(Clara W. McMaster 1904)
I have been singing this sweet little song from my earliest memory, it has always thrilled my heart to sing it because I have experienced all of these things. I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who has created such a beautiful world for us to live in.
I love it when Spring comes, I can really enjoy my walks and nature as I go each day. I love to discover the many signs of nature, the small buds, colorful bulbs, the signs of life after a long winter, the warmth on my face, it all lifts my spirits like little else can.
I love to spring clean too, I love the smell and the look and feel of a clean home. I like to add new scented candles and oils... the new fresh scents make me happy!
Wishing everyone a Happy Spring!
And now my question to each of you is this....
I hope you'll share with me.
I hope you'll share with me.
Thank you! That is my favorite primary song! I think of my little miracle daughter every time I hear it. I love your pictures, they are so fitting!
As Spring appears....I like to light new candles and make something new for my home! I am working on a bunch of projects-too many, my head is spinning.
But then I realize that I need to go grocery shopping, laundry and help my daughter, so the projects will have to wait for me!
Thanks for your post! Have a beautiful day!
love, Brenda
My favorite part of Spring is 2 things:
1. Getting out in the garden preparing the dirt and then planting the seeds. Cleaning up the winter debry and watching everything turn green and beuatiful.
2. Sitting outside on my back porch and just looking up in the sky. I love the peaceful moments that I can just be still!
I love that song and now I am going to be singing it the rest of the day. I thank you for that!-Suzanne
Oh Julie, such a sweeet post. I so enjoyed reading all of it, and the photos are precious. I am so looking forward to Spring this year. It just feels like a year of new beginnings and fresh starts here at this little cottage. I am anticipating great things from the blessed hand of God. He is good to us in the good and the hard times.
I love to really really clean the house and have a big Yard Sale. I love to get out and work in the yard...although after those days I really ache. I am getting OLD! I love to be able to just fling the doors open and let fresh air flow right in (no mosquitos yet and the air conditioner isn't running!) Love those days. Thanks for a great post!
Hugs to you.
Love this song/poem and the beautiful pictures you choose too. It's so so so true!!! WE ARE ALL SO BLESSED!
I love to SPRING CLEAN too, AND fresh tart melters in spring scents are nice. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to buy bubbles (already have) for my kids and sidewalk chalk, and kites.. it screams laughter... children playing AT the park and warm spring beautiful days. I also love cute sandals and flip flops and painting my toes a pretty spring coral or pink! HUGS, JGG
Let's see...my favorite thing to do...take LONG walks amidst the BLOOMS!
Least favorite thing to do...loose the ten pounds I always seem to gain through the winter.
So delighted you are feeling LIKE YOUR HAPPY SELF!
Thinking about YOU sweetie! ;o)
Spring means camping for us!! The weather at the beach is usually good...we can jump in the motorhome and spend time making sweet memories with the kids! I love Easter too. It is a holiday that is truly Holy to me! Oh...and I LOVE when the lilacs are blooming. They remind me of my Gramma...
Thank you for your wonderful post...
Take Care,
breathe in the spring, clean air deeply!
beautiful post!
Pretty pretty pictures, i love the yellow flowers in the wind... as soon as Spring appears with the first sun rays, i have to grab a chair to sit outside sipping my tea and leaving through a mindfully magazine.
Just like you wrote, the (very first) warmth on my face, SPRING has arrived again, finally ....
Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday! xo
Beautiful post. Thank you. Here in the UAE we don't really have a spring. Winter is spring for us. I really never had a spring, even living back in Texas. Now, when we lived in Germany, those were the greatest springs ever. Thanks for bringing back great memories.
I loved this post!So warm and full of lovely things.
When Spring is coming I love bring out Easter things..I love alot of flowers and plants around.I begin if I have the time, to plan my flower garden.I think of what flowers I would like this year in boxes and how many I need.Not to mention going out and peeking to see if any I have already in the ground are coming up.I love seeing new green and new birth of things.
Happy day to you Julie!~~Becky HUGS!
Oh I love Spring, the smell, the sun, the birds, the new baby animals finding first light...everything is so fresh and ready to bloom! just love it, and the song is very sweet~ Happy Wednesday!
Spring is my least favorite time of the year...we live in West Texas and in West Texas, the wind and sand blows for 3 solid months. It is just not pretty here. Sand storms can send me to bed, with all the blinds closed. It is the ONLY weather I don't like.(well, I don't really LIKE tornados)
So...I always wait until the sand quits blowing and then do SPRING CLEANING...
Have a great day...
xo bj
I have loved that song since I was in Primary. I have been President 3 times and always made sure the children learned it. Thank you for brightening my day.
Beautiful post Julie - Spring is such a wonderful time when you're walking ... you notice all the subtle changes. Do you want me to add your post to my One word A Week Wednesday today ... the word is Walk :-D
Awww, thank you for this! Your picture choices were PERFECT!!! Come say hi when you can!!I am trying to get back in the swing of blogging again!
That was beautiful!
This is also one of my favorite songs. It just makes your heart soar!
