Some would gather money along the path of life;
Some would gather roses, and rest from worldly strife.

But I would gather children from among the thorns of sin;
I would seek a golden curl, and a freckled, toothless grin.
I would seek a golden curl, and a freckled, toothless grin.

For money cannot enter in that land of endless day;
And roses that are gathered soon will wilt along the way.
And roses that are gathered soon will wilt along the way.

But, oh, the laughing children, as I cross the sunset sea,
And the gates swing wide in Heaven...I can take them all in with me.
This sweet baby girl is the youngest of our grand babies,
her name is
Ella Mae, she is named after my mom.
And the gates swing wide in Heaven...I can take them all in with me.
This sweet baby girl is the youngest of our grand babies,
her name is
Ella Mae, she is named after my mom.
She is going to have her first baby, due the end of July.

2 days ago they found out that they are having a little girl.
I got to go and be with my daughter as she had the ultrasound,
it was my birthday...
it was a grand birthday gift to me!
In this shot, you can see her face...she already has her daddy's nose!
It was so much fun to spend my birthday with two of my daughters, getting to see the new baby to be, shopping and going out to eat, playing with grand children...
All things I love to do best of all. It was an awesome birthday!
Now...I'm off to catch up on all your blogs!
It was so much fun to spend my birthday with two of my daughters, getting to see the new baby to be, shopping and going out to eat, playing with grand children...
All things I love to do best of all. It was an awesome birthday!
Now...I'm off to catch up on all your blogs!
That is a gorgeous daughter that you have! Congrats on getting to spend your birthday with her getting an ultrasound. So cool.
Loved the poem. I have to agree!
Ella Mae is gorgeous. Just beautiful. Congratulations on soon welcoming a new grand daughter into the world!
congrats on a new granddaughter coming your way! we are expecting our fourth sept. 1 and will find out next month what we are having! exciting! we have 3 girls so i'm thinking its time for a boy:) we shall see....i'll be happy with whatever comes!!
Beautiful baby pics! Congrats to your daughter and the new arrival coming soon! We definately need more babies in this world! Have a lovely day! -Suzanne
Hi my friend, I agree with you 100%. What a special way to spend your birthday, nothing could be better. Your daughter is beautiful and the baby is frowning. How wonderful.
Thank you for that sweet poem.
Love Ya
Julie I need to speek with you please.email me @ rebbamochaa@gmail.com Im so sad.
Sorry , i could not leave comments before, but blogger was out of order!Ilove the pictures of your grand daughter! thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures with us. Hugs Catherine
Julie~ what a beautiful precious darling grand daughter. I just love those pictures of her in her tulle tutu! Beautiful daughter and son in law too! How exciting for them!!! What a great way to celebrate your birthday! Hugs, JGG
Love the name Ella Mae. So very fun! Congratulations! ooxx`jodi
Ella Mae is adorable!
Congratulations on the new granddaughter coming.
Maybe YOU can see her little face in that ultrasound, but I sure can't! I failed "Ultrasound Reading 101"
Nothing better than Grandgirls, I have three, ages, 5, 3 and 1.
I was at each delivery, a cherished time.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What a magical gift for your birthday, Julie! Your daughter is just beautiful, and so will her daughter be!
Love the sweet photos of Ella Mae--what a beautiful name! Hope you're having a wonderful day-after-your-birthday day--enjoy it all!
Sweet Ella Mae is so adorable as is Lindsay (Lindsey:)!
What a beautiful gift for your birthday to find out you get another sweet little girl to bless your life. I too love the poem and it is soo true!
You have been blessed with a beautiful family ~♥
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Ooow Julie, your daughter Lindsey is so so pretty! Your sweet little baby girl will be a precious pretty princess! Love that sweet little poem .... The pictures of Ella Mea are awesome! Just like her name ... Love the fourth picture, so so sweet!
Have a lovely day, Julie. You've got heavenly things to look out for .... Enjoy the pre-joy!
What a darling grand baby and daughter you have. Don't you just love good news. Happy Birthday. Janis
What a precious little gift! I'd gather babies if I could too... I love 'em! :)
Ella Mae is so precious, and Lindsay is very pretty. What a wonderful birthday present finding out the sex of your new granddaughter! Congratulations on the new grandchild!
LOVE the baby pictures!!! DARLING!!!
