Well, Christmas is over, and it leaves mixed feelings... for some it's...I'm so glad thats over! For others it's a feeling of sadness, not wanting it to be over. For some perhaps guilt over too much money that was spent that they really didn't have to begin with. For some it might be disappointment, it wasn't what they expected it to be. Some might feel stressed at all there is to do. Some might just be feeling the January Blues..yes, it is real!
Whatever you are feeling, you need to take a little time out and take care of yourself. I know how women operate, we go go go, taking care of others..worrying about our families, our husbands, the world and all it's crazy ways.
I have a little plan that will help....I want you to take... "AVALIBLE 5 MINUTE CHUNKS"... to accomplish little things. By themselves, they may seem insignificant, but in the overall scheme of life, they definitely add up, and doing them can help reduce the stress we might be feeling.
~~~"Some things you can do"~~~
Whatever you are feeling, you need to take a little time out and take care of yourself. I know how women operate, we go go go, taking care of others..worrying about our families, our husbands, the world and all it's crazy ways.
I have a little plan that will help....I want you to take... "AVALIBLE 5 MINUTE CHUNKS"... to accomplish little things. By themselves, they may seem insignificant, but in the overall scheme of life, they definitely add up, and doing them can help reduce the stress we might be feeling.
~~~"Some things you can do"~~~
1. Practice a talent....2. Smile and be friendly, and laugh at a good joke....3. Bake some cake box cookies....4. Sew on a missing button or a seam that has come apart....5. Update a few family photos....6. Choose good music to listen to....7. Clean out your purse....8.Polish a pair of shoes....9. Water your houseplants....10. Get rid of a stack of old magazines or catalogs....11. Straighten your bedroom before you turn out the light....12. Plan breakfast the night before and even set the table....13. Give a family member a backrub--and get one for yourself too!....14. Write out a quick list of what you're thankful for...15. Walk to the end of the street and back....16. Walk up and down the stairs for 5 minutes....17. Do some stretching or yoga....18. Sit, relax and ponder and dream awhile--and don't feel guilty about it!....19. Phone a friend....20. Read a book to a child or spouce....21. Write a thank-you note or send an invitation....22. Listen to someone else talk (listen, is the key)....23. Find a place to volunteer....24. Say hello to someone...25. Share a joke or story, laughing is contagious...26. Send an to a friend, but not one of those forward it to everybody ones....27. Arrange a night out with friends....28. Cross the street, or the hall to visit with a neighbor....29. Clean under the kitchen sink....Straighten one shelf in a closet....Clean the top of the refrigerator....30. Sweep the front porch....31. Fill the salt and pepper shakers....32. Learn a new word....33. Read the Scritptures....34. Memorize a famous quotation....35. Say your prayers--morning, evening and with your family....36. Read or listen to only good, uplifting books....37. List your blessings on paper, invite the family to do the same....38. Think about the people you love--and tell them so....39. Look forward to good things that are coming, the next holiday, times of celebrations, Spring!
NOW...take even more time for yourself....Make sure to exercise 5 days a week....Take a long bath in something that smells divine...Sit with a warm blanket and read a good book....cozy up and watch a movie with your honey...Listen to good music as much as you can...blog with your sisters, strengthen each other...Laugh, hug, and do it over and over again!
Hope this helps you to get through the month of January...I know it usually is kind of a downer for most people...you are not alone, we are all feeling it.
Go forward...Move...be Happy!
NOW...take even more time for yourself....Make sure to exercise 5 days a week....Take a long bath in something that smells divine...Sit with a warm blanket and read a good book....cozy up and watch a movie with your honey...Listen to good music as much as you can...blog with your sisters, strengthen each other...Laugh, hug, and do it over and over again!
Hope this helps you to get through the month of January...I know it usually is kind of a downer for most people...you are not alone, we are all feeling it.
Go forward...Move...be Happy!
I'm going to see how many of those I can tick off before February!
I think I must have too much time on my hands,because I can tick off quite a few already....no children you see.All good wishes for 2010.
Very wise Sweet Julie! I have to agree with all of it.........I'm dreading January and February already............I need an attitude adjustment. The dark cold days really get to me.
I hope you have an awesome New Year and thanks for the non-guilt feeling of "get out there and blog with your sisters" I do love the blog friends I've made!
Great blog Julie.Im 100% for all the above and its good to post for people who have the blues after the holidays.It seems Im one of those this year.Our Christmas was beautiful and old fashioned...it just touched something in my heart this year.My parents are getting older,my father will be 80 in February and my mother 78 in April so I think thats a bit of the sadness.