When spring comes I feel like getting outside and planting flowers as soon as I can!! Lots of yellow and pink :D
Sweet post...
In answer to your comment about the Peterson relations...I don't think it's the same Peterson's there were a lot of them around. But who knows. Canute helped settle Emery County and he had a large family....
My favorite thing in spring,other than sitting out and enjoying the warmth is RAIN SHOWERS! Cleans the air and smells so good. Well, until the smell of good old Turkey poo fertilizer reminds you spring really is here (O:
Enjoy your week Julie
You are so inspiring! Beautiful inside out.
Great post and beautiful picture.
Hi Julie,
At this time, I am serving in our ward Primary presidency, and so many of the songs are new to me. This is a song that I know well!
I sang it when my kids were in primary (I was serving in the primary then too:)) and I still sing it now.
How blessed we are for a loving Heavenly Father!
My favorite thing to do in Spring, is to feel the grass on my feet. Then, I promptly get digging in the dirt!
Have a wonderful day.
I love sitting out and just feeling the warmth of the sunshine after a long winter. It just feels so good.
Julie...I haev always loved this song, it takes me back to primary, and all the wonderful joys of childhood. I sign it every night to McNeill when I rock her "night night"
When Spring rolls around I love to start planting flowers as well as taking the time to see all the lovely azaleas and dogwoods in bloom.
thank you for always sharing your wonderful and sweet heart with us.
I can tell Spring has put a song in your heart from your last few posts!
I like to get a blanket and lay out in the grass with my kiddos and watch the clouds go by. Simple Pleasures for sure.
Happy Spring!
Hi~ Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit! Love this post...very nice. :) Oh and the first thing I want to do when spring FINALLY gets here...GO OUTSIDE in the warm SUN! :)
One of my favorite songs and love how you did the beautiful pictures with it. love it!
I erased all my bloglist accidently and now your back on. Hope you didnt feel bad I had a few people that took it personal, and it was just me hitting the wrong button at the wrong time and then remembering names of blogs and finding time!
Always love you and your blogging.
Your 5 words makes one stop and think... and that's a good thing. Thanks for visiting. I always love to see your sweet notes there.
It is always good and pleasant to remember the many blessings God has given us, thank-you Julie~
Hi Julie,
Beautiful post!!! Did you really get 13 inches of snow today??? Yikes!!! My favorite thing is to get out and dig in the dirt. Plant flowers and search for little buds popping up from my perennials. Oh, I can't wait! I like a clean house too but boy do I like to get out after being cooped up all winter!
Big Hugs,
When spring comes, I like to walk through the parks and check the flowers or leaves that has comes back
- can you tell me who the artist is on the third photo - the painting with the two people in the rain? somehow that makes think more of spring than anything
Love your "H" day post; I love that song too and your pictures to it are so beautiful. Joni
Hi Julie!
How are you dear ♥ ?
Hoping all is well with you~
Your beautiful images help me to remember all that is a gift, all that is so important in life.
Spring brings new life...
Yesterday I saw the tiniest buds, poking through the tips of the trees... it created such a glow of color against the blue sky (finally ~ blue skies!)
AND pussy willows! so sweet
Love, love, love my walks through our little village...
Love the birdies.
will be cleaning forever it seems!
lots of winter catch-up!
I'm with Teresa on those 10 lbs that need to disappear!
It's so much more fun to try those green lime cookies though ;o)
~take care~
Blessings * Maria
That is such a beautiful prayer!!! :)
I like to get out in the sunshine! :)
H....He was
He is.
He shall be.
A post of faith and glory.
And I am delighted to have read the expressions of your heart.
LOVE this song and loved the pictures you put with it!!
I absolutely love to do Spring yard work, Spring cleaning the house and just plain enjoy being in the sun!!
I LOVE Spring!! :-)
i have never heard this song before and it is beautiful. this year i am excited about spring because i have this notion that i am going to find young walnuts and make the walnut liqueur that i enjoyed in italy!
Julie, I love your H post. You would have an A+ for your first post but you have to put a linkback...which makes it easy for others to read the other students work!
Your photos are Heavenly!
Mrs. Matlock
That's a very sweet song Julie, I've never heard it. Spring is showing up here now too, but it sure has been cold. It's supposed to warm up this weekend, and I'm looking forward to it :-)
Oh I remember singing this song in the OLD Gilbert church primary room many years ago! What great memories! I LOVE your beautiful pictures that go perfectly with all the words.
I think what I love most about spring is getting our yard back in shape....planting flowers, pulling those pesky weeds, getting the garden going. Right now our peach trees have beautiful blossoms everywhere and the orange tree blossoms are almost to burst open! The sights and smells of spring are amazing. Thanks for helping me to remember how very blessed we are!
Thank you my friend...this was so so lovely...I will have sweet dreams tonight.xoxo
What lovely words and images. With the coming of Spring, I really like to walk outside and see the amazing variety of flowers coming in to bloom.
Sweet and crucial post.
Lovely pictures!
