The first sight of them in that little knit cap was the moment when my life changed...like water coming to the desert. The joy of watching them figure out something for the first time, the glee of watching them make monster imitations to scare me...it is all so thrilling and fun.

I'd finger-paint more, and point the finger less. I would do less correcting, and more connecting.
I'd take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.

(Diane Loomans)

Why you turn to your grandbabies with all the love in your heart...they await all that you can give them, with giggles and coo's that heal and bless your heart, and theirs!

she is 97 years old.

To me, my grandma was the kindest person in the world. She loved all of God's creations, from the bird singing in the tree to the soft hug of a grandchild. She somehow always knew what to say or do in any situation. I loved it when I'd feel her soft hand slip into mine. That was the best feeling in the world. I loved her very, very much. Come rain or shine, I will always feel that soft hand in mine.
I remember sitting in church as a young child and looking at all the older women, some had such bony laps and arms or pointed noses and chins. Some were tall and had long hair. I couldn't help but make comparisons between these grandma;s and mine. I was convinced that my grandma came right out of the storybook encyclopedia that describes what the perfect grandma is like.
She is round and soft in places that grandmas should be. Her lap is comfortable to sit on; she has the perfect amount of wrinkles, gray hair. and glasses; and she is always smiling...even when she drifts asleep.
When I would sit on grandma's lap, I always felt like the blue-ribbon winner at the state fair. Grandma would examine my hands and fingers, telling me that they were the most beautiful hands she had ever seen. What she wouldn't give to have fingers like mine! My eyelashes were always long and beautiful, my feet were perfect for the sand and water of the beach, and even my multitude of freckles were a blessing. She would run her fingers through my hair, praising it's thickness and color. With each thing she would mention, I felt like I must have been the only one in the world to have dimples or strong legs or two of the best climbing arms or whatever it was that happened to be showcased at that moment.
What a blessing! What a special person I was! She would always say, "Best of all, you have a great personality." (taken from the book; " Glimpses"..the story of Marjorie Pay Hinckley)
" No matter how old a mother is she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement...but the grandchildren......they are already perfect!"
I remember sitting in church as a young child and looking at all the older women, some had such bony laps and arms or pointed noses and chins. Some were tall and had long hair. I couldn't help but make comparisons between these grandma;s and mine. I was convinced that my grandma came right out of the storybook encyclopedia that describes what the perfect grandma is like.
She is round and soft in places that grandmas should be. Her lap is comfortable to sit on; she has the perfect amount of wrinkles, gray hair. and glasses; and she is always smiling...even when she drifts asleep.
When I would sit on grandma's lap, I always felt like the blue-ribbon winner at the state fair. Grandma would examine my hands and fingers, telling me that they were the most beautiful hands she had ever seen. What she wouldn't give to have fingers like mine! My eyelashes were always long and beautiful, my feet were perfect for the sand and water of the beach, and even my multitude of freckles were a blessing. She would run her fingers through my hair, praising it's thickness and color. With each thing she would mention, I felt like I must have been the only one in the world to have dimples or strong legs or two of the best climbing arms or whatever it was that happened to be showcased at that moment.
What a blessing! What a special person I was! She would always say, "Best of all, you have a great personality." (taken from the book; " Glimpses"..the story of Marjorie Pay Hinckley)
" No matter how old a mother is she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement...but the grandchildren......they are already perfect!"
Loved this post! So very true!!!
I love to be with my grandchildren! They amaze me and I just want to sit and watch them or hold their little hands and listen to them tell me things! :-)
You have beautiful grands.
(...well, not as beautiful as mine..... LOL)
Enjoy your day.
This last to two is the sweetiest ever! O the dreams of those care free days of our youth but with grand children you can re-play and re-play over and over as often as they the grand children gather around you - making life that much more filled with pure joy.. That's in my heart forever and always!
So precious! What a sweet family you have.
What a beautiful, lovely post Julie! You are truly blessed with all the gorgeous grandchildren!! That baby girl in the red dress just stole my heart!!! I am starting to get Grandma Envy, a thing I would have never guessed I would have. My Mom's Mother would have been 97 now, that is so amazing to have Grandma Hayward. Hugs, cindy
I look forward to the day that my boys will marry and I will have grandchildren as well. I love the bathtub photo- so adorable!
Come and visit if you get a chance:)
What a beautiful post this was. I feel the same way. I can't think of anything I have done that has been more wonderful in my life that being a Grammy to these wonderful little people.
These grandchildren of yours are absolutely adorable.
The little guy wearing the brown and white striped sweater in about the third picture down could be the BROTHER of our grandson, Mackinley. I'm not kidding you - - - I think he looks A LOT like Mackinley, who is himself a "clone" of his Uncle Kelly, our oldest son.
Here is a link to my daughter's blog and pictures of Mackinley. See if YOU see the resemblance.
Wonderful post!! Your grandchildren are beautiful, each and every one of them. I am nursing a cold and have not got to see mine in 4 days!!! I am in withdraw....