Your daughter is GORGEOUS!! Congrats on the upcoming grandbaby girl!!
Glad your birthday was great...just like you! :-)
Congratulations !
Congratulations !!!
What a blessed life you have Julie. Congratulations. What a doll baby you have there as well!
Congratulations Julie!
Your daughter is so pretty and your granddaughter is just adorable!!
So many pretty pics of her.
You are so blessed!
Hugs, Cindy
Ella Mae ~ CUTEST little girl EVER!! The most adorable pics. And congrats on another granddaughter!
Ella Mae is absolutely gorgeous. What a precious smile!! Congratulations on another sweet grandbaby. I love those grandbabies. I agree with you too. I love all babies, I wish that every baby, child could get all of the love and comfort and security that they need. I feel so fortunate that I have a healthy, happy and very much doted on grandbaby. I can't wait for more. I wish all children could be doted on like my grandson!
What a wonderful birthday present,to get to see your grandchild on the ultrasound.that is amazing!..you can see the baby so clearly.What a dear little grandaughter you have too,such a happy little thing.I must say on your photos you look way too young to have all those grandchildren!!
I hope YOU had a bit of spoiling on your birthday,and had a great day.
Bellaboo :o)
Hello, Julie,
That Ella Mae is a living doll!! I love her sweet name, too, named after your mother. Happy Birthday a little late my sweet friend! Congratulations on new granddaughter on the way! Hope your week is filled with fun and laughter and everything you love! Vicki
Ella Mae is a princess . . . You look too young to be a Grandma!
Adorable pictures.....What a sweet baby!!!! And another on the way!!! I agree totally with you,,,,shopping, eating, playing with the babies.....doesn't get any better than that!!!
OOOOH mymy !!! Be careful Mrs Julie, we can see your authentic heart and oooh how loving and beautiful, a heart filled with God and Family, I can truly see God has blessed you abundantly through your faith and your absolutely beautiful family. Those pictures are awesome and I love the quote. I will have to copy it and save it! If thats ok! Many more Blessing, Faith filled Sister, Deborah
Hi Julie! Oh, look at that precious little Ella Mae! Oh, she is so adorable and I want to hold her and kiss her! I love that cute little grown up lady outfit and pearls she has one! ;)
Your daughter is so beautiful, Julie and congratulations on another little one to come into your family! I love those ultra sound pictures! How precious!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Darling baby...love the first photo of her! Congrat on being a grandma again...babies would be a perfect thing to gather. Sandra
Your grandaughter is soo cute.I love the name.Congrats to your daughter hope all goes well for her.Lucky you all the new babies,lol.
A very Happy Birthday to you Julie ,Ella Mae is beautiful, and that smile!
Lindsey is beautiful too, and congratulations to her and her husband. They are a beautiful couple, and the ultra sound was very readable to me, and it looks as though you are going to have another beautiful granddaughter.I am so glad you had a special birthday.
Thank you for visiting and for always leaving such a sweet comment.
So many blessings you have! A lucky girl you are!
Happy Birthday!
xo, misha
OH you have a wonderful family! Your grand daughter is so beautiful. Love the poem, I feel the same way about kids :)
WOW your daughter is gorgeous, what a sweet couple!
I gave an extra hug to Zacky for you, thank you :)
Wow, Julie! There are very beautiful women in your family~ all of you!
Congratulations on this most awesome blessing and gift from above. Tender, precious and amazing from head to all ten toes ♥ God's love is so great!
You have a beautiful daughter and congrats to them and you for the baby. Ella is a CUTIE!!!!!
Happy Birthday to you!!!
What a beautiful baby, oh, excuse me, what beautiful babies! And your daughter too. What a great way to spend your birthday. Hope this year brings you all kinds of pleasure.
Rats, I accidently deleted my comment. What beautiful babies, the girly one with the pearls and the one still inside. And your daughter is beautiful too. No wonder you are such a happy and contented woman. I hope this year is a great one for you. Happy belated birthday.
Aloha Julie,
Thanks so much for dropping into to visit, I love the darling babe photos, she is a doll.What exciting times you are having, watching your posterity arrive has to be the BEST!!
Family is everything, so glad your cup is running over with Joy!
aloha hugs from Hawaii
Awww, beautiful pictures to go with a beautiful poem :)
Congratulations, so many beautiful women and girls in your family~ you are so blessed!
