Reminds me of the saying; "A baby is God's sign that the world will keep going on." New beginnings, new hope, more to love...isn't it wonderful?! We all have so much to look forward to and have faith in, especially when we look to God.
I just wanted to share some ideas about being strong, resilient and happy. As we start off this new year I'm sure some are feeling a bit weak in the knees and perhaps even worried about what this year will hold.
" Resilient people are like trees bending in the wind. They bounce back"
Research has shown that resilient people share some common qualities...ones we can cultivate to master any crisis.
1. They stay connected....they let themselves rely on others sometimes, to help them survive tough times.
2. They are optimistic...People with a sunny outlook do better at managing a crisis. Negative thinking is just a bad habit, challenge yourself to look at the problem in a more positive way.
3. They are spiritual...generally people who are active in a religious faith tend to get through difficult times better, they are less likely to be waylaid by depression.
4. They are playful...they can enjoy themselves as children do, they wonder about things, they experiment and laugh and love.
5. They give back...the benefit you derive for yourself is as great as what you give out to others.
6. They pick their battles...They focus on things over which they have some influence and do not spend time on things they can't control. Wallow in anger or fear, or move on? It's up to you.
7. They stay healthy...A good diet and regular physical activity provide crucial buffers against stress. Exercise literally helps to repair neurons in brain areas that are susceptible to stress.
8. They find the "silver lining"...they convert misfortune into good luck and gain strength from adversity. They see negative events as an opportunity to better themselves or become a better person.
We need to remember too that Satan is alive and well and goes about trying to disrupt our happiness. I like these thoughts on that...
"To help us from being overcome by the devil's designs, which are;
despair, discouragement, depression, despondency and distractions,
the Lord has provided at least a dozen ways which, if followed,
will lift our spirits and send us on our way rejoicing." (Ezra T. Benson)
Repentance.... Prayer .... Service.... Work
Health.... Reading.... Blessings.... Fasting
Friends & Family.... Music.... Endurance.... Goals
Remember...Don't start tackling tomorrows problems until tomorrow. You don't have tomorrow's strength yet. You simply have enough for today, We don't need to know what will happen tomorrow. 90% of what you worry about never happens!
My motto this year is...BE HAPPY
And my wish for each of you is happiness, each and every day, make your mind up to find a happiness in your day and treasure it...it just may help to create a year full of happiness!
" Resilient people are like trees bending in the wind. They bounce back"
Research has shown that resilient people share some common qualities...ones we can cultivate to master any crisis.
1. They stay connected....they let themselves rely on others sometimes, to help them survive tough times.
2. They are optimistic...People with a sunny outlook do better at managing a crisis. Negative thinking is just a bad habit, challenge yourself to look at the problem in a more positive way.
3. They are spiritual...generally people who are active in a religious faith tend to get through difficult times better, they are less likely to be waylaid by depression.
4. They are playful...they can enjoy themselves as children do, they wonder about things, they experiment and laugh and love.
5. They give back...the benefit you derive for yourself is as great as what you give out to others.
6. They pick their battles...They focus on things over which they have some influence and do not spend time on things they can't control. Wallow in anger or fear, or move on? It's up to you.
7. They stay healthy...A good diet and regular physical activity provide crucial buffers against stress. Exercise literally helps to repair neurons in brain areas that are susceptible to stress.
8. They find the "silver lining"...they convert misfortune into good luck and gain strength from adversity. They see negative events as an opportunity to better themselves or become a better person.
We need to remember too that Satan is alive and well and goes about trying to disrupt our happiness. I like these thoughts on that...
"To help us from being overcome by the devil's designs, which are;
despair, discouragement, depression, despondency and distractions,
the Lord has provided at least a dozen ways which, if followed,
will lift our spirits and send us on our way rejoicing." (Ezra T. Benson)
Repentance.... Prayer .... Service.... Work
Health.... Reading.... Blessings.... Fasting
Friends & Family.... Music.... Endurance.... Goals
Remember...Don't start tackling tomorrows problems until tomorrow. You don't have tomorrow's strength yet. You simply have enough for today, We don't need to know what will happen tomorrow. 90% of what you worry about never happens!
My motto this year is...BE HAPPY
And my wish for each of you is happiness, each and every day, make your mind up to find a happiness in your day and treasure it...it just may help to create a year full of happiness!
