Friday, January 22, 2010


Remember my little Praline? She came to my door as a little homeless cat, almost starved to death. When I spoke to her, she came right into my arms. I brought her into my home and heart, she has brought so much comfort, love and joy into our lives. This is one of her favorite games..."getch through the chair!"

This Christmas she discovered she could climb clear to the top of out 9 foot Christmas tree...and she did that oft and on through the day!

Every night, her favorite thing to do was cuddle in a blanket on my lap as Ron and I watched some comforted her and me!

A few days ago. I snapped this picture of her...she loved to go behind the sheers and just sit there..hiding!
From the day I brought her into our lives...about once a week, she would go eat and then toss it all up. Lately, she has been doing that everyday. I took her to the vet and after examining her, he said she had stomach cancer. Yesterday, we had to have her put down...I cried all day and am now.
How does such a little creature get into our hearts so much?! I know that one day I will see her again and she will sit on my lap and look long and deep into my eyes, as she always did. Yes, life has it's up's and downs. She was an up and yesterday was a down.

I saw this cake on " Cherry Hill Cottage" blog and decided to make it. It turned out SO good...I had to give 3/4 of it away or I would have eaten it all.

"Pineapple Upside Down Cake"

Just melt 1/2 Cup butter in a Iron skillet
add 1 Cup Brown sugar
arrange 1 can of Pineapple Slices on top of sugar
stick a Maraschino cherry in the hole of the pineapple slices

Prepare a "Pineapple Supreme" cake mix according to the directions...
Pour batter over top of pineapple slices.
Bake at 350* for 45 minutes
Cool 5 min. Flip out onto a tray or large plate.

I went in to take a bath the other day and look who was sleeping outside my horse!

~I love to sit in the bath and look at the sun set~

Our sunset's make the red hills behind our home turn into gold!

There is such peace in God's handy work!

Yes, life has it's up's and downs, some days are so full and rush by so fast and some are so filled with joy, you think it's cloud #9.
Some days are blue, seems like it's January over and that movie Groundhog Day that I never liked!

But life is good, so good... and God heals and blesses and we go on from one learning experience to another...yes I am so blessed... and life is good!

(CHRONICLES OF A COUNTRY GIRL) is having a sweet give a way on Saturday...sweet little glasses with bee's on cute! Go say hi at...


Jenglamgirl said...

Hi Julie~
I am so so sorry to hear about Praline... how sweet of you to take care of her and bring her into your home. All I can say now is at least she isn't suffering.

That cake looks so delish, i have had Pineapple upside down cake that a neighbor made me once... its so good.

THOSE Sunset pics from your bathroom or tub... just stunnig, great shots. Have a good day and cheer up.Jenn

Nora said...

I;m sorry to hear about your wee Praline... but she had a beautiful life with you and your sweet husband.
I really love your posts... I miss it when you dont write for a few days.
You always make me feel good.
((( HUGS ))) to you... dont feel too sad x x

Jules said...

So sad to hear about your kitty.

Your pictures are amazing. That is such a gorgeous view. Nothing like that here in Wisconsin. Just farm land and cows.

becky said...

Oh your poor kitty.Im sad for you,they really bring joy and laughter into our lives dont they?poor thing,she so cute in the first pic she actually looks like she has a smile on her face.

That cake looks delicious, I love anything with pineapple.I would of givine it away some myself, I dont like sweets aropund alot cause you get tempted to eat more than you want,lol.

Photos are really nice.Beautiful sky.

Have a good rest of the week Julie!

Brenda @Just a Bed of Roses said...

Darn, I hoped that your post wasn't going to say that your precious Praline had died and then it did. I'm so sorry, she was so beautiful with those blue eyes.

I too am hoping we get re-united with our beloved children would love that alot.

It's looking spectacular there in your end of Utah...I met someone in Texas that raved on and on about the beauty of the whole state of Utah, they were completely suprised. We live in a beautiful state...thanks for such beautiful pictures, always love to see them.


Dear Julie, I am so sorry to hear you lost your beloved kitty. I believe our pets wait for us in heaven. I hope you find some peace in that.

Treasia Stepp said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Praline. It is so hard to lose one of our pets since they often become like our babies in some ways. When someone stole my Merlin (white male cat) last year I cried for days. I just prayed he was in a better home receiving lots of love and attention.

