I love tea pots and I love this Old English tea set, even though I don't drink tea! I guess it comes from all the tea parties as a little girl~(This post is mainly pictures, lots of them, hope you like them)

So Pretty

I have a 16 piece place setting of china and crystal goblets that my Mom insisted that I had to have when I got married. I didn't want china...but I'm so glad she got them for me anyway, I have used them a lot!

The design on the top of the china cabinet that I love

I have dozens of chickens...in my house! This is one I just love~

I love this saying, and since we live by a road, I like this and believe it to be true

This I believe with all my heart and soul...I am so grateful it is this way

I love this picture...pure sweetness, reminds me of the little farm girl I once was~

This sits on my dinning room table that is over 100 years old..I change out the seasonal look

Magnolia blossoms over my master bath mirror

In my bathroom, crystal containers..the little bird necklace my honey bought me

A little glass angel sits on the window sill by my bath tub with the sun shinning through

The glass shade of a lamp I have in my bathroom, it glows so pretty at night

So, yes, I love angels and children and I have many throughout my home

My bathroom..I love the tub!

Pictures in my home that I love~

Motherhood is the nearest and dearest thing to my heart...I love everything about this picture

The joy of childhood...very dear to me~

Ron gave me this picture on our 5th wedding anniversary...sometimes my Mom made me stand in the corner too as a child, so I can relate to this!

So sweet

My daughters gave this little pillow to me on Mothers Day...I love it!

One of two lamps that sit by our bed, given to me by a favorite uncle...they are porcelain with gold inlaid~

I love flowers and little birds, this little bird came from a vacation in Mexico

I love little little kitties too

I love these images on some special cards I have

This is a music box that my daughter gave me...it plays; "Whistle a Happy Tune"...a song I sang as I did the lead in the "King and I"...this daughter was growing inside me at the time!

Another sweet image that I love

I have 2 of these flower vases, my Mom gave them to me, they belonged to my Dad's mother

This is a little porcelain, 1800's cloths brush...isn't she cute!

