Around here...we love chickens...outside or in the house...they are enjoyed!

~A sweet little soup tureen that adds fun to a meal~

Who can have a country kitchen without eggs?

I love this old fat tin chicken, she resides in many places through out my home.

I have had this old hen and her babies for many years...just love her!

My daughter Lindsey painted this for me when she was in high school..love it!

The best thing about kitchens is home made bread...Yum! I did a post in September about the easiest and best bread. It takes 90 min. from start to finish with no second raise...so good!

These sweet little ladies sit in the corner of the kitchen...Poppy and Paisley...recently, Poppy got out of her cage, I came home to find 2 cats sitting close to her..just watching her, she had lost a few feathers in her adventure but she was alright!

My daughter gave me this...I just love it!

I keep this poem in my kitchen...it brings back many memories of the home I grew up in and my Mom teaching me to make bread.

I LOVE lemons and anything with lemon in it...Lemon bars, Pepsi with lemon, Sour Cream Lemon Pie...you get the idea!

You know I adore chickens...one day my grand daughters were counting every last chicken in my home...I think they came up with around 60...I told you, I love chickens!

This big red boy sits on my island...just love him~

My favorite hen...she is a fat one for sure..she even sits on eggs!

I bought this years ago, it was costly but so worth it! Since then it's value has gone up... but it's real value is, it sits in the middle of my home, presiding over our home with peace and love.

~Very old perfume bottles~

~A few of my favorite things on my bathroom counter~

~A pretty lady lamp on a dresser in my bedroom~

Right after meeting me, my Ron bought this for me...it's a brush, mirror, comb set...love it and him!

My sweet sister in law gave me this doll for my birthday..love it and her!

I bought these silk flowers for my Mom when she was in the hospital...I love peonies and Mom...I miss her still~

This chandler hangs over our bed...it has such a pretty glow at night~

I bought this old 40's chair for $20.00...it is the most cozzy chair to sit in!

Our bedroom...a comfortable place for all...grand kids who love to bounce on the bed and pets who think they are welcome there too!