Deb said...

Hello Julie
I am so sorry to read about your sweet Praline. Her blue eyes were just gorgeous much like a Siamese. What a lovely home & life you gave her ~ I hope your wonderful memories bring you comfort today.
The view from your bathtub is amazing! I would love to find a horse outside my window :-) & that sunset ...amazing!
God Bless xo

Shelia said...

Oh Julie! My heart is breaking about your little Praline! I'm so sorry to hear this. You and your family will be in my prayers. I too feel like we'll see our little pets again one day!
Shelia ;)

Betsy said...

I'm so sorry! I've had to do this twice with kittens who lived with us 16-18 years. Very heartbreaking. And deserve a pineapple upside down cake...all to yourself!

Beautiful pear tree lane said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Julie. Praline was so beautiful. I will be praying for you and your family.

Thank you for sharing the recipe, I haven't made a pineapple upside down cake in a long time , now I am longing for one.

I too have a tub that sits where I can look out and view beautiful sites too. But I must say you had a special treat with your horse, and your other photos are spectacular. You truly live in a beautiful place, and You always seem so thankful and grateful to live there.

Thank you so much for sharing your life with us, You are truly a blessings to me.

Farmgirl Paints said...

Oh your kitty is so cute. I would have been a nervous wreck with it climbing up and down the Christmas tree! Wish I could have some of that upside down cake...yum:)

koralee said...

Oh I am so so so sorry for you loss...I know how hard it is. God does heal. Just know that your sweet kitty is in His loving arms. Love and hugs to you.

Court said...

Sorry to hear about Praline. Josh & I had to do the same thing with our first cat Loiss (she also had cancer) Josh and I both cried for days about it. It's such a hard thing to let go of our pets, but like you said, we'll see them again one day :)

The Garden of Egan said...

I'm so sorry about the kitty! They are such precious creatures.

Your photos of her are priceless.

Linda said...

I am so sorry about Praline! I know how hard it is to lose a beloved furry friend. She had a good life while with you and yes you will see her again and she will curl up on your lap for more love. Bless you.

Beth at Aunties said...

I am so very sorry about the passing of your sweet Praline. She knew a good thing when she came to your loving home.
I too believe we will see our pets we loved again, and what a comfort that is to our family who have lost a beloved pet.
Life is full of ups and downs and I always love visiting you, because you have a special way of lifting each of us UP, even when you are down.
The Pineapple Upside down cake looks SOO good and it has been so long since we made one. Thanks for the reminder.

Much love and sympathy on this January day,

Megan said...

I'm so sorry!
We also found a stray about 6 months ago nearly dead in our front yard.
He's just a kitten but we LOVE him so much already. We would definately have a hole in our hearts if something was to happen to him.
Sending hugs,

ABamaMom said...

Aw, honey. My heart is breaking for you. I know how hard it is to lose a pet who's become one of your babies. I'm so sorry. Hugs.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I am so sorry about your kitty Julie. We have 2, and I know how attached we get to them. I bet she enjoyed her life with you. Your cake looks so awesome, I can't read blogs and stick to my diet, the food looks so good! Those sunsets are outstanding, I really would like to see Utah, I've been to most of the states but not your's as of yet. Thanks for sharing, and keep your chin up. Cindy

Tracy said...

So sorry and sad to hear about your kitty!! They do have a way of getting into your heart!! Dang it anyway!!

Wish you were closer, we would have a girls day out!! :-)

The cake looks delish, thanks for sharing the recipe!!

If I had your tub and those sunsets, I would never get out of the tub!! Hot baths are one of my favorite pastimes!!!;-)


The Gough Inn said...

Aw dear friend so sorry-- we lost out kitty when our dog and our kitty played to hard one day -- they were the best of friends too! I feel your what it's like-- better days are ahead!

Brenda said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Praline. Semding hugs of sympathy your way. The pineapple upside down cake looks great!
Best wishes to you!
Love, Brenda

happeningswithLana said...

Praline was a beautiful cat! Such pretty eyes. I love the picture of her behind the sheer. I have a cat that started out as my daughters about 7 yrs. ago, but he is my baby now. You do live in a beautiful place!!! Love the pictures.
I also believe that we will see our pets again someday. I am thankful that Praline isn't suffering.

