My Mom at age seventeen
I need to just get this off my chest....vent a little!
I had the worlds meanest parents. Oh, they did a good job of covering for themselves, with all of their smiles and hugs and "I love you's" and stuff. But they couldn't fool me. No sir, they were mean alright, clear through to the heart!
I had the worlds meanest parents. Oh, they did a good job of covering for themselves, with all of their smiles and hugs and "I love you's" and stuff. But they couldn't fool me. No sir, they were mean alright, clear through to the heart!
You wouldn't believe some of the stuff they made us do. Like work, for example.
You would have thought we were indentured servants or something, the way they made us work around the house. And not just normal things like just making our own beds and keeping our rooms tidy. We had to help clean the rest of the house, too. And we had to do the dishes almost every night. My poor brother was the only boy in sixth grade with dishpan hands!
Then there was all of the outside work...they garden to weed, the lawn to mow. Cows to milk...everyday! I had to even drive the tractor while my Dad and brothers threw hay up onto the trailer. While they unloaded it, I had to go to the house and fix lunch for six people. Then toward evening, because Mom had to work, I was the one who had to fix dinner for all they family.
I had to do the laundry and ironing too and I had to learn to make 8 loaves of homemade bread each week, and clean the house. I don't know how many times I planned my escape while I was cleaning house.
Mentally, I ran away from home about 50 times each summer.
Mentally, I ran away from home about 50 times each summer.
When miniskirts were the in thing in the 60's, I had to wear my dresses all the way down to my knees! I was never allowed to call boys and when I was finally allowed to date at age 16, the boys had to come to my door to pick me up and meet mom and dad...I wasn't allowed to just run out when a boy honked his horn...I was a lady!
And that isn't the half of it, these people were into total control. We had to ask permission to do go get a soda with friends, if we could stay up late and watch Johnny Carson, if we could have a sleepover. None of us could date until we were 16, we had curfews as long as we lived at home and we weren't allowed to buy a car with our own money until we had saved up for college, none of that 60's peace and love stuff for us.
We tried to convince our parents that all the other kids in the neighborhood had a lot more freedom than we did, but do you think they cared? I wondered if they had even heard of the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
On top of it all, they seemed to function under the impression that a parent is, first and foremost, a teacher. They thought it was their job to teach us the things they considered important, like... how to get along with others, how to cooperate, how to obey rules, how to uphold out values, how to respect the rights of others, how to find validation and satisfaction through service. And they thought that the best way we could learn those lessons was to live them...every day of our lives. No matter what.
And what do they have to show for it? Not much...just 7 devoted children who loved them and grew to adulthood reasonably happy and well-adjusted. Don't get me wrong...we have each had our share of problems, some more than others. But for whatever it's worth, we all make our living honestly. We all pay our taxes. We are all active in our church and civic affairs.
And we are all trying to do our part for the future by being just as "mean" to our children as our parents were to us!
(P.S.) I don't know how I could have ever got through raising my 8 children without my mean parents, who taught me all the lessons I would need to know, to get me through my years of being the "Mean Parent." Thank You Mom and Dad for being Mean parents...I wouldn't trade you for anything!
(ps)....Please go see this lady for a fantastic "GIVE A WAY"...she is giving around 12 really nice thing away. She is super creative and has had her work publishes in magazines.
You will love this!...
(ps)....Please go see this lady for a fantastic "GIVE A WAY"...she is giving around 12 really nice thing away. She is super creative and has had her work publishes in magazines.
You will love this!...
The House of the Lord is a "House of order!" did they have that sign anywhere in their home. (I hope I said that right!) I KEPT GETTING A "STRICT" IS THE WORD, RING IN MY EAR! way to go mom and dad... look at what you have to show for it. Julie~ a wonderful, caring, compassionate thoughtful, kind bloggy friend. ;) hugs!
Love the pictures and story. You are amazing!
What a cute post!
My Husband and I give each other Hi-5's whenever we get the "you're the meanest parent in the world"!
