They say that all GRANDMOTHER'S are inclined to brag a bit,
and there is some truth in this I frankly must admit.

For, since I've reached the Grandma Stage and all my friends have too,
I'm simply floored by all the bragging that these Grandmother's do.

To hear them rave, you'd think for sure that all the Human Race
was fast becoming Supermen at a tremendous pace.

Yet, when I see these boys and girls, their Grandma's pride and joy,
Each one seems to me to be quite an ordinary girl or boy.

Of course, I humor them along and say, I think they're fine,
But you'd see the difference if you've ever noticed mine.
My own are so much Cuter, Smarter, Handsomer than theirs,
I can afford to humor them whenever they put on airs.

I'm really glad that I don't brag like other Grandmothers do,

~I may not be rich and famous but I do have Priceless Grandchildren~

Grandchildren bring such light into our hearts!

Why, they just make us want to stand up and salute!

"Our hearts go walking outside our bodies when we look at our grandchildren"

It's not just snuggling quietly, and rocking in grandma's chair...
But even her house is special because Grandma is there.

I loved my Grandparents home. Everything smelled older, worn but safe;
the food aroma had baked itself into the furniture.

....in the home my grandparents created, I find the beginnings of the love I have inherited.

I wish every frightened, lonely, sick, bewildered child in the world had grandparents to run to.

Grandmas can always be counted on to produce sweets, cookies and candies that seem to taste so much more yummy than from anyone else.

A grand child is a kind of miracle. A persuasion machine. You can try to be strict but you can never resist their smiles. You can swear you'll not give them that piece of pie, but who wouldn't give in to that toothless grin!

You can swear that you'll never buy them another teddy bear, but with a tug on your fingers, a little cuddle, a single tear and a "Please Grandma, I love you." And they can have the world!

" Upstretched arms make grandparents put off rheumatism till tomorrow"

Grandchildren are a renewal of life, a little bit of us going into the future.

Most young people today live in a world that is changing so fast around them. There are few things they can put their faith in that are solid and true.

The sights and smells of their grandparents house can be a stabilizing and important influence. Sometimes, even the most cynical young people are brought back to a revaluation of their values in the midst of these family traditions. Grandparents are the centerpieces of these memories.

Grandparents are very ambitious when it comes to their grandchildren...When a stranger inquires to their ages, they reply..."the doctor's in third grade and the rocket scientist is in the fifth grade!"

I hang out with a lot of grandmas. Their grandchildren were all born in mangers and have I.Q.'s so high they cannot be measured.

Grandmother: "Did I tell you about my grandchildren?"...Stranger: "No, and I appreciate it very much."

"No cowgirl was ever faster on the draw than a grandma pulling baby pictures out of her purse."

"If only the Ugly Duckling had a grandmama, he need never have suffered. He would have seen at once that he was swan material."

~Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation~

I loved granny's tiny back kitchen with it's roaring fire and wooden stools. I felt safe there, sitting against her knees, watching her perform her domestic chores.

I felt as if I never wanted to leave, that I could stay there cocooned for the rest of my life.

Grandparents don't see any faults in you, they are placed on the earth to love and praise you.

Grandparents always make you feel like you are the most important person in the world.

These grandparents are thrilled that another grandchild is due in July!

Grandparents are always happy to see you. It puts big smiles on their faces and on ours too!

Grandma has a way of making you think you are the greatest at
what ever you want to be!

