Sunday, December 13, 2009

BLIZZARDS AND warm the heart~

HO-HO-HO is right...this is what we woke up to this morning...a blizzard of wind and snow, I love it...a good day to stay in I think..good thing I have Christmas baking to do!

Next, two sweet short stories...hope you'll like them!

Why Do I Need To Be Here?

A week before Christmas in 2007 two of my children were sick with strep throat and ear infections. When we arrived at the prescription counter, my little boy Jacob tugged at my leg and complained about his ear, and my little girl, Beth wiggled out of my arms. I thought she would stay by me, but as soon as she was free, she ran straight to an elderly man sitting on a bench near the line.
The man was looking at the floor, his face resting in his hands. I called after Beth, not wanting to leave the line, but she approached the man anyway and bent down to look up at his face as she grinned and giggled.
I called her to come but she refused to listen and started pushing on the man's forehead in order to get him to raise his head. As I grew agitated, Beth took off her untied shoes and shoved them into the man's lap. He sat up and smiled. "Beth!" I called. "It's all right the man said in a tired voice. "I'll tie her shoes for her."
I grew a little nervous as he began putting Beth's shoes on her. When he finished, he wrapped jis arms around her and kissed her on the head. He slowly let her go, so I quickly left the line to rescue my daughter from this stranger.
As I approached, I noticed that he had tears in his eyes. Concerned, I sat down next to him. "I have to tell you something," he said, staring straight ahead. "Not more than a month ago my wife died, and about an hour ago I found out that I have terminal cancer. I came here to get medicine, and I have been contemplating my life and thinking that I might move along the inevitable. I didn't think I could bear going through Christmas and the pains of cancer without my sweet wife."
He said he had been praying, asking God, "If I need to be here for something, You better speak now, or I'm going home to end things." Before he had even said "amen," Beth began pestering him and calling him "Grandpa." "Now I know why I need to be here longer," he said. "I need to be here for my grandkids. They need me."
I threw my arms around him and could not help but weep. I then got our medicine. Beth, who had moments earlier, kissed the man on the cheek and bounded away with Jacob and me, waving and saying, "Bye-bye, Grandpa."
I didn't ask his name, but I will never forget that even a young child who pesters an old man can be an answer to prayer.
(The Ensign Magazine)

I love this story because children are so good and they truly can affect the world with their goodness...if we let them..."we must become, even as a child" be pure and clean and good before our Heavenly Father.

" Are You God's Wife? "

A little boy about 10 years old was standing before a shoe store on the roadway, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold.
A lady approached the boy and said. "My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window?" "I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes, " was the boy's reply. The lady took him by the hand and went into the store and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked it he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and removing her gloves, she knelt down and washed his feet and dried them with the towel.
By this time the clerk has returned with the socks. Placing a pair on the boys's feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes. She tied up the remaining pairs of socks and gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, "No doubt, my little fellow, you feel more comfortable now?" As she turned to go, the astonished lad caught her by the hand, and looking into her face, with tears in his eyes, answered the question with these words: "Are you God's Wife?"

~It really, truly is... " A Wonderful Life "...hope you are feeling it too~

I hope you enjoyed these stories as I did...I love Christmas and ALL that it brings, the stories, the blizzards...thats when I love to stay in and bake. Christmas is a coming...YEA!


Brenda @Cozy Little House said...

Baking sounds like a wonderful way to pass a snowy afternoon! The stories are precious.

debi said...

I'm in tears now. Thanks for sharing these beautiful stories!
Enjoy your baking!

Tracy said...

Once again, thanks for sharing!! Enjoy your baking moments!! :-)

Sandy said...

I am still so amazed at your view. Your house and that BIG mountain behind you. So it must be beautiful all dressed in white. I am baking today as well. It truly is a Wonderful Life!!

Anita said...

Such sweet stories. Love your snow....enjoy your baking day. It's late afternoon here and I'm just about to start making some candy.

Jenny S said...

I have tears in my eyes! Just beautiful!! I also watched "It's A Wonderful Life" last night...cried like a baby!!

Nora said...

Thank you for sharing... the stories made me cry... lovely !!!

Brenda said...

oh...what great stories! I'm all weepy now and want to go hug all my family and tell them how much I love them...

Brenda @Just a Bed of Roses said...

