Hanging out in the warm spots...waiting for Spring,
hoping she hasn't forgot where we live!
I didn't intentionally buy them matching jackets...Zack's was the only xx- small they had
and it just happened to be the same one I had bought earlier for Mr. Bo Jangles!

I went for a walk in the sun without wearing my sunscreen.
I went out of town without making a reservation.
I placed my mouth directly upon a public drinking
fountain and took a sip.
I didn't bother flossing my teeth before bedtime.
I pumped my own gasoline at a self-service station.
I ate the deviled egg instead of the cauliflower with
low-fat yogurt dip.
I bought, without reading Consumer Reports, a new dryer.
I left my checking account unreconciled.
I know that the consequences could be dire,
But sometimes a woman simply has to run wild.
-Judith Viorst-
(by Andy Rooney)
As I grow older, I value women over 40 most of all.
Here are a few reasons why:
A woman over 40 will never wake you up in the middle of the night and ask,
"What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think.
If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around
whining about it. She does something she wants to do,
and it's usually more interesting.
Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with
you in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you
deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they
can get away with it!
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your
sins to a woman over 40, they just know.
Once ( you) get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far more attractive
than her younger counterpart.
Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off
if you are being a jerk, you don't have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately,
it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, beautiful
woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a
fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress.
Ladies....I apologize.
Hope everyone has got a little Spring going on where you live,
I love it when you share some with me!
(by Andy Rooney)
As I grow older, I value women over 40 most of all.
Here are a few reasons why:
A woman over 40 will never wake you up in the middle of the night and ask,
"What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think.
If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around
whining about it. She does something she wants to do,
and it's usually more interesting.
Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with
you in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you
deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they
can get away with it!
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your
sins to a woman over 40, they just know.
Once ( you) get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far more attractive
than her younger counterpart.
Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off
if you are being a jerk, you don't have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately,
it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, beautiful
woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a
fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress.
Ladies....I apologize.
Hope everyone has got a little Spring going on where you live,
I love it when you share some with me!
You're looking good on your horse!!
Cute post!!
I'm Glad to be a woman over 40!!
What a great story by Andy Rooney. I Love it, I will be in AZ for my 45th B-day on Tues.and your post put a big smile on my face, so so true. Smiles and Blessing, Deborah
Ha, love the Woman over 40 poem~ it describes me pretty well I must say, and I am 30~ WE HAD A GORGEOUS day today blue blue skys, not to cold not to hot! BRING ON THE SPRING. have a good night Julie, HUGS JGG
I love that, Women Over Forty! So true :D Love the picture of you on the horse Julie! It was a wonderful 72 degrees here in North Alabama, so nice out. My Daffodils popped open today.
First!!!!! Cause it's cool n stuff!
Oh yeah I always do that and forget about your blog approval - LOL! Dang - But I am a woman over 40 so I just don't care - I do what I want and I love it!
This is a great post - I LOVE with all my heart that poem about women over 40 - So true!!!
Love the post today !!
here is to us "wild women over 40..."
LOL, I love both of those!!
Great post Julie,
I enjoyed the pictures, and you look great on your horse. I especially enjoyed Andy Rooney's thoughts.
So funny, thank you for sharing.
Blessings, Sue
I loved the over 40 poem lol.Andy Rooney is hilarious.
Well today was a gorgeous day here.It was about 55 should I repeat that LOL.But tonight the rain is moving in,the snow has all melted all of the 24 inches...cant believe its all gone.
Have a great friday Julie! Im thinking about baking those awesome lime cookies.I had some strawberry jello and lime in the cupboard.So Im going to try them soon,I will let you know how they turned out!~~Becky
I love horses!!! How fun. Golden retrievers are so beautiful. Your dogs are so cute all warm!!!
Love the pup pictures...so cute! But my favorite is Cougar smacking his lips at the pie!
Loved this Julie. Oh my but I miss Andy Rooney. He was always the best part of 60 minutes in my opinion. We don't get that show over here. Loved the doggies and of course YOU! xxoo
You have some beautiful dogs Julie! And boy, do they love the sun on them. What a life! The Andy Rooney story is so priceless and true! Cindy
I loved the Andy Rooney one! So cute and soooo true.