There is always freedom at grandma's house...Mom says; "Stop running!" and grandma says; "oh, let them run, I love it!"
It has been said that..." Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild." This is true...another way of saying it is..."Grand children are the reward for not killing your children! "
You might say that this is true too...well, you just might! If I knew grandchildren would be so much fun, I would have had them first!
Hi, Julie,
I enjoyed seeing everyone of those precious faces! And how fortunate they are to have a proud grandmother like you! Enjoy your weekend! Sending lots of love your way! Vicki
Wonderful post...I love my grandkids too!
I can tell you are A MUCH LOVED grandmother!!! NOT TO MENTION you adore your darling darling grandchildren.. I love the new baby pictures... so sweet. Congrats on the newest addition in July! Love all the pics. and your story with it. I agree on the smells at grandmas and the food and cookies being better then normal. Love this post!
Precious looking grandchildren, every one of them.....
I love this Julie!!! They are all beautiful,precious and amazing!!! I look forward to it, what a lovely post and what lucky grandchildren for having you!!! Hugs, Cindy
I came over for a visit from Granny Mountain.
I'm SOOOO glad you answered my question in your profile - - - and before I even asked it too! Your home is lovely, and the setting - - - - OUT OF THIS WORLD.
I've enjoyed my visit. Your grans are nearly as darling as mine. ;-)
OH, this was so wonderful! What a blessing that you are getting another in July...not that you needed any more!! My parents have abandoned me in recent years and unfortunately this means my sons don't have grandparents any more. Very sad. Your grandkids are SO fortunate to have you! What a blessing!...and example to me..I'm making a mental list of what kind of grandma I want to be some day!
ONE OF THE BEST POSTS EVER!! I am in tears and I am just a mommy not a grandma!!
You grandchildren are just beautiful!!!
You must be the best grandma...I can tell how much you treasure your family!! :)
Oh this was beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes.All those pictures were so very precious.I hope im the next grandma you talk about within the next year,lol.The girls are growing up.They will have birthdays in June.The oldest will be 30 the youngest 25.Im ready.
God Bless Julie your so precious.Hugs!~Becky
hi julie,
your BEAUTIFUL grandchildren are so lucky to have a grandmother as wonderful as you.
love the last paragraph! LOL
Awe, it's great to be a grandmother. Yours are so darling - but mine - well mine are extra darling. He He!
Big Hugs
I too have the cutest, funnest, grandchildren! However, I know they're not perfect. Can you believe I just said that? Great post. Brought back memories of my own grandmothers!
What cute kids, but I think my grand daughter is cuter!!! ;-) LOL!! Just joking, I couldn't resist after reading all of those "grandma poems"!! FUN post!! You truly do have cute grandchildren, inside and out I'm sure!!
OHMYGOSH! What a bunch of beautiful children (and feet). You are a lucky woman.
Such a great post! I loved your thoughts and the pictures. They are beautiful.
Thanks so much for sharing that.
I have some pretty cute ones too, not that I'm braggin' or anything.
Great post Julie! I loved seeing all the pictures of your beautiful grandchildren! I also love being a grandmother and I totally adore my grandchildren. It is so nice to see your children grown up, happy and being good parents with their own children. I have another grandson due any day now. That will make 4!! Not near as many as you, but just as precious!
I loved this poem and all the photos are wonderful. You really do have precious grandchildren, and that photo of you with some of them? Well, you look like you could be mama not grandma!
What a beautiful family and what a blessing they are. The first photo...those bright eyes and the joy that radiates from her....she looks just like you!
Olá, amiga!
Voltei... saudade!...
Tudo aqui, continua lindo e criativo...
Boa semana!
Itabira - Brasil
Love your post...I've have laughed and teared up and laughed again. God really knows what he is doing sometimes, doesn't he. Your Grandchildren are beautiful....almost as beautiful as mine =). I'll be seeing all mine in about 4 hours as we are having a one month birthday party for B...this is a tradition that I started with my two girls and theya re doing it with their children....kind of lets both of us know where those brains on our Grandbabes come from doesn't it...LOL..have a great day Julie and get lots of hugging.
What a fabulous brood they are! A lovely tribe, I hope you remembered to congratulate yourself for your part!
Thanks so much for your lovely comments over at my place, I do appreciate your visits,
Love Sarah x
Hi Julie
I your post! Your grandchildren are beautiful! We have 18 grandchildren. I love when they come to visit us. I spoil them rotten then send them home! LOL
I couldn't help getting a little teary eyed thinking of my grandparents. How I loved visiting them, the smell of their old house, what great cooks they were..what sweet memories I have in my heart! Looking forward to seeing them all again one day....
Hugs, Ann
Oh Julie,
From the first picture to the last I smiled , I still am . I would say your grandchildren are super blessed to have you as their Grandmother!
Blessings always!
Double Amen to that! I had a girlfriend years ago tell me when my son was driving me to total exaspperation....God made them cute so you wouldn't kill them! I have thought of that so many times...but my grandchildren...they are perfect!!
I agree 100% with you Julie! Nothing like grandchildren! Your grandchildren are beautiful! You have truly been blessed!
dear friend -- Staring in loving awe at a newborn baby,and each and every photo of your grandchildren. I remember counting each little finger and toe, it is easy to see the hand of God in allowing us to house his beloved children and be blessed to be in the grand parenting days is sure pure joy. But I also agree tons with your last few words you said --
Oh, Dear Julie! This is the most precious post ever! I love your words and loved seeing all of those angel faces! Hopefully soon - March - I understand that Grandma feeling. I can't wait and you've just made me more anxious!! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
These are awesome pictures!! It was great to see them. They are so cute. I wish they didn't have to grow up so fast. Love you guys!
Loved the poem and pictures of your beautiful grandchildren. Those grandkids are almost as cute as mine! Mimi
Very sweet post...and oh so true!
I think my parents can vouch for the "Grandchildren are the reward for not killing your children" quote! lol Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
How lucky they are to have you~ so much love in their lives... it's what we're here for!
Your grand'babies are so adorable...
So much sweetness here.
I love what you wrote about connecting in your sidebar... so perfectly expressed!
Joyfully, Maria
You are the most awesome grand-ma!!
Fun, beautiful and so special pictures. I love snakes, my kids are so not afraid of animals too and will old the chickens, wrestle with the big dog. Thanks for dropping by!!!!!
Yep, yours win - JUST WAYYY TOO CUTE!!!!!! I bet the holidays are filled with fun, laughter, food, hugs and all kinds of LOVE!
OH Julie!!! What a beautiful, wonderful, lovely bunch of grands... how blessed you are, my friend, and how kind to share them with us. I hope one day I have as much grands as you, they, for your, brigten our hearts!!!! Meanwhile I`m in love with my only grandson!!!
Muchos cariños, and hugs
Maria Cecilia
Good Morning Julie,
This is the best medicine for me today, as you already know I am one of those grandma friends that you indulge. lol.
You have such a beautiful family, and I think your grandmother and my grandmother would have been the best of friends. I experienced the same feelings when I was with her and her home. And having loving grandparents is one of the best things any child could have.
I so enjoyed your last statement. What a beautiful way to start my week, this post has been so uplifting. Now I don't feel so guilty about posting pics. of my grandchildren. lol
I love you picture of the lady in the tub. We have horses too!I am new to your blog. I truly enjoyed visiting and will be visiting often. I hope to aspire to be a grandma like you! I would like to invite you to visit my blog at dlrubyspalette.blogspot.com
Inspiration, Scripture, and my artwork. THANKS! Deborah
What a blessing you are to others for Gods glory alone. Well done!
You are certainly blessed! They are all so adorable! blessings,Kathleen
Such sweet beautiful faces, thank you so much for sharing.
Hope the cookies were great last night! I am trying to shed some ton-age so I am not baking sugar products right now and it is about killing me. I have a horrible sweet tooth!
Thank you for adding me to your blog list...You rock!
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