I love this old 40's dressing table chair...it is so soft! I had a lacy cover over it for awhile, but I just really love the green!
I hope you have enjoyed this series of... My favorite Things...I have enjoyed sharing it with you and I have really enjoyed your kind comments!
As I mentioned before, I love to see into real peoples homes and hearts and this is why I have shared these 3 posts with you.
Nothing is very costly in my home, most things are either given as gifts or inherited...all are treasured and loved.
Thank you for visiting my home...I wish you would come for a real visit! If you ever come to visit the National Parks of Utah...You have to stop by for a visit...really! Love to all of you my sweet friends!
once again I have enjoyed all your favorite things. I have that same LEMON sign, infact I have a pear, and apple one too just like the Lemon one. I love all your chickens especially the red one. I adore that picture of Christ. My parents have a huge one hung in their home of that same picture. Have a good one! Jenn
I LOVE the green chair! I would so much love to find somethign like that for my house! That is almost the same green as my living room! Since you love chickens so much do you have any real ones? Just wondering?
Well, your home is about the most comfy place I've been. I appreciate you sharing it with us!
You are amazing.
Very nice things Julie.I especially love the birds I have an all white almost one with just a bit of blue.I love the jar with the lemons in it as well very cute.The bread, oh looks so yummy.
Well how great is all this! My favorite is the picture nestled amongst everything of your daughter and you. Love that.
Hoping your day just happy good
Lovin' your chickens and roosters. They are my fav. My mom's house has lots of them scattered all over too:)
I just love everything about your home Julie, and all the treasures were fun to see! You have such a neat Rooster and Hen collection and your Master Bedroom is very lovely! thanks for letting us peak inside! Cindy
Love the chickens and roosters, I have seen so many in my travels! you have quite the collection!! Happy Tuesday Julie!
I so adore your sweet birds..I have always wanted a bird or two {I think 2...so they do not get lonely}..one day. Your favourite things are so so lovely...I can see why they are your favourite! Happy week to you my friend.
You have such a beautiful home. It's obviously filled with warmth and love!
I love the hen in the basket. My grandma always had chickens, so I have fond (and some not so fond) memories of helping her gather eggs.
You know I am jealous of the location of your home! :) Next time we head to Loa/Boulder I will let you know for sure!
I love all your chickens and your other favorite things. Such a warm home. I love how so many of your favorite things are gifts from family and friends. They do mean the most don't they.
Oh Miss Julie- you made me *squeeeal* with all your wonderful chickies!!! I love them all- especially the red roo, but I REALLY love the hen plopped in the middle of the basket- she looks like she's hard at work making an egg! LOL
And I'm so happy Poppy and Paisley's story had a happy ending- that was a close one!
The chandelier over your bed is BEAUTIFUL!!!
my mom loved roosters and chickens, they always make me think of her.....thanks for showing all your treasures...they are beautiful.
obviously you love roosters and chickens. Do you really have live chickens? and horses? and birdies? and a doggie? I truly wonder how you keep up with it all???
I'd like to be able to pick a favorite of your favorites...but there are too many amazing "things"!!
Love the chairs, the roosters, & I absolutely love the picture of the Savior!!
I really LOVE that you took the time to share your favorite things with all of us!! LOVE the personal touch!
THANKS!! :-)
Your home is full of love and charm and I loved being there and feeling all of that love and warmth. Your favorite posts have been really special, Julie.
I have enjoyed seeing all of your favorite things. We both cherish many of the same things!
I love chickens too, but I can count all of mine 2 hands! LOL
The picture of Christ is one of my all time favorites.
Enjoy a wonderful week!
Thank you for showing us your home. Love your bedroom with the 4 poster bed! The poem is beautiful.
I love all your roosters and chickens. The painting your daughter did was great. If we ever get to Utah, we're stopping by! You do the same if you ever get down here to So. Cal. I know we'd have a great time visiting.
You do have a lovely home. Your chicken collection is awesome! Mimi
Thanks for sharing all of your favorite things with us Julie. I have enjoyed it!
Once again I can't sleep, I guess it's because I'm suppose to visit you in your home. Again, I love everything but the one thing I would love to have is that darling plum colored glass perfume bottle in your bathroom.
The bread looks very wonderful.
Big Hugs
Hi Julie! So fun to see and read about your favorite things! Getting to know you better to! Sweet birds and a very lucky Poppy!
Julie, you have the most beautiful home. Thanks so much for generously sharing your favourite things with us. I could sit and look at them for hours. You are so very blessed. I love chickens too! My collection is a bit smaller though and none as quite as beautiful as yours!
Have really enjoyed seeing all your wonderful treasures in you lovely home.All very special because they have lovely memories attached to them.So many that I like...too many to mention!
We have more snow today..staying in and keeping warm.
So loved 'visiting' your home...it's the warmest place filled with so much LOVE! I just went back to your Sept post for the bread and chili recipes & can't wait to try them!
Thanks Julie!
have a wonderful day:)
I LOVE seeing all your special things!! What fun posts those have been - everyone should do that at one time or another! Thanks for giving us a peek, now can we buy your house??? ☺ Have a great day ~ ♥
I have enjoyed looking at your fave things. Your chickens are so bright and colorful. Your bedroom is very elegant. All is lovely.
You just really can't beat lemons in a jar. One of the prettiest centerpieces ever :)
~Angela Harris
Chickens, eggs and Budgies ...they would be on my favourite things list too :-)Poppy and Paisley are adorable ♥
Hi, Julie,
I love these glimpses into your beautiful home!! I love those chickens, too!! If I lived on a farm, I would have chickens for sure and a Texas longhorn cow!! I hope you are having a beautiful week, my dear friend! Sending much love your way!! Vicki
Wonderful favorites Julie! I love those roosters, that picture of Christ is truly beautiful and I WANT that chair. It is so cool!!!
What a beautiful home you have!
Love love this post. Your collection of Roosters is wonderful and your home is beautiful. I am so glad your birds were not hurt by the cats. Wow they were lucky you were there to rescue them.
I have missed coming by here to visit you. As always I love your site
I want that 40's chair o please - o please -wink!
Julie, I didn't get your email. I would very much love to read it. Would you mind trying again?
Thank you so much.
Hello Julie
Well I got all caught up on reading all the posts on your blog that I have missed. I love all your chickens and roosters. I too collect them. I have truly enjoyed looking at all your favorite things. I have to admit, all the chickens and roosters had my heart beating!
Hugs, Ann
Just love your lovely things. I really love your chicken and egg collection and how precious is the photo with you and your daugther with the saying "just like mom!" I know how it is to raise birds with cats. I have a cockatiel that has been with us for 27 years and scares off the cats. lol. Blessings,Kathleen
Love your bedroom! You have some beautiful items in your home, and I know you love being there with your family!
Thanks for visiting...
Julie, I love your blog, and your home looks so home-e! It seems its the small and simple things in life we love the most! Thanks for posting such great posts! Good Job! I wish I had the blogging thing figured out better, I struggle with it!
Thanks for showing us all of your wonderful things! They are so beautiful, and I like the fact that they are all so precious to you for sentimental reasons too. I love your blog--it is so inspirational and helps us think about what's important in life!
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