Ya, I need me some spring!
You are so spoiled with all those cute dogs! I want to wear that cowgirl outfit, I really do! And Andy? Well that's about the best thing he ever said! Wonder what he thinks of us over 50 girls?
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll!
Dogs just make a home, well...HOME, don't they? I love the poem about women over 40 especially since I am a decade ( or more ) past that age.We older women are pretty blessed aren't we, especially when we acknowledge we have attained this not so young age with God's grace and hopefully have learned enough to contribute good , wise ,and kind things to those around us.
Aloha Julie,, but I want to call you Jules? I feel like you are an old friend, I sure enjoy my visits and you keep me grounded in my boots that are still on the shelf? who knows maybe we'll go for a ride together some day
sending you warm Hawaii sunshine for a great weekend....xxoo
You pack so much fun and interest into your posts, Julie! I love coming here!
Viorst is funny, funny - I love her books!
Andy Rooney is good common sense. I have a bunch of his quotes in a file.
Thanks for sharing today!
I love the poem by Andy Rooney :).
Where I live we never have all of the seasons. Just comfortable weather for about 5 months and then terrible hot, hot weather for 7 months. LOL. So we are enjoying comfortable weather right now. I wish that I could send some your way!
I love the name of your dogs, especially Bo Jangles :)
Have a wonderful weekend.
Love Andy and love this post.
Didn't mean to alarm your daughter....didn't know it was your daughter at the time....saw Ella/seven months on your side bar of blogs and it captured my attention since I have a 6 1/2 month old granddaughter. My daughter is experiencing the fear or stalkers due to Lila, I totally understand.
Have a good day.
what a wonderful post Julie:)
Love the Andy Rooney women over 40!! We've a little spring going on here on the east coast, crossing my fingers that this is it!!
yes, and I've eaten grapes without washing them first! LOL
Happy Spring Julie! It's here in our neck of the woods at last. We are claving and lambing....in the wind! :-D a sure sign of spring!
Enjoy your day.
Love wild woman, and true about women over 40...their the best!
Doggies adorable and so relaxed.
Good morning!
Oh..why can't it get warm? Where in the sam heck is all this global warming I keep hearing about?!
For some odd reason, I have dreaded every birthday that I have had in my 40's. I keep waiting to be in my 50's! I know...
But, I love your post from Andy.
I am working on loving this decade in my life. Switching gears, and having free time again. It's weird not raising kids.
Have a wonderful day at the temple!
Love your poems today! I thougth the wild woman was hilarious! Your puppies look so cute in their little jackets! AWW!!!
Let's see, the spring in my life right now is all the Canadian Geese that are returning around my work place. I know that Spring is here when they show up, and trust me, they are coming fast and furious and are very loud! Have a fabulous day! -Suzanne
Your gorgeous doggie pics are making me smile!
I have a spring in my step today because it's the weekend and I get to spend more time with my lovely
Bellaboo :o)
ha! so funny!
i enjoy being over forty, except
when i pass a mirror.
luckily, my husband's eyes are
failing at the same rate as my
your dog are too cute, all nestled
in the blankets. ours can cover
himself completely by ootching
under and coming out the other
blessings on you day,
Great poem. I love those matching jackets, they look so cute in them!
Over 40 is the best...love your words and images today. Your sweet animals always delight me. xxoo
Oh how sweet your fur babies are snuggled up in the warm sun!
Love those little coats on the little ones!
There's just nothing quite like a furry friend lounging in the luxury of the beaming sun!
And being over 40...ROCKS!!!!
We will have sunny 70 degree weather this weekend in Arizona...it has rained the past four weekends. But we always need the rain and I have tons of green weeds everywhere and we will have lots of pretty wildflowers and cacti blooming soon.
What a great post. It made me smile.
I needed that. Love the pics of your precious pooches. The piece on Wild Woman....just loved it. Those are my WILD kind of things... When I worked, the girls were always trying to get me to do some of their WILD kind of things. I never did, just laughed with them. One of them asked me one day...Have you EVER done anything WILD in your life Julie???