I love perfume...Chanel #5 is my favorite
I don't buy much anymore, my home is full of favorite things I have collected over the years. I find myself not wanting to part with the things that I love, so I just move them about the house and they look new again! I'm 59 so you can see why I have collected all these things over the years...I just wanted to share with you the things in my home that are near and dear to me and maybe give you a look-see into my heart . Next post will be part 2 of... more things I love!
First of all, I hope I look as good as you when I'm 59!!!!
Love, love, love the tub!! Aren't favorite things great!!!! Thanks for sharing and shedding a little insight into your life!!
Soooo beautiful.... made me feel good to see all your wee treasures.
Have a happy day ~
Hi Julie~
You have some super great favorite things, and I can see why they would be favorites. My gradmother has that same exact photograph of the little girl in the corner with the dog. I always liked seeing that photo hanging up in her home as a child. I too, have that same angel photo, my picture is hanging in my bedroom. Love perfume and my mother wears coco chanel! HUGS!
Lovely things Julie! To pretty.I adore the bathroom and the teapot I have one just like it along. with the tea cups.
I collected angels at one time alos.I adore all of the photos very sweet.
If you can head over to my blog,my blogger friend is having a great giveaway for 2 people.Visit her Etsy shop.Hurry only 10 days maybe sooner.
I love my special things...we all have them and thanks so much for sharing yours...of course, I love anything about family, so the family saying and the Mom pillow...precious. Love the china cup and saucers - they make me thing of my Granny. She had some similar, except hers had faded roses and the gold had worn off the rims from use but they were absolutely beautiful. She used to make me a cup of coffee when I visited her and it was delicious. It consisted of about a tablespoon of coffee and the rest was milk and sugar. Thanks for sharing some of your treasures.
Have so enjoyed looking at all the wonderful treasures you have Julie.That picture of the little girl and the dog is a favourite of mine too.Look forward to seeing more!
Oh Julie,
Love this post, the pretty things are so fun to look at! Now that bathroom looks awesome,especially that tub! More Pics Please! Hugs, Cindy
Beautiful things! I love the teapot and the china.
I just inherited some nice things from my mom & grandma. I love heirlooms!
Looking forward to part 2 of your favorite things.
Love seeing all your favorite things...I don't buy a lot of new stuff anymore either...I love to put away and pull out something different especially with the seasons.
You cannot be 59! I've seen your photo! I love seeing your pretties. I move my stuff all about too. I don't read the PW. But my youngest daughter told me the cookbook was good, so I ordered it.
Hi Julie, so lovely and beautiful your favorite things... your bathtub is enchanting!!!
Muchos cariños,
Maria Cecilia
p.s. met your great grand already??
I also have Old Country Roses as my china pattern. When my daughters married they also chose this ,so now we have tons of it and it really helps during the holidays!
Hi, I am popping by through, Farmgirl Paints blog. I hope that is okay:) I love that part of Utah that you live in! I grew up in Utah, and my family and I live in Arizona now. We drive up your way when we go home for a visit. I love the little towns along the Virgin River:) Your area is the area that I would love to retire in someday:)
Thanks for sharing all of your favorite things:)
I love the pictures of your treasures! So many pretty things but I have to say my favorite would be the bluebirds. I love bluebirds and have bluebird items.
Every thing just looks lovely! Have a wonderful weekend, blessings,Kathleen
Great pics of wonderful things!!!!
Thanks for sharing......
That was a fun post! I love the painting of the child in the corner with the dog. Old Country Roses is a beautiful pattern. I have a few tea cups and wish I had more pieces - of course I think I've run out of space for dishes LOL!
I'm in awe of your blog, and the time that you put into it. It's incredible. I can't even figure out how to reply to your comments on my own blog. I really feel illiterate when it come to these things. I'm really glad that you come and see the new things that we post and would love it if you wanted to share them with your followers. Any interest would be great. Our hope is to sell some pieces to fund Corey's habit of woodworking. He really is talented. Hope all is well and we love hearing from you. Later.
Those are such beautiful things. For some reason I imagine that you would love angels and chickens.
Beautiful heirlooms.
Thanks for the looksee into your heart! It is a beautiful heart.
Your home is beautiful and very welcoming, which is the nicest thing a home can be, I think. You are a very beautiful lady too, and no one would ever guess your age anywhere close to 59. Talk about some great genes! In answer to your question, I probably wanted to be famous when I was about 5, but all I really ever wanted to be was a wife and mom. I fell into that job, and enjoyed it, but it really made me appreciate my normal upbringing.
59??? I thought you were in your 40's!!! Wow!
You have a lovely home, by the way! :)
Ooooooh! That's alot of pretties! I LOVE your tea set...and that tub! *swoon*
Thanks for the eye candy!
Your home is filled with such beautiful treasures...but I know most of all it is filled with love. I do so love your tub...is it pink? *sigh*...we had a footed tub in our older home..I miss it so much. Thank again for your sweet comments...what would I do without you?
I love all your pretty things. I'll turn 58 this year so I'm not too far behind. You look GREAT and I need a facelift! Mimi
Julie, I am loving these favourite things of yours! You have a beautiful home filled with beautiful things. You are so lucky and blessed. Thanks for sharing your blessings with us! xxoo
You have a lot of fave things! I love them all and can see why they are your faves. Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your home. Lovely!
Blessings and hugs!
Loved seeing your things. I want a tub like yours, and the pillow your girls made for you, so cute. Thanks for visitng , hope you have a great day.
So many beautiful things! Just loving your tub..we have an old clawfoot in our upstairs bathroom, it would need alot of tlc to get it to look like yours:)
have a wonderful weekend Julie!
Yes Julie, we like many of the smae things. My granddaughter said when she saw my teacup and teapot collection. "You must be rich" "this stuff must of cost a hundred million dollars." Then she said, Grammy, please don't ever move from this house." I was so tickled that she like all of it so much.
My O my where does one start to pick out what they like or LOVE! I would have to pick the bathtub I had one once and it was the most comfortable ever made tub -- missing it indeed! Beautiful photos...
Oh, Julie, I enjoyed seeing all of your treasures! I love the same sort of things, angels, roses, pretty tea cups and teapots, china. Thank you for sharing them all. I especially love your bathtub. I have always dreamed of having an old fashioned tub that stood on legs. Wishing a beautiful weekend for you, sweet friend. Vicki
Your home is filled with such sweet things! The key to being so happy every day, yes?
I have to admit --- I have bath tub envy! :) Love that tub and your bathroom looks like the most wonderful place to relax. I love to take bubble baths.
Such pretty things! I loved getting a peek into your life.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I love roosters and farm pics too. And that painting you thought was you when you were a child...so sweet. Thanks for sharing.
your home is like a museum full of goodies! love the pics.
Julie, I also love perfumes. Go take a look on my blog and search perfumes. You'll love the bottles. Middle eastern oils and perfumes have the most beautiful bottles ever. <3
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