Frenchy chick said...

Are our cats Sisters????
We have a retreiver too!!!
Too funny!!!
I am LDS.... Let's be blog buddies. LOve your blog!!!

Cozy Little House said...

I am so, so sorry you lost your sweet kitty. That photo through the curtain is precious. Plant a little garden in her memory and you can visit her there, as I do my Pepper.

Lorilee said...

Oh,Julie, I am so sorry to hear the sad news about Praline! She was lucky to have your family take care of her! The cake looks yummy! You have a beautiful view for a sunset! Mine has electical lines and poles! haha!

debi said...

Julie, I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet little Praline. Animals definitely have a way of taking hold of our hearts.
Your photos are beautiful...the colors are stunning!
Hugs, Debi

Muthering Heights said...

I'm sorry to hear about Praline...she sounded like such a wonderful friend!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

This is a wonderful tribute to a truly beautiful little cat. You enriched her life, made her comfortable, gave her someone to love and loved her in return.

The imPerfect Housewife said...

I'm SO sorry about your sweet cat!!! What a great life you gave her though. It's only 10 a.m. here and my first e-mail I read today was about my dear friend who just had to put her dog to sleep. I better go try some new recipes! You take of you and TRY and have a good weekend ~ ♥♥♥

Diana said...

So sorry to hear about little Praline.

I will try the cake. So you cook the cake right in the skillet?

bellaboo said...

So sorry to hear the sad news that your dear little cat is no longer with you.She was a real beauty. We've had to have quite a few animals put to sleep over the years and it doesn't get any easier.They give us so much unconditional love don't they? We are blessed that they came into our lives and gave us so much joy.


Happy Daisy AZ said...

I'm glad I found your blog. I love the photos of you land. Very pretty!

Gumbo Lily said...

It's hard to say good-bye to friends. Pretty views from your windows.


Mercy Otis/The Stone House said...

Ah Julie. So so sorry. Pets do become such a part of our lives. Can you feel this hug? I'm holding on tight. ♥♥♥

Your sunsets ARE beautiful! We have them here too.
The cake looks way yummy.

Thanks for all the tender comments you have shared with me. I have felt your concern and love. I wish I could have been there just to sit and visit with you about your kitty. Many hugs.

ceekay said...

I am so sorry you lost your precious kitty. They sure get into our hearts...and I know you are missing her. What a blessing that you got to enjoy her and love her!

Maria said...

So sorry about your cat. What darling photos and surly darling memories you have of her.
Connecting with nature and listening to God's whispers will help to soften this hard time. ~Maria

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Oh I am so sorry about your beautiful Praline. I really don't know what to say because I would be crushed if I lost my Tinkerbell. She too was a stray and now she and I are so close.
I wish you lived close to me I have several beautiful cats that are living on my porch and are just so fun and loving.
Take care and I am sorry

Old Centennial Farmhouse said...

Oh, Julie, I and my whole family are the same as you when we lose a pet. They just are so loveable and bring so much to our homes, it truly is a loss when they go....I am so sorry to hear about your little kitty, but I'm hoping God will bring another one into your life to fill the place of Praline (what a cute name!)...

Mimi Sue said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet kittie, Praline. It is always so hard to let them go. We've had a few that have gone on before us and we miss them every day. Good thing we know that we'll see them again one day. Mimi

KathyB. said...

Oh Julie, as I was reading your blog my kitten was trying to catch the mark the curser makes on the computer screen.. I was smiling at the pictures of Praline and then to find out she had to be put down, so very sad. God placed her in your home for her last days on earth. Such a short time, but obviously she had a great time! I am very sorry for you about this.

marĂ­a cecilia said...

oh Julie, so sorry to hear Praline has passed away and know how much it has affected you... but as you say, there`s ups and downs in life and finally one knows that Life is so good to us.
You have such wonderful views to enjoy your life, that mountains are amazing, wonderful, spectaculars, muy, muy bonitas.
Many hugs to you,
Maria Cecilia

Cindy said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Praline! I hope God sends another to your door for you to love and care for. Love all your grandkids photos. My and the girls showing off something yummy. Thanks for visiting me so often!I don't know how you find the time.

Texan in UAE said...

What some people don't know, a little furry creature is a part of the family. I'm sorry for your loss. I just found your amazing blog.