I thought a little and said, Yes! I just bought myself a pair of RED sunglasses the other day!!! They rolled their eyes at me. and ya know...I did just buy myself a new hair dryer w/o checking consumers reports. My dad would frown!
Love the piece on women over 40 too. My hubby says age only makes a woman better. He thinks I'm more beautiful than ever, and I tease him that I'm glad he needs reading glasses to see things up close,cause that helps me out a lot that he's not wearing them around the house!! (seeing the real me) A little fuzzy helps to blur those wrinkles, yes??? :-)
loved visiting. thanks for the smile.
Your sweet dogs are so cute together! Funny Zack who loves to burrow into blankets... Oh yes, i so welcome Spring. We've had a couple of sunny days, i LOVED it. The buds are slowly turning green and the first purple crocus is so so happy to be in our grass....
Have a wonderful weekend, Julie! xo
Your dogs are so sweet!!
I would love to be hanging out on my front porch soaking up the sun. That is if we ever get some sun....
And no, I don't know your niece personally. Just found her blog and we've been to Alaska 4 times and loved it.
Love those dogs! i didn't know andy Roney was so brilliant. Wonder what his keen observings are regarding us over 50 girls?
Nice pitcha of you on your horse, pretty faboulous to ride a horse! I'd need a fork lift to get me up, and a valium to stay on.
I wish that I could get Maxwell to wear a cute coat.Try it and it was not his thing.
Love the poem.
It was a nice way to finish out my week.Thanks for sharing.
have a great weekend.
As always dear Julie you never disappoint me when I get to stop by. What a beauty you are on your horse. I love this post...
So glad I got to drop by...
You are going to do a story for me on my new project ...I know your busy but would love to have you on there....let me know
A fun post! I love the pictures of your dogs.
Both poems are very cute.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Hi Julie! Look at you on that horse! You look so precious! Look at your doggies!
Thank you so much Julie for your prayers! Be a sweetie and have a great weekend.
Shelia :)
LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! And yes- I am a woman over 40.
Fantastic post, Julie! And let me tell you, I love being a woman over 40. And yes, I even take a walk on the wild side from time to time!! I hope spring arrives very soon for you, sweet friend! Vicki
Love the cute jackets on the dogs! They are looking dapper!
Hi my friend, thank you for this sweet post. It's validated me today. I am so way over 40, and I do walk on the wild side. I have too! I truely am a spring personality, how else would I be me?
Today is a sewing day for St Patricks at the shop. I will post later.
Love ya, have a great day.
Great post once again. I do hope you will play show your S.S. with us, I would love to see your stuff.
Hi Julie..
We just took a ride to MT. Pleasant and the snow is rolling in across the valley. Yuck!
Our Maverick sells coke icees and they are $1.79 each. Just think of the money we'll save :)
Hope you aren't getting this yucky storm over your way. If you are, hunker down and build a warm fire.
Loved the Andy Rooney...oh my...I may have to steal that for my own blog one day soon! ;)
Speaking of being wild....yesterday, I ate my Utah truffle bar...the whole thing...all by myself...in one sitting....yum. :)
CONGRATS CONGRATS JULIE~ YOU WERE NUMBER 3 on my Pay It Forward post. I am so happy I get to send something your way!!! can you please email me at jenglamgirl@gmail.com and provide me your mailing address? thanks so much! ;) have a good night! JGG
Fun post!
Love the doggie coats!!
Sending hugs.
Julie! What a great post!
Love the puppy pics... how cute is the one with Zach burying his head!
and oh the over 40 essay by Andy Rooney~ priceless and correct to perfection ;o)
have a sweet Sunday, Julie!
LOL!!! I guess there are lots of reasons why I should just LOVE being "over 40"! I sure enjoyed your pictures too!
Spring has arrived here I believe...today it hit 80 degrees. The orange blossoms are just starting to bloom and my winter garden is just about done.
Julie, those quotes were awesome. So very funny and so very true. What a day brightening post!
Great thoughts...and had a good laugh over Andy Rooney's article. I love quotes, this one came in today's email...“If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Lewis Carroll
What a fun post! Your dogs are so cute in their coordinating jackets. That first photo could my dog Maxie! He loves to sleep with his head elevated like that!
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