We consider it a job well done :)
I was reading my parents, grandparents and great grandparents journals last Sunday and I too think they had the "mean Parent" thing going on. So appreciative of their hard times that made them good people and tried to pass it along to their children.
We are truely blessed to live in these times though.
Oh I love these beautiful vintage pictures...
Congrats on your big and beautiful family dear Julie! You are a hero!
Cheers: Evi
Saw the title and thought, "Nuh uh...I'm the meanest parent!" Then I read it all and realized...yeah, that's just like me! I'm so proud to be a mean parent! And in addition to that job, I also get to have a little fun by being the most embarrassing parent on earth! That's my job and I love it!
Way to go to your mean Mom!! Aren't mean Moms the best?!!!!
LOVED the photos!! The post too!!
I fit right in the mean Mom category!! LOVE IT!!
Now that's a couple who knew just how to raise kids! And make them responsible and save for college. They should have written a handbook for the rest of the world, because they could teach many parents a thing or two. (You look like your dad.)
This is great writing Julie! I LOVE this story and will share it with my sister!
You are so right about good parenting~
...and so were your parents!
take care! ~Maria
Julie... I knew you were gonna end on a good note...couldn't read fast enough to get there! Phew...I try to be a mean parent, I think I suceed for the most part because my kids tell me so.! Ha! My parents were the same and I treasure every punishment I ever got because it made me who I am, I wouldn't of changed a thing:)
Hope your absence is a good thing for you:)
Kids who think they were raised by the meanest parents usually grow up to thank them for their teachings someday! Our kids tell us all the time they think we are good parents because we let them talk, express and try to be fair.
Thanks for stopping by the last couple of days...glad you like my little craft room...stop by tomorrow and I will have another new post and craft project. Plus I am glad you like the Amour Banner. I love to do papercrafts but scrapbooking pages about drives me nuts!
No no I am the queen of being meanest parent.. I was told many many times -- my children had it easyer then. But as for my children they all believe in God and they do good works and they are all active members in the church... Maybe one day I will here the words of "Thank you mom for being so mean".. My own childhood is closely related to your -- and my love deepens and I honor them for all they did for me! Good post -and well said!
Thanks for entering the napkin ring giveaway....your name wasn't chosen but check my blog for a special offer.
Karin :)
I hope to be just as "mean" to my children!!! ;)
I love the photos from your childhood!
Love your post today! Yes..we can now thank our parents for things we never knew where good for us once apon a time. Happy weekend. xoxo
Cute pictures of your parents and you! Hope you'll be having fun while you're gone.
I had parents somewhat similar to yours. I think my sister and I were the only ones who did work for free...they didn't believe in allowances. We did everything around the house and out in the gardens, our curfews were on the dot and not a minute late. If we wanted something, we were to get a job and buy it ourselves (which we both did buy our own cars with our own money). I really thought I had tough parents, but looking back I really appreciated what they instilled in me. They are still great examples to me in everything they, finances, ect. I'm now so grateful for the kind of parents that they were/are!
I loved this post. My parents were the strictest too, and my kids say the same about us. However, we're to the point where our 3 older ones are now thanking us for this, even our 16 yo., so I'm glad we're the "mean" parents :-) I loved the photos too!
Hi Julie,
I am Maria's sister. This is really great. Love your whole blog too. We had really mean parents. You are absolutely right about the whole experience and outcome. I hope I am being mean enough to my daughter! Right now she's a little too young to clean toilets and is at that age where she wants to do everything I do. She always says" Mommy when I get older, can I clean that too?" Right away I say "You bet!" with lots of love of course!
Love it!! I am right there with ya sister - I think I mentally ran away from home at least forty eleven times each summer! I used to promise myself when I had children I would never ever make my kids do all the work I had to do - I would be the cool mom! HA - I act just like them- maybe even a little worse lol and am glad of it!!
Great post...don't be gone too long, we will miss you too much. Love the pics of your Mom and Dad, they look very that double breasted suit.