But anyway enough of that and on to a great NEW Year.I have so many things I need to do as soon as New year comes.Putting back my Christmas things much neater and easier to get at,lol.I dont know why but my kitchen cupboards look a bit disorganized lol.I never ever make resolutions, I never did.I just think that you can accomplish throughout the year what some set as a resolution for something for NEW YEARS.
God Bless you and your family for the NEW YEAR!
Hi my friend from Manti way. Love your advise. I am so excited for 2010. I've got my planner and desk all organized, I'm ready to go. I have plans. This is going to be a stress free, very productive, very rewarding, and simply wonderful, year. YES, bring it on.
Your the best!
WOW JULIE~ you gave us alot of things even small THINGS to do. I like that there where really unique ones like fill the salt and pepper shakers.. ha! I feel a wee bit sad... that the joy in the air just vanishes, family's part and the overwhelming feeling of packing christmas all up settles in. I do get in an excited mood once the packing begins. Nothing like everything feeling very clean and almost new again. I have been busy finishing up my daughters room re-do. Time to go grab some lunch.. hugs! Jenn
I am going to print off this list and get to work on it!! Woohoo! Time for me time!!
What a beautiful home you have and in such a gorgeous setting. I've enjoyed your blog and posts!
There is so much to do in this post and all such simple things. Wonderful advice.
Happiness in the New Year.
That is a long list! But a great one! Thanks for the reminders and blessings to you!
You've given us a list of things that certainly are do-able, thank you! I'm going to be referring back to this list often.
Actually, I look forward to January. Another month closer to spring gardening! I do stretching/yoga at the beginning of the day before my shower. And again at the end before my evening shower. Helps my back immensely. Also volunteering for Meals On Wheels makes one feel humble and grateful for what one already has. And I didn't spend a penny on Xmas! So proud of myself.
Great list. I had to keep reading to make sure blogging was on it. OK, it was!
I took some time for myself today. How about lunch and a pedicure with a friend? More than 5 minutes so I should be good for the whole month of January!
I loved this post. I am new to your blog, but the moment I started reading I related. I love the holidays and they've been relatively stress free, I still find that I need a few minutes for myself. I loved all the ideas you gave.
After browsing more of your blog, I know i'll be back! (p.s. I seen the quilt you're making for your grandaughter, and it is BEAUTIFUL! I am envious of your talents!)
God Bless!
Hi Julie!
Taking a few for myself to read up on my favorite blogs :)
I love your list... It could make a nice poster~
Or little notes on a calendar!
Many, many blessings for the new year to come~
ugh! i totally have the after christmas blues! that's why i wrote that post about dreams! to get out of that funk! I miss being with the people! i miss always having something fun on the calander!
Great words of wisdom Julie!
So glad to have met you in the world of blogging, you are a very wise soul!
Hugs, Cindy
Great minds think alike! wow...I was just writing down some things I need to do for myself this year....many of them are right here on your list. It's important to take care of ourselves...we tend to give, give, give and wonder why we feel depleted.
That's great advice...as a mom of littles, I only get five minutes at a time! LOL!
There's some great ideas there Julie! Thanks so much for sharing! xxoo
Thanks for the GREAT ideas!! You're right, it can be a down time, but...these items will help us all!! THANKS for sharing!!
You take care of yourself too and have a Happy New Year!
wise words... thanks
Thanks for that post Julie. I think I'm definitely going through some kind of feeling blue lately (tack on a week long tension headache!). We all really need to remember to take time out for ourselves!
Thanks for sharing your inspiritng words! You are the sunshine!
i think those of us that live in the dreary weather dread the months ahead.
Thanks for this post.
I'll take you up on the book and a hot bath!
I loved your suggestions. I think the 5 minute chunk is a great idea. Maybe in those 5 minutes a revelation will hit and lead me to something else and so forth. Great image to go along with your post too Julie. Glad to hear you had a good Christmas:)
Great list. Five minute "vacations" are the best!
What a neat post and list. I like the way you think.
Just stopped by to wish you a Happy New Year. Glad I did I enjoyed this list.
I am fixing to turn the electric blanket on and read a good book. No hubby to cuddle up with though. I do miss that
What a great list. I really like the smile and be friendly. I think a lot of people could use that one. I noticed when we were Christmas shopping no one was smiling in the stores?! The best part- smiling is contagious:)
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