I love this picture, it looks like pure comfort and joy to me...a big comfy chair, a warm fire, Christmas lights, warm toes and warm friends...whats not to like?!
Wishing all the same to all my sweet friends in blog land!

We are still waiting for snow...I would love to get enough to make one of these!
It looked like a blizzard the other day, but then the sun comes out and it's all gone. I so want snow for Christmas!

What is your favorite goodie to make for Christmas?

You'll sing them to the tune of..... "How Great Thou Art"
When Christ was born within the low-ly manger, a star did shine to mark His place of birth.
The Shepherds saw and stood in awesome wonder, and Angels sang "Good Will and Peace on Earth."
On Christ-mas Day, the Savior, He was born, how blessed we are, how blessed we are.
To give out thanks to Him this blessed morn, and we proclaim "How Great Thou Art!"
The wise men came, led by a star so bri-ght, to give their gifts to God's own chosen son.
They traveled far to see the wondrous sight and honor Him, The Holy one. (chorus)
Two thous-and years have come and gone since then and still we praise His birth with joyful hearts.
Now is the time when all hearts of men, show forth their love by gifts and by their thoughts.
By Dorthy McCreary)
Enjoy these last few days before Christmas arrives...may they be warm and bright!
Looks like you've been busy!! Thanks for sharing the words to the song...they are WONDERFUL!!
I hope you get your snow!! :-)
Beautiful words to the song! I will gladly ship you some of our snow- we are up to 27" so far. I have been making chocolate covered peanut butter balls today for one of our Christmas treats. Like you I will have to give lots away as well. lol
Darling Jolly Santa Pic. Delish treats, and love the words to that song.. thanks for sharing.
Such a sweet post...we are waiting for snow here too. May this coming week bring you love...peace...joy...family..friends ....and the Love of Jesus.
I am going to have to print that off and do my singing while alone so no one hears...what a beautifuly tune for those words or vise versa. thanks for sharing those goodies too.
Your blogs are always a treat.
Love your post today. I hope you get the snow you want for Christmas. I will settle for sunshine myself since it has been a while.
Your Christmas goodies just made me hungry. My favorite thing to make besides my fudge is pecan clusters.
By the way I am having a chocolate giveaway going on now
Hi, Julie...I saw a comment you made somewhere that you were too tired to do any more decorating..ME, TOO !! WHEW...
I am in awe that you have 8 children and 19 grands. OH, MY, GOODNESS...
I, on the other hand, have TWO children and 10 grands and one great-grand. I have HER on my blog today...:)
I, too, loving blogging so much. It came at a great time in my life...retired and no more babysitting as they are all big now. So, I blog as much as I want to...just have to make sure I don't sit here and run out of clean clothes, food...etc..:O)
Come by when you can...
xo bj
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Mike has to have peanut butter balls every year and he really gives them his grand attention.
Your goodies look delicious! I'd be eating them up before they got out the door!
Beautiful words to the song.
I sang this whole song with my pitiful little voice.
My favorite treat to make is Russian Taacakes because all my children love--and request them--but they are a lot, a lot, a lot of work. So, my very most favorite one to make is peanut butter fudge because it's so easy--it's on my cookbook site. I taught my Achievement Days girls how to make it this week.
I wish I was one of your neighbors to get one of those cakes or goodies you made!
So you want snow? Oh my, it was 85 degrees here today, a beautiful day, I did gardening. My spring bulbs are starting to come up, they are confused.
Merry Christmas sweet one!
Hugs, Ann
Lots of goodness here today Julie! Everything from the sweet Santa picture at the top to the beautiful carol at the bottom! We have lots of snow right now which is a real rarity for here! I was thrilled to bits to see it. I hope you get some too!! Love and hugs and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
I want snow too!
The weather man, he teased us. He said it was going to snow on Thur and Fri. And it was supposed to snow tonight - at least for a few hours. And it RAINED. Georgia does NOT need any MORE rain. I live on a good size hill and my backyard was FLOODING - huge puddles of water all over. The ground is saturated. I'm giving serious consideration as to the EXACT length of a "cubit". I mean, I want it to be accurate so it will hold All the animals - green alligators and long-necked geese, hump-backed camels and chimpanzees. Cats and rats and elephants. No more missing unicorns!
And I WANT snow. NOW AND on Christmas day! sigh
Ok, tantrum over. We'll return you to normal conversation.
Beautiful! I love the new song!! Thank you for always leaving comments! I just love getting them and reading them!!
Love the beautiful pictures! Have a Merry Christmas!
I love the new Christmas words to that old song. We want snow too, so far all we've had is a light one.
Beautiful words to the song. I love them.
The candies and treats are looking good. I'm excited to see you when you drop them off. If you need then you would get snow.
Have a wonderful week.
Love the words to the song "When Christ was Born". Thank you for sharing it.
I'm baking up a storm too...I can't pick a favorite, because I like ALL of the cookies I make! ;)
Hi, Julie,
I love the new words to "How Great Thou Art"!! So beautiful and thanks for sharing them with us. I hope you get snow. According to the weather man a winter storm is headed your way. I hope not stormy but just a nice snow. I don't think we will have a white Christmas here in Texas, but that will be okay, too. Your goodies look yummy! My favorite treat is fudge. I am definitely a "chocaholic". I try not to bake too much because I have no will power!! Merry Christmas, my sweet friend! Vicki
I'm new to your blog.I just love that sweet picture of Father Christmas with the animals.
We've had a lot of snow here in England...which is unusual,especially before Xmas.So if you want a snow 'fix' come and pay a visit,and see our golden retriever too!
Beautiful words to the song. you did a lovely job. Your treats look so yummy! I have not baked anything yet this season. Blessings!
It's me again.I thought I'd pop back to see your retriever Cougar.What a handsome fellow!
You are so right that animals make a house a home.I read somewhere...Until one has loved an animal,part of their soul remains unawakened.
Thanks for your comment too.
wow and double wow, I just noticed your home for the first time... it is so beautiful. Merry Christmas!
We'll be getting some snow tomorrow. Come up and share some with us! I like to make toffee every year. The trick is to not eat too much! I used to bake cookies by the gallon. Not so much anymore. I let the kids do most of it now. Have a wonderful, peaceful, joyful Christmas. Mimi
I hope you get snow and can make the biggest snow man! Love the words to the song! Have a wonderful Christmas! blessings,Kathleen
Merry Christmas to you~
Thank you for the chocolate peppermint recipe!
I want to come back to reread some of these beautiful thoughts here!
It's so very late (was up making a Mrs. Santa apron ;o)
Off to work for two more days...then I can breath in all of Christmas~
The sweetest blessings to you ~ Maria
Merry Christmas Julie and all your family, have a wonderful time. This is such a loveky seasonal post, I loved it,
Sarah x
Hey we are giving away lots of snow FREE. It is the least we could do for our wonderful neighbors down south.
The treat looks so wonderful...oh yum! I want to move in next door and so you share all your goodness often.
You truly warm my heart and I am so glad you started to blog and I found you. Thanks for being a blessing in my life Julie.
May you and your family enjoy a fabulous Christmas filled with much love.
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