 or 6. I thought. "So that's what they mean by...AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM."
May I add these words....I think it says it the way I want to say it...
Christmas is a glorious time, simple in origin and deep in meaning.It is rich in memories, charitable in spirit, and beautiful in tradition and custom. It has an attraction to which our hearts are readily drawn.
At this season of the year, we remember that our Heavenly Father gave us His Son, Jesus Christ. We also remember that His precious Son gave us His life, the Atonement, and the victory over the grave.
Therefore, let us give to our Lord and Savior the gift of gratitude by living His teachings and following in His footsteps. During His mortal ministry, He "went about doing good" (Acts 10:38). As we do likewise, the Christmas spirit will fill our hearts.
Thomas S Monson
Henry B. Eyring
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Sending all of you all of my love....Have a warm and wonderful Christmas"
This will most likely be my last post til after Christmas...wishing all of my dear friends a a very Merry Christmas!
Christmas is a glorious time, simple in origin and deep in meaning.It is rich in memories, charitable in spirit, and beautiful in tradition and custom. It has an attraction to which our hearts are readily drawn.
At this season of the year, we remember that our Heavenly Father gave us His Son, Jesus Christ. We also remember that His precious Son gave us His life, the Atonement, and the victory over the grave.
Therefore, let us give to our Lord and Savior the gift of gratitude by living His teachings and following in His footsteps. During His mortal ministry, He "went about doing good" (Acts 10:38). As we do likewise, the Christmas spirit will fill our hearts.
Thomas S Monson
Henry B. Eyring
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Sending all of you all of my love....Have a warm and wonderful Christmas"
This will most likely be my last post til after Christmas...wishing all of my dear friends a a very Merry Christmas!
Julie, I love the story you experienced in San Fransico! That little boy is an angel. Wow, that you all felt it was so awesome.
You have a great CHRISTmas as well.
Thanks for being an awesome blog friend.
I love the little match girl.That story is always in my head throughout Christmas.
Yummy treats you made.MMM.To bad Im not a candy person or I would of copied that recipe.
Do have a Merry Christmas with family!
Merry Christmas to you! I love your recipes! You should create a recipe book!
I also LOVE those Christmas books!
Thanks for sharing!
Christmas Blessings and hugs to you!
Love, Brenda
Merry Christmas to you. God bless you!
Have a very Merry Miss Julie!!
I LOVE Christmas stories too and have some of those same books!! The "Treats" look divine!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
Julie did you know that photo on my blog is supposed to be Jesus?I wasnt sure. If you did know sorry about that lol.I thought it was a great photo, I was amazed when I found it.HUGS!
Julie~ you are so sweet, and so gracious. Your words say it all. Your stories too! Funny thing about the street cart (s) I know exactly what you are talking about w/ the crowdedness and all. My hubs and I just went to San Fran for our 10 yr. Anniv. this past Sept. it was so fun, but very squishy. I loved your story of the sweet boy.
Have a wonderful Christmas, and visit with your kids and sweet grandkids. P.S. I have a Christmas Dress for Ellen... and its my absolute fav. Everyone needs to read it! HUGS! Jen
Oh my all that looks so good! I haven't baked a thing yet!!
Ihope you and your family have merry and blessed Christmas!
Did I tell you that all of my dearest friends are named Julie, really, all of them. So I guess that means that you must be added to them.
The spirit of that little boys is pure christmas. Isn't it magic how one kind and unselfish gesture can have such a positive effect on so many people. Loved it! Thank you.
Merry Christmas
Oh, sorry Julie, I didn't finish. Your books are great, I love them too. Your food - looks oh so good.
I saw your picture of "Oh Jeruselem" awhile back. I was a secretary at Ogden High Seminary when that picture came out. I had to have it. See, we're alot alike!
So beautifully said Julie. Your bars look wonderful, I have been busy but my baking isn't too far along! Have a wonderful Christmas with that lovely family of yours! Hugs, Cindy
Christmas stories are wonderful! I bought a book last night called, "Christmas for a Dollar". I haven't read it because I gave it as a gift but the illustrations were beautiful.
Your Christmas goodies sure look good.
Nice message from the First Presidency. Thanks for sharing.
Take care and enjoy these few days before Christmas!
Have you ever read the Book "Why the Chimes Rang"? It's one of my favorite Christmas stories. I, sure wish I could be more Child like. I love the simple act's that change everything.
Beautiful story, Julie! Thank you for sharing and reminding us what Christmas is really all about. Thank you also for sharing your books. I am so thankful for you and other parents and grandparents who promote reading. As a retired teacher, I always tried to instill a love of reading in my students. Have a blessed holiday season! Vicki
You have the best stories!!
And I am am SO making those caramels for my husband!!
I just love that story about the little boy on the bus! How sweet! I also love the idea of the basket of books!
Beautiful post Julie. Your treats look delish. Have a joyous Christmas. Mimi
I need to get some Christmas stories, I don't have any can you believe it?! We do read the story about the birth of Christ in the bible on Christmas eve though. Merry Christmas! xoxo I enjoy reading your blog :)
May you have a Merry and blessed Christmas Julie. Thanks so much for all the lovely thoughts and goodies you share with us so freely throughtout the year. You bless our lives in countless ways. xxoo
What a wonderful thing to happen in San Francisco!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. ( and your cooking looks truly scrumptious! I have managed to bake one banana cake so far, and that is all!)
What a joyous day and time you will always remember with this little boy. Really touched my heart. Merry Christmas and New Year to you and your family.
Beautiful story Julie. I hope you and your family have the happiest of Holidays...Merry Christmas!!
What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us and warming my heart this lovely morning.
San Francisco is a beautiful city and I loved living there. I loved riding the street cars and just walking and watching the people. We had our very first apartment and spent our very first newly wed days there on Turk street in a tiny studio apartment in a very old and beautiful building.
That story is definitely something that would happen in San Francisco, that lovely city by the bay.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
another beautiful post, feeding our eyes and soul~ wanted to wish you a VERY merry christmas, ever since you shared your 20th gc was coming i have been in total awe of you! happiest of holidays to you and your family~
Wonderful stories...great recipes...beautiful daughter, fun way to announce a baby! Thanks, I enjoy your blog. Have a beautiful Christmas!
hi julie,
what a great story. the smallest gestures can do so much. your confections look delicious!
happiest holidays to you ~
Your definitly ready for the big days ahead in mind, spirit and goodies too!
Have the best and look forward to blogging with you this new year!
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Dear Julie,
That was such a heart warming post. I have never heard the story about the little boy before. Your family is sure to love all the sweet treats your caring hands have made for them. Blessings to you and yours.... wishing you a glorious Christmas!
Dear Julie, perhaps at this time you are dining with your family... we will in few hours.
Wishing you much LOVE to you all.
Maria Cecilia
p.s. I would die for just one of your goodies!!!!
Julie, love the recipe and love your blog...I hope you have a wonderful christmas and Thanks for always being inspiring and entertaining....Happy New Year...
Hello Sweet Julie!
Oh my! CONGRATULATIONS on your #20th grandchild! Love how the kids told you! Very clever! Thank you so much for the recipes....YUMMY! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
The caramels look awesome! I think I will have to try those. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas.
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