Gorgeous photos!
Seriously now - I thought that your granddaughter, in the photo in with you in your profile, was your daughter. I'm so not kidding. I was literally reading this post and then went back to the top of your blog because I couldn't imagine whose blog I was reading with a baby that looked like yours! Knocked me on my butt!!
Oh my goodness where do I start.
Ella Mae is SO beautiful! Those pictures are to die for-the tutu, the headbands-cutest ever!!!
Your daughter is also gorgeous!! Wonderful wonderful that she is going to have her first baby:)
Your birthday sounded perfect!
You are a woman of great wisdom! And that baby girl made my heart take a picture.
Oh Julie,
How sweet, special and sacred. Life begins at conception. amen.
I know you are just waiting to see another little precious girl. I am so happy for you. And what a birthday present. Happy birthday from one bloggy sister. Thanks for sharing something so precious with us. Isn't technology simply amazing? We can see the unborn child in the womb....Awesome.
What a gorgeous, gorgeous little girl and the poetry reall touched me. Thank you.
oh, sweet babies.....
Happy Birthday Julie ~ what a wonderful day you had celebrating your special day ♥ Ella Mae is precious & Congratulations on the newest soon to arrive grandbaby xo
You have such a beautiful family. Your youngest grandaughter is adorable and so is the little one that will be born soon. How exciting!!!! Hugs, Lia
There is nothing more precious than babies and children. Happy Birthday and congratulations on the new soon arrival! blessings,Kathleen
Yes, we have so much in comment. That's crazy!!! The names and pets....Oh we have chickens too...Church...Hummm we were meant to meet...So happy. XOXO
That baby is so adorable! Is that red hair I see? I have a red-headed daughter and she always got so much attention when she was little. People would come up and touch her hair! Now she's 17 and gets lots of compliments. Congratultions to your daughter and son in law! How exciting!
Happy Birthday to you! It sounds like you had a great day!!!
What gorgeous pictures of your granddaughter and your daughter! How thrilling to be able to go with them to see the ultasound, I could see her perfectly! I always started praying for my grandchildren even when they were still in the womb. What a blessing!
Your granddaughter is precious.
Loving that name Ella Mae.
Congrats on the next baby girl coming and well Happy birthday too!
Julie you have such beauties in your ever growing family- it's so much fun, isn't it? We have a new one coming in just a few weeks- her name will be baby Grace. My babies call me Mimi- do you have a sweet G name?
Hi Julie,
Thanks so much visiting me. Your blog is a delight! Your grandbabies and grandbabies on the way are beautiful!!! A wonderful way to spend your birthday.
I will be back soon!.
Congratulations - that is so exciting Julie! And how sweet that your granddaughter is named after your mom!
I must confess...I copied your button but made mine pink...I didn't know where to find one at and I couldn't punish myself again trying to make one from scratch. I received two of those sweet pass along awards this past week and would have had to come up with 25 new links. I just don't have the time or inkling to do such things but I will accept 15 seconds of fame from others who are kind enough to feature me on their blog and share my projects and ideas. I know...I'm weird.
You are so blessed! Beautiful babies and that was my mothers anme too!!! Amazing!
congratulations on the new baby to be! all of these pictures are of such beautiful girls!
Beautiful babies--big one and little one!!!
Beautiful daughter! Beautiful granddaughter! Just found your blog...love it!
Happy Belated Birthday, Julie! It sounds like you had a truly wonderful day and you so deserve it....you raised marvelous children and now you are reaping the rewards of all your hard and loving work :-) I can't wait to make that ganache cake, thank you so much for sharing!
What an adorable baby! And how fun that another one is on the way...nothing better than babies. :)
Oh, so many happy things and beautiful pictures on your post! Happy Birthday wishes to you! The cake you made not only looks beautiful but sounds delicious too.
Sweet, sweet news about and new little granddaughter on the way! Cute little Caleb (we celebrated our little Caleb's 2nd birthday last night)
Amazing photo with the baby deer!
A treat to visit with you!
Kindly, ldh
You have so many wonderful things happening in your life! Birthdays and Babies. Big Blessings! Your daughter and your grandaughter are just gorgeous. Happy Birthday to you! When was it? I am just trying to catch up with everyone still after my vacation. \
hugs to you!
Ella Mae is gorgeous!!!! How special that another little granddaughter is on the way.♥
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