I hope you've got your green cloths lined up to wear for St. Patrick's day...
you got to be ready and on alert, or you just might get pinched!
When I was 7 years old, my brothers and I were walking to school...
I had chosen a cute green dress to wear so nobody would be pinching me!
I was skipping along, bragging to my brothers by singing.."Ha ha, nobody can pinch me."
All of a sudden a BIG truck passed right by us and it scared me so bad I fell in a BIG mud puddle!
I was bawling as my brothers helped me up, we walked the rest of the way with me a soggy-wet-muddy mess.
I think I cried all the way, when we got there I had to go into the bathroom, take my cloths off, sit in my teachers jacket...in the bathroom...most of the day, until they could get my cloths cleaned up and dry.
I was SO sad and embarassed, it was just awful...
But it has been something to laugh about every St. Patricks day!
But it has been something to laugh about every St. Patricks day!
1 cup granulated sugar
1 small pkg. (3 oz.) Lime jello
1 egg
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. Vanilla
Mix well.
Stir in:
4 1/2 cups of flour
and mix until a soft dough forms.
Roll dough out on a slightly floured surface,
and cut out any design you'd like...
shamrocks, circles etc.
Decorate with green sprinkles and bake,
(or) just bake... then decorate them.
Place them on a "ungreased" cookie sheet,
Bake at 400* for 13-15 minutes.
Frost and decorate ( or) dust with powdered sugar.
1 egg
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. Vanilla
Mix well.
Stir in:
4 1/2 cups of flour
and mix until a soft dough forms.
Roll dough out on a slightly floured surface,
and cut out any design you'd like...
shamrocks, circles etc.
Decorate with green sprinkles and bake,
(or) just bake... then decorate them.
Place them on a "ungreased" cookie sheet,
Bake at 400* for 13-15 minutes.
Frost and decorate ( or) dust with powdered sugar.
What ever you do...don't get pinched! Keep your eyes wide open and don't go around bragging that nobody can pinch you or you just might get embarassed like I did!
Have a fun time with it all...I used to love to make breakfast or dinner with everything being green, it was a lot of fun for me and my kids!
I'll leave you with this...
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rain fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hands.
I'll leave you with this...
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and the rain fall soft upon your fields.
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hands.
What a sweet blessing to leave us with. I LOVE sugar cookies...any color will do:)
oh, can i hug you? my heart fell when you said you fell into that mean ol' muddy hole. i could just picture it. mean truck too!
i do like the irish blessing!
These images are so so adorable, all of them! I wish you a Happy Happy St. Patricks Day, Julie!!
a Great day in Gorgeous Green =)
OH! That is so sad about you and your pretty green dress. However, you lime cookies look really good! I think I might try one! Thanks for sharing! Have a glorious day! -Suzanne
Awww I felt bad reading your story about falling in the mud, I think all kids go through something similar, I remember once in grade school I was wearing some tights and I could feel a bug crawling around near my knee inside my tights, I didnt know what to do,I could not just pull them down to take it out,I just ran out of the class room..... took me a long time to get over that.
That Irish blessing is a favorite of mine! I remember always looking for something green to wear to school whether clothes, socks or a pin because I did not want to get pinched! :0)
Happy Monday!
Oh those cookies just look too good. I will have to try them definitely!!
And I do love the Irish blessing...especially the part about God holding us in the palm or His hands. :-)
Oh some of the trials and tribulations we suffered when we were so young that STAND OUT in our memories even to this day. That St. Patricks Day will always be remembered. It sounds like you have been doing very well to make fun and precious new memories to erase that one bad year!!!
Thanks for a sweet post! hugs.
Cute picture and a sweet blessing.
I have never heard of Lime Cookies before but they definately would be perfect on the Day of the Wearin of the Green!
I used to have a mug that had an Irish saying on it.....
An Irishman is never drunk
as long as he can
hang on to a blade of grass
and not fall off the face of the earth!!
Woo Hoo!! Have a great evening!!
Yummy! Lime cookies!
The wear'n o' the green is a big day indeed! I can't wait to make these cute green cookies...if I'm extra LUCKY all the calories won't count...Hee Hee!
Good afternoon Julie!
I can just picture your muddy dress, what a tragedy!