Great quotes!
Happy Thursday!
Julie, I love the song and you photographic depiction of it! There could not be a more beautiful H!
thank you for teaching me a new song!
Good Morning Julie,
What a joy and pleasure to come to visit you. This post so inspired me, all of your photos are so beautiful and what a beautiful song.Thank you for sharing. You are such a blessing here in Blogland, your love for God, your family, and friends touches my heart.
I like to get in my garden and plant flowers, herbs, and veggies, just love to feel the soil in my hands.
Thank you for visiting me and for your most encouraging words.
Lovely post and pictures...It appears that you might be in Arizona? Blessings
This was very lovely. My favorite thing is to open the doors and windows and let the fresh air in.
So, so beautiful! I love springtime ... bird singing, flowers blooming, trees budding! My favorite things to do ... planting the garden, sitting outside with a good book and a cup of tea, soaking up the sunshine :) .
I LOVE that song!! My favorites are to throw open the windows and let all the fresh air in and sit on my back porch swing with a good book or magazine. Just being outside is WONDERFUL!!
Dear Julie,
Thank you for coming over for a visit to my blog! You made my day with your sweet comments!!
I absolutely love the photo of your home! How wonderful to live in such a beautiful and peaceful place.
Hugs to you my friend,
Loved your post! Heavenly Father blessed us indeed!
I think that spring really affords us the time to relax and pay attention to the world around us. There's just nothing like watching everything "wake up" and come alive again!
Thank you for this beautiful post!
I do not know that song but you illustrated it wondefully. Thank you
My favorite things to do are to go walking to enjoy the trees and flowers...all blooming things...and to enjoy the warmth of the sunshine. Thank you for the lovely post.
What a lovely song Julie...so sweet and your photos to accompany it are wonderful.
I pore over seed catalogs this time of year. Whether I am going to buy or not does NOT play in...I just love to look at all the things that can be planted! I do love to work in the garden and long to do so at this time of year.
We have 55 degrees today and it is wonderful.
Beautiful post Julie:) I love to take walks, spring clean, listen to the birds chirp, wash my car, ride with the windows down etc... I could go on and on!!!
Julie, I have not read your comments, but I wonder how many of them say they love that soneg. It has always been my favorite primary song since I can remember. I used to sing it to my babies and children when I put them to bed. What a great post!
gorgeous pics :D
So beautiful, Julie...one of the first songs I remember singing, as well...and my children, too. So lovely accompanying those wonderful pictures--beautifully done!
I enjoyed reading this and your photos were so beautiful.
I love to open up the windows and start my cleaning.
It will be a while yet here as we are getting snow showers and it is so cold.
I am still waiting.
I love this post! My little girl sang this solo in church a few weeks ago. Spring! I love the sound of my kids being noisy OUTSIDE as opposed to IN! Hooray!
I love to start working the grounds, bringing home new chicks and baby ducks, and go for long walks with Sophie! Love your beautiful post! blessings,Kathleen
Sweet post :) I think my favorite first-thing-in-spring to do is to pull out the lounge chair on the back deck and sit in the sun with a cold drink and a book, just enjoying the sunshine pouring onto my face.
My favorite thing to do is sit on my front porch and feel the sun on my face...
Do you live in Southern Utah? It looks like red rock country to me.
I live near Park City....
it's a beautiful song!
I love to open the windows while I do my housework and let the fresh air in!..
I also like to watch the birds in the morning while I sit at the kitchen table....simple things really, but I look forward to them...
In the spring I like to get outside before the heat and humidity come and we have to stay inside. I love to see everything nice and green and flowers blooming. We can go for long walks. From May to October we're inside with the A/C running 24/7.
Bautiful post.
Sweet! Love it, I read it twice... beginning to end:) I love to start digging in the dirt and watching plants pop out of the ground. I love to hear the birds singing and that first smell of roses blooming! Have a blessed day!
That has been one of my favorite Primary songs since I was a little girl...makes you grateful for this wonderful world!
Beautiful Post....
When spring appears, I just have to get outside and feel the warmth, smell the fresh air, and make pictures/ha
The very first thing I do is turn the heater OFF and open every window! I love to spring clean to. I got a head start before my surgery so things are in pretty good shape. I love orange oil for the wood. Then the outside beckons and the garden calls. I'll be a dirt digger until the weather gets really hot and then I abandon my digging.
The first thing I do is open the windows and enjoy the fresh warm air! We got up to 60 yesterday and I got to do that...only for a few hours in the afternoon, but it still felt lovely! :)
The first thing I do is make little candy bird nests with my little kids!
Julie, Love, love, love, this post! I love this song, and your pics are great! Were do you find all your neat pics you post? Let me know, if you would. Thanks, Jana
This is such a beautiful post! I love all your photos, especially the father and son hands. My favorite thing to do in the spring is to open the windows and doors and let the fresh air in! Kathy
Wonderful photo and such thoughtful captions.
Made my day...thank you!
hi im a chilean SUD when i see the song i remembered the primary
hugs , Bye.
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