Your blog with all these beautiful pictures is amazing. Your family also is lovely. I hope to be able to visit you often and read your thoughts. If you have time I invite you to visit my traveling blog which is in English and in Greek HERE
I feel like I've done my job when my kids say, "You are SO mean!" ~ hopefully they'll think so too one day. Of course I really did think my mom was mean at the time - now I'm HER! ha ha Enjoy your time away (I hope it's something fun) ~ ♥
Hi, Julie,
Terrific post!! Your parents and my parents were on the same page, I think!! We will miss you while you are away so hurry back to us! Thank you for your faithful friendship and for helping me celebrate my birthday!! Vicki
Hallelujah for mean parents! My kids thought, and probably still think we were mean. Oh well! Hopefully, they will be mean too someday!
I started to laugh when I read your post, thinking we had the same mean parents!!! Then you went and through in milking the cows! LOL
I agree with Brenda you do look a lot like your dad.
Enjoy your time away.
I will have to ask my 'wonderful mean' mom where the original recipe for the Banana Nut Bread came from. It is our family recipe for using ripe bananas.
Well in that case I'm a mean Mom too! LOL Loved this post!
I think mean parents should be banned.
I think I was banned.
I was a mean parent.
Loved your pictures.
AHHH I love it. Wish more parents in this day and age were a little mean. I think the world would be a much better place. Loved all of your wonderful family pics. You were sooo cute!
Thanks so much Julie, for putting the p.s. at the end of your blog. I have been meeting some wonderful people because of it. You are so sweet and amazing yourself!
You did have mean parents! I think they were all meaner in that generation! I was the oldest daughter (oldest child) and lots of things were turned over to me at an early age. Great post, Julie. Mimi
Oh, Julie- this brought tears to my eyes!!! I had "mean" parents too... and I wonder if they ever knew how much I really appreciated them for being so "awful" to me... I would hate to think of what I would have turned out to be without them!
I love the pictures- they were quite a handsome couple!
Are we sisters?
Love the post
Mean parents raise good kids! Don't be gone too long!
You are so lucky to have those wonderful old photographs, a great treasure. I have very few.
Wonderful post.
Love your thoughts! Thank you!
I feel better.
You couldn't POSSIBLY be the MEANEST parents - - - 'cause I thought WE were. Hehehehehe
THANK YOU so much for clicking to follow my blog!!! You are follower #98. Oh yes, just like a silly little school girl, I am WATCHING to see if I will be "popular." :-)
Love the strict parent thing, My Mom and dad certainly were for us but today I appreciate it and I was for my kids too, and today I have 2 beautiful thoughtful adult children,you only get back what yu put into it.
Have a great week
Bravo to your parents. I work at a school and would like to see more parents just like yours.
And wow. You have 8 kids?!!
I loved your old photos, and the post was great as well. I am giving you a hand clap... smiles
HI Julie! This was really a wonderful post! You had me there for a few minutes! LOL I had some of those mean parents too and I praise God they raised me as they did. I really didn't appreciate it at the time, but I do now!! I love the photos of your parents!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
'mean' parents are the backbone of this great
Thank God for mean parents!
Mine were too!!
Good Morning Julie, how great to be able to visit you again.
I just laughed and nodded my head all through this post. I do believe our parents must have been best friends and were comparing notes. lol
I am so thankful for my parents, and what they taught me and my siblings. I used to think the same things. I couldn't have written a better post! Great jib
What a beautiful couple they are, and Thank you for sharing this today, it brought back wonderful memories(did i just say that?).
Great post and how true.Good pics too.
Have a wonderful week and thanks for following my blog!
Great post!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Yours is great...... My husband would just love your property cause' he is a cowboy at heart!! Me???? I am a city girl & love that. I guess opposites do attract!!
good parents! That's the kind of parents we should all strive to be! My mom was the same! If we didn't clean something correctly we had to start all over!
How lucky you were that your parent's were so mean. sounds like a great home full of love and the proper amount of discipline. I remember my Dad was a stickler for table manners and I have to say I had the best table manners out of all our cousins when we got together at Grandma's dinner table.
You sure were a cutie as a child.
Blessings always!
Love this!! great parents are what you had...and I hope to be the same with my kid!
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