But, it's a good lesson and has turned into a good memory.
I can relate.
When I was little, we visited my grandfolk in Greenriver. I danced on top of a red ant hill proclaiming to the whole world that I was too fast for an ant to bite me. OUCH! Well, several huge ant bites later, and me sitting in my undies in the bathroom, getting salve applied to my bites: I learned to never be so bold and brag ever again. :)
Thanks for the yummy cookie recipe. I think I'll give it a try.
Have a wonderful day !
Aww, Julie! You are so sweet. You have cute stories, sweet pictures, poetry and yummy recipes for just about every ocassion imaginable! :)
What a cute post!! Sad story, scrumptious looking cookies, thoughtful Irish blessing and great eye candy. Leave it to clever you to cover all the bases!!
Thanks!! :-)
Fun post and cute story...I will have to give the cookie recipe a try!
Oh poor you, that wasnt at all nice.I bet you felt embarrassed I would of been too.lol
Ah I remember the St. paddys days we had.My husband was Irish.His mothers mother(his grandmother) came straight from Ireland.When he was small she would sing to him and his 3 brothers all kind of Irish songs.
When the girls were little we didnt dare forget the wearing of the green,lol.They both went to a private school and the nuns allowed them to dress in green and some boys even dyed their hair green lol.Oh I remember those days well, thanks for bringing back some special memories Julie!
Loved the cute story of your school days! My husband just returned from Ireland. Our daughter met and married an irish man this past year and they traveled to meet the in laws! They will be here in the states in July for a visit with us.So I am sure we will think of St Patricks Day more than we ever have before. Love the post. Missed your visits. Lorri
What a cute story. I used to tell everyone they couldn't pinch me because I had green eyes :-)
We wear orange on St. Patrick's day, in honor of our Protestant Irish heritage....does that protect me from getting pinched? :)
Oh what a story about the mud! I guess that is why I rarely am seen in a dress. LOL.
The cookies look fabulous too!
I am going to have to try those delicious cookies! YUM
Lime cookies...oh my these I will be making...I have never had them before and I so love LIME! Your story is so cute...yes I remember those days in school where you just had to wear green! xoxo
Hi, Julie,
I remember wanting to wear green so I wouldn't get pinched at school. I enjoyed your childhood memories of St. Patrick's Day. Thank you for the wonderful Irish blessing! Have a lovely week! Vicki
What a sad story... is that what you get for teasing your brothers... ha ha! BUMMER! those cookies sound delish.. and festive too. I don't decorate for St. Patty's but we do sport green and I do a green bkfast... green milk, green waffles, and gree scrambled eggs. HUGS, JGG!
the Lepracaun visits us each St.Patricks day- he turns the milk green and always leaves us green frosted cinnamon rolls!!!!!
Your cookie recipe looks so yummy!
I've always loved that blessing! A cute post...the cookies look very festive! Also love the image of the little girl and dog. (I love children and animals too.) Have a wonderful week. :o)
Never had that St patrick's day in France, so i never got pinched...LOL. Hum those cookies look good and the kids would love it. Easy too.:)
Gros bisous
What a funny story! I missed so much being an only child :(
What I lacked in kids being around I made up for with animals!
Have a good day, sweet friend!
xo, misha
Sad! Muddy stories dot every woman's life, I fear! Lime cookies! GREAT idea! Planning my green . . .
What a cute blog yo.u have here--keep up the good work! I will tell my daughters about these cookies so they can try her hand at making them. They look yummy. :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Many blessings...
Oh my, what a story!
I love that card, too, and have a copy I put out every March! :)
Julie...I'm sooo enjoying my goodies! :)
I'm not a fan of green, but those cookies sound delicious!
I never heard of the pinch thing....what's that all about?
What a darling recipe!! I LOVE St. Patricks day and will have to try this. How cool!!
Nice to meet you, Julie! Thanks for stopping by to visit me and leaving a sweet comment! I LOVE your home, OMG those rocks are gorgeous. Reminds me of the red rocks in Sedona, AZ. Julie, I looked back thru some of your blogs to get to know you. Girl, you are way too young to have all those children, grandchildren and a great-grandson. Oh my! You must be drinking from the fountain of youth. Ship me some:)
Love that sweet baby girl, Ella Mae. I just think little girls are precious and love kids being named for someone special. The Ultrasound picture is awesome. It amazes me how they can do that. Cutest little baby laying on it's back, awwwwwhhhhhh!