Julie, since when does a blizzard mean you get to stay inside and stay cozy???
I'm chuckling from that comment as we just arrived home after being gone since 7:00 a.m left home in 6" of snow, traveled freeways to see the spoken word and a mini concert (walked in snow), came out and it was heavy snow. drove to daughters...couldnt even get up the hill, had to park in a park and be taken to the house...just drove home in the snow.
It was all worth it though and glad we are home safe.
Love your stories, but just had to chuckle because I know you have been wishing for snow.
It IS so beautiful though, we loved it too, and it is nicer to be snuggly at home when it does snow.
Love your stories.

Dolly said...

Hi Julie, those stories bought tears to my eyes!

Have a very Blessed and Merry Christmas
Hugz, Dolly

Valerie said...

Beautiful Christmas stories. Perfect for a snowy, cold Sunday evening.

Connie said...

Both stores are very touching. Just watched It's a Wonderful Life today! Hope you got your baking done today!

Vicki said...

Hello, Julie,
I absolutely loved both of those stories!! Thank you for sharing them with me! Have fun baking your cookies. I am sure your house must smell heavenly! Stay warm and cozy and enjoy your snow! Blessings and much love to you, sweet friend! Vicki

Eggs In My Pocket / Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Well stay warm while you bake! I love these heart warming stories. It just shows that God speaks to us through others....I have always believed that. blessings,Kathleen

Shelia said...

Look at your beautiful snow! Oh, bake enough for me! Thank you Julie, for sharing these heart warming stories.
Thanks for popping in to see my home tour.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

marĂ­a cecilia said...

Hi dear Julie, and finally snow came, you have a lot already!! Sorry I don´t have time now to read the stories, I will later. Just wanted to wish you a happy baking!!
Lots of hugs
Maria Cecilia

**Amy** said...

Julie--Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog. Yes...answering comments takes a lot of time. I usually only can answer the ones that people ask me direct questions. I answer a lot of emails too! I have actually visited your blog a few times. You have a very sweet spirit and I love the stories you shared as well! Thanks for your kindness!

The Garden of Egan said...

Those are beautiful stories! I love them.
Hope you enjoy your baking and feeling all Christmasy. I have been doing a little too. It's nice to have those things that seem to keep us grounded.

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Awww... so precious! It really IS a Wonderful life!!!


Mercy Otis/The Stone House said...

Love the stories! They are going in my book! you and I, some of the same snow! LOL
It really is beauutiful. Wish it didn't make the roads so deadly tho.
Enjoy your day.

jenjen said...

Wonderful thoughts and stories today Julie! We just watched It's A Wonderful Life last night. That is my favorite Christmas movie!

I hope you are doing well and are getting all ready for Christmas! I am trying to get everything ready here, my youngest has the stomach flu today so we are home :)


Blessedmom's Simple Home said...

I love stories like this Julie, thanks so much for sharing them. I hope you're enjoying the snow!

tara said...

Precious stories, thank you for sharing. Life truly is wonderful, as long as we take the time to recognize it! Your posts always bring a smile to my face, happy Monday~

Kristin said...

Sweet stories. Hope you find warmth beyond the blizzards!

Deb said...

Beautiful, heartwarming stories Julie ♥ I loved your snowy photo ~ we had a tiny bit of snow last week,but it didn't last long. Today people are out and about without coats on again! Missing our traditional Canadian Christmas weather!

Room Service ~ Decorating 101 said...

Very touching post! Thanks for adding me to your blog list! I wish everyone

Lissa said...

such sweet stories! I love the first one the most!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Julie,
These were such lovely stories, thanks for sharing! A blizzard? Oh yes, we had one of those last week! It is a good time to stay in and get cozy! Have a great week my friend, Cindy

Muthering Heights said...

Your blog is always so encouraging!! :)

koralee said...

Your sharing came at just the right time my friend. I thank you for these stories my heart is very sad ...we lost a faithful friend today.

Maryjane~Sweet Sassy Sadie Lee's Granddaughter said...

Sweet post Julie! You always touch my heart. Stay warm and cozy!


KathyB. said...

Stories that help us remember we are needed in so many ways to reach out and help wherever we can, and really, those in need might be no further that next door! Thanks Julie, hope you got a lot of baking done.

Connie said...

Giving a nativity to the widow is a splendid idea! How sad, we just never know what each day will bring. Assuming you live in Manti, do you know the Hess Family?

Joycee said...

Wonderful stories that warm the heart and bless the soul! Thanks for sharing and for coming to visit me often at GrannyMountain!
joy c.

koralee said...

Just had to pop over and thank you for your sweet thoughtful words you left on my blog. We so miss our Rosie but your kindness has helped me to carry on..I so appreciate your love. Thank you my friend.

Farm Chick Paula said...

Wow- those were beautiful stories, Julie!