I need to work on a couple of those numbers, but you are so right... be happy and live in today and wait for more strength the next day. Thanks for your heart and insight. Congrats on your precious sweet great grandchild!
Beautiful thoughts! I'm one of those that is in the category of "scared for what the New Year will bring" because I've gone through quite a "buffeting" this year. I would just think I was over and recovered and something else would slam into us.
Your thoughts were great, thanks for taking the time to post them.
Oh Julie! Just look at him! A new baby is such a blessing huh! Hope you can get up to see him and give him a cuddle soon. A g.grandchild. Lucky you guys huh! I just love to hold a tiny grandchild and look into their eyes and wonder about all they would tell us if they could! Their little spirits are so strong. They fill up the entire room where ever they are!
I loved your Ideas for being strong and resilient, and your new 2010 motto!
Carpe diem.......Seize The Day
Congratulations on your great grandchild. No way that you are old enough :)! He is beautiful!
Oh what a handsome new baby. There is nothing better then a new baby in the family.
How are you sweet friend, thank you for the reminders and incouraging thoughts. We don't give our brother Satan nearly enough credit for his efforts, we seem to take in on ourselves. We shouldn't!
I hope we can become even better friends this year. I'd sure love to make a visit to Ephraim and see my cousin and to meet you.
We're off and running.
Do you have any idea how blessed I feel to have found you and to get to know you?
Congratulations on abeautiful new little one. I agree with Lawaina, Their spirts are so huge fresh from Heavenly Father and I too love to look into their eyes and wonder about all they would tell us if they only could. What a special gift to start out this new year!
Your words of wisdom and inspiration hit me hard today. We have been bombarded lately with devastating news which has saddened my heart and soul. I have missed church for two weeks now and coming to visit you I have been filled with new resolve to be stronger and press on. Thanks for sharing your heart and soul with us.
Oh he is precious and I bet it's just killing you to not have met him yet!
Beautiful new GREAT grandbaby!! I am so excited since I know this year will be the best ever!!
Beautiful blog Julie! How true that quote is.I think he looks like an adorable bundle of love.How lucky you are.Great grandmother too?Wow.Ive so much enjoyed your little journey here of your kids and their kids and Christmas time etc.Thanks so much for sharing.God Bless!
Beautiful baby.
I LOVED this post. because I have been feeling a wee bit down.
We had not such a great 2009...and I am such a worrier... but after reading this, I am going to try and not worry about tomorrow, till its here.
THANK YOU... and congrats on the new Gr Grandbaby
oh Julie, I didn´t know you haven´t seen personally Tracen Roy yet... I can imagine your anxiety to hold him in your arms and kiss and kiss and kiss him!!!!
What a blessing for 2010!!!
Cariños and hugs,
Maria Cecilia
What a beautiful baby! You must be thrilled! :)
I loved the thoughts you listed as well. I think I'm pretty good about staying positive and taking care of myself, but I see a few areas I could work on! :)
Congratulations on the new great-grandbaby! I hope you get to see him soon. Great post!
What a darling baby! I love that saying - there's so much hope in it.
Actually, I'm feeling really good about this year. I think it's going to be great!
Julie - your post spoke volumes to me today!! I love it! I have been talking about having a positive attitude with my family and what an impact it makes not only on ourselves, but others as well. Thank you so much for such a beautiful post!
Tracen is beautiful!!
I like number six. I have always tried to live by that one.
Beautiful baby too. I bet you can't wait to hold him.
Congrats Julie!
He is so beautiful! But come on girl, your not old enough to be a great-grandma yet! Hugs, Cindy
Congratulations on your new grandbaby! How exciting for you as your beautiful family expands! What a precious gift.
I, like you, am so apprehensive about our country and its (lack of) leadership. I am praying a lot and that the American people will decide that they want this country run by the constituion once again. I pray that our next leader will be godly
Great thoughts. Resilient is a word that describes happiness. We all have to be resilient because we all have trials to face.
Great motto!
Wonderful post.....I HOPE that I stay resilient this year. It's a great thing to aspire to.
Have a blessed day....
Such a beautiful baby Julie! Love your Motto for 2010 ♥
Wonderful post -- My goodness you are a great grandma -- you are to young! But what a great blessing to start the new year off with a grand baby -- :D
I hope I can be the kind of great grandma you are! You don't look like you could be a great grandma!!! I love your photo of your cute hubbie on your post before this. So much fun!
I love your motto...Be Happy...I try to make it mine too. Your great grandbaby is so so lovely. Hope you get to see him soon. Take good care my friend..love your inspiration today...I really needed it as just found out I lost all my images..my computer died and everything was lost..Oh well chin up..carry on and get out my camera.
Your grandbaby is indeed beautiful.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I don't think of tomorrow's problems, today all I can handle is todays and I'm not doing such a hot shot at it, either.
I made a lasagna for a family whose mother is dying and it did indeed lighten my spirits for a while. On Friday I make another one for the Food Coalition. So, two acts of service that hopefully will help.
The rest of the list pretty much got taken care of at church and with scripture reading. And endurance is the key, isn't it?
Thanks for your lovely outlook on life. May it ever be so.
Great thoughts. Lots of things to think about. Love your motto. I think I need it too. Your cute little g grandson is adorable. Mimi
Congaratualtions on your newest blessing! Hope you will be holding him soon! Loved your wonderful words and such a good motto! I wish the same for you! blessings,Kathleen
Amen, i need to be a bit more resillent, but I am trying...each day I find a wee bit more strength..thank you for this post, tons of food for thought! Happy New Year and that little ham of a great grandchild, such a blessing, I hope you get to hold him soon!
What a sweet baby! Nothing better than a precious little babe!
Love your thoughts on being resilient. I need to work on this! :)
I have 2 themes for this year...
Be of Good Cheer and
Be a Little Better.
So glad I found your blog! You are awesome and I always feel so uplifted by the wonderful words you post.
Love your list and your motto. You always have such an up beat vibe on your blog. I love how encouraging you are. Seriously if anyone can meet the "BE HAPPY" goal it would be you. Gorgeous baby pics. How can you stand being away from them??
congrats on your newest arrival! I hope you get out to see him soon! My goal is to be happy this year also!
Such a BEAUTIFUL baby and a BEAUTIFUL post!....love these words, being happy is the key I do believe, my New Years' 'revolution'!!
lot's of happy love to you Julie!
Hi, Julie,
Your new great grandson is beautiful!! Congratulations!!! Thank you so much for this positive message as we start a new year. Thank you for your visits and kind comments, dear friend! Vicki
Hi Julie, Congratulations! I can't believe you are a great grandma!
Julie, I love that quote by President Benson, is it taken from a talk, do you know??? I would like to use it in my TFOT RS lesson this
month. My e-mail is
AWESOME post! Such a great reminder of the power of faith and positive thinking. Everything works out the way it is intended, so there is absolutely no point in worrying. I finally learned that one and what a difference it makes. :)
Your new great grandbaby is precious! What a wonderful gift for the new year.
Hi Julie,
Oh! what a beautiful baby, i can't believe you are a great grandmother, no way!
Thank you so much for these very encouraging words, I knew when I met you that you were special, you have such a wonderful positive attitude, and I was looking at the picture in your last post of you and you dh on you over night date, so precious, You have such a glow about you Julie,
May your week be filled with many more blessings,
You are such a nice visitor to hill country house - thank you! I always appreciate your comments and reading your blog is wonderful inspiration for me. Hope your new year is off to a great start and from the looks of that precious baby, it must be! Congrats!!
He is a very cute little guy!
This is a very encouraging post...it was just what I needed to read tonight! :)
Oh Julie this is so good and so true too. Congratulations on your new great-grandbaby. You must be the youngest great-grandmother ever!
Congratulations on this precious little addition to your family. You don't even look old enough to be a grandmother much less a great grandmother! Hope you get to see your new grandbaby soon!
I feel so blessed that I found your blog this morning.
What a wonderful post.
It is all to the good, isn't it?
I feel inspired.
I LOVE that post!!! Your great-grandson is precious ~ ♥
Beautiful baby boy, and I love your resilient list! xxoo
You have a lot of favorite things, I think you show yourself as someone who appreciates many different things and especially the memories and people they represent.
Is that an abalone shell in the painting of the flowers ? And I love the rooster plate from William Sonoma..life is very nice there at the Harwoods, and blessed!
he is beautiful, congratulations....
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