Love this post. You have every reason to be proud of all these darlings.I know exactly where your coming from in this post.
Thanks for all the beautiful words and pictures
oh...the most beautiful post I've ever read...I'm not sure if I want to cry or smile so hard I hurt!
How completely beautiful that you have such love surrounding you, I hope and pray it will always be:)
Your words are priceless! The pictures of your little treasures even better.
Yup, they are beautiful.
You are an awesome granma, I can tell.
so so sweet. WOW' you have TONS of granchildren. Love that little one in the all nit outfit and booties, that is a precious little doll. COARSE' they all are. ENJOY ENJOY!
I never could EVER believe that anyone loved being a grandmother as much as I do, but I think I have met my match. I too would rather have the company of these little ones than all the adults in the world. Happy for you AND happy for me! Enjoy those babies!!!
I like the quotes you peppered among the photos of them...you have a bunch of sweethearts there!
Oh I truly enjoyed the photos of your grandchildren... they are a beautiful blessing~
The Marjorie Pay Hinckley story is so wonderful. I will have to share this with grandmothers I know!
Julie, I'm enjoying your blog so much~ Thanks for being here!
Your grandbabies are adorable..I can't wait to have one of my own one day. I want to be a grandma just like you sweet friend....how blessed they are to have you.
I got a little teary reading this post. It's a great one! I love(d) my grandparents with all my heart too. My mom and I lived with them until I was 4 and my mom remarried. They just loved me unconditionally and I felt so safe and secure when I was with them. When I was a teenager I didn't want to disappoint them so I stayed out of trouble. I know we have a great influence on our grandchildren because mine had a great influence on me. Mimi
What beautiful little grandchildren you have Julie. They are so beautiful! You are very blessed my friend!
Your grandchildren are so beautiful, and I agree with everything you said about grandchildren! What fun you have Julie, and to have Great-Grandma Harward around, a true blessing for all of you. I think the Harwood home looks like a warm inviting place to be and you are obviously a hospitable and loving lady.
I especially like the last quote, that is so true~
Oh honey, you thanked me for my visit. Do you see my little face in your follow list? You won't be able to get RID of me now!!!
I forgot to ask you...do you like being a grandma??? HA HA Until I have grandchildren, yours can officially be the cutest! They really are beautiful kids - even Miss Green Teeth (is that genetic??) ha ha ha Have a great day ~ ♥
Oh, Julie! You're making me cry! I love this post about grandchildren. Yours are so adorable. Prayerfully I will experience this grandmother feeling around the end of March. I just can't wait.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Precious Julie... I actually look forward to that part of my life someday. It's going to be such a treat and I know I will thoroughly enjoy it. You have beautiful grandbabies!
BEAUTIFUL! Every last one of them. I absolutely love the pic of the little doctor tending to the bear. :)
beautiful post Julie. What a sweet blessing to have grandchildren- so much fun. I can tell you are a great Grandma- mine call me MiMi :)
Such a lovely post Julie...and so ture, I know my mom is just smitten with my little punk, and she feels exactly the same way you do. She goes out of her way to show him so much love it oozes out of her body! Thanks for sharing, your grandchildren are all gorgeous and certainly loved!
You captured the feelings of grandmothers everywhere. Grandchildren are the best and most precious gifts ever. I love Glimpses". I enjoy all of Sister Hinckley's books and quotes. What a charming grandma she was.
Your grands and great grand are so beautiful and lucky to have you as their very own. Thank You for another beautifully written post.
Mine are bring such sunshine to my soul:)
Savor the joy of today!
Wonderful post Julie & such precious grand babies ♥
i love your post! i have 5 amazing grandchildren and i have those same feelings. darling grandkids you have!
Hi again I wrote about how wonderful post this was all about your grandchildren to the few readers I have. Because your words are so delightful with every photo -- had to share with them because also I see you as a remarkable women ---
your post is sooooooooooo wonderful. grands are thee best. i want to encourage parents that "it'll be worth it when the grandbabies come," but you cannot understand it until the moment you look into the eyes of your grandchild! ahhhhh....gift of God.
What a sweet post. Wonderful photos!
I love the cutie in the bubble bath...how funny!
They are all so PRECIOUS!!!
And what adorable grandchildren they are!!! You surely are blessed! I love my one and only grandson!
So precious...
Beautiful grandchildren. Wonderful words of wisdom.
This was so sweet...love your memories of your own grandma! And all the photos are fabulous! :)
So precious! You are so blessed. blessings,Kathleen
In a word...sweetness.
My goodness, what a wonderful family!! And you certainly do not look old enough to have grown children, nevermind grandchildren, and nevermind a GREAT grandchild! You are a very beautiful lady, very young looking! :) Thanks for sharing your pics - they were all so nice!
Best regards,
I'm afraid I have missed out on all this,not having had any children and therefore grandchildren...but I have the joy of being an aunt...and now have great nieces and nephews too!You have a wonderful family.
Thank you for always leaving me nice comments. I really appreciate it. Loved this post! It is a good reminder about what is important when you are a mom to little ones. Looking forward to being a grandparent myself...in a few years! Thanks Julie!
I agree with you 100% about grandchildren. Most of my friends don't have them yet, but I have 6 under the age of 12 and each gives me more joy than my heart can hold. I have 4 more kids whom I'm hoping give me bushels more grandchildren because they just make my heart grow and grow!
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