Anyway, cookies look delicious and it was sad what happened to your cute little green dress. Sounds like you had some good teachers at school to help you out. Cute little girl, I bet... even with a muddy dress.
Alright, better get busy! Hugs to my new friend and thanks for stopping by way of Julie's. Isn't she precious?
Have a blessed day!
The lime cookies look great!!! Yum...I love lime!
And, I JUST noticed, that is YOUR house in the pic!!! What a beautiful view! I think I might love to wake up to that view every morning. Do you live close to ANY neighbors? It looks like you are in the middle of nowhere.....BEAUTIFUL!
Lime cookies look delicious!!
OH YUM - the cookies!!! OKAY...funny that we DO have the same post title. I think I know what happened. There is no way I could have come up with such a good idea on my own. Maybe I read yours earlier, and it stuck in my head. That has to be it!! It's to smart for my own good!
Awwww that is so sad you fell in the mud puddle....BUT, as you said it does make a great story now...lol.
Lime cookies huh....sounds good to me!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day.♥
OH NO! I can see you in your cute little dress, too.
Those cookies look yummy. All of your recipes are always great. I will be trying these out -- love the lime jello addition! Fun.
Oh, this was such a cute story. Sorry it happened to you, but at least it is a laughing memory now. The same thing happened to me when I was walking to school on the day of our much anticipated school trip out of state. Although, I didn't fall into a puddle, a car splashed mud all over my pants. Arrrrh.
Oh no! Your pretty little dress and your hurt feelings! I remember something similar happened to me, but it was some new shoes...
I'm gonna try that cookie recipe. I love anything lime and what a great excuse for green cookies! And thanks for the Irish blessing!!!
Oh I just loved that story!! I felt so bad for you I could have just went out and bought you a new little dress!! :( I found you from my sister and Julie!! I enjoyed your blog and will become a follower!! I can't wait to try out the lime cookies!! Enjoy your day...Blessing from Georgia!!
The "Irish Blessing" makes for a great song. My mom is born on St. Patrick's Day. Corned Beef and Cabbage was the dinner on that night.
I bet your green dress was very cute! Too bad, it had to get wet!
Hi Sweet Julie,
Those cookies look so "St Patrick's Day!" LOL
I like your little image too and what a cute little story you told!
Thanks for your sweet comment too!
I love CLR, I wonder why it didn't work for you? I can't live without it! LOL
Hugs, Ann
One of my mom's favorite quotes here. And I can sympathize with you about the wet clothes. In the old days, parents couldn't just jump in the car to bring you fresh clothes. I had a similar experience in my youth. I felt so sad all day until my clothes were dry.
Very cute post. So sorry about your horrible memory in grade school. That would be traumatizing.
I'll have to try to the cookies.
Love the green!!
Awww....I bet you felt awful walking into class all wet too!
Your cookies are so pretty and perfect for St. Patty's Day. Have a good one!
Julie, loved the story and definitely going to make these cookies. Guess I am actually off work that day but will do them for the family.
Happy St. Paddy's day Julie! Those lime cookies sound good!!!
I'm half Irish so I do like St Patrick's Day. Those cookies sound delicious. They'd be a nice treat for my VT ladies. So funny about your soggy green dress. Mimi
Oh I almost forget, March is St.Paddy's day...gotta get something green to wear, maybe I'll pluck some evergreen salal leaves and fashion a Northwest Green corsage for the day.
The cookies look good Julie~did you save me one?
lime cookies? heaven!
thanks for the recipe.
was noticing that you like old movies.
have you ever seen "harvey" with jimmy
stewart? my mother in law played the
nurse, peggy dow.
it's a darling movie.
Another beautiful post. I have to get you into my sidebar...I keep missing these!
Oh, Julie, I love this image too. I have two cookie tins with the same image. So cute!
Sad mud puddle incident!
Nice visiting! ldh
How did I miss this post? Love all the green--and those cookies look wonderful! I'll be making those for my girls this week--thanks for sharing!
Hope you're having a lovely day!
I love that toast...and